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Building Evacuation

Follow all directions announced over the public address system, and/or directions by a member of the Fire Brigade Team. In the MFA Building you'll be notified by Public Safety officers.

Normally, evacuation at Hunter College is ordered by building and by floor to prevent overcrowding in the stairwells.

The last person leaving an office or classroom should close the door, but should leave the door unlocked.

Use only uncontaminated stairwells. If a stairwell is contaminated with smoke or is impassable because of debris, look for another way out. If you are trapped, notify Public Safety at 212-772-4444 or extension 4444 on the 68th Street Campus. If you cannot get through to Public Safety, break a window and hang a cloth out—preferably a white one—or display some other distinguishing marker for search and rescue teams.

When going down a stairwell, keep your head turned toward the center wall of the stairwell. This precaution will give more protection to your face and eyes in the event of an explosion.

If there is a large-scale disaster and the public address system isn't working (if you do not hear an announcement, assume the system isn't working), use the nearest uncontaminated stairwell to travel to the lower levels of the building following all procedures that would be used during a fire. In the MFA Building you will not hear announcements, but you will be notified by Public Safety officers.

In all instances, before exiting the stairwell look around to make sure it is safe to exit. Be sure to look above you, as debris could be falling. If time permits, wait a few seconds to see if the environment is rapidly changing (debris falling, additional explosions, etc.). If it is unsafe to leave the building where you are, look for another exit.

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