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Graduate Spanish Courses

Below you will find the undergraduate Spanish course descriptions. If you need to see the courses taught in the current semester, please click HERE.

SPAN 701 History of the Spanish Language

SPAN 704 Spanish Theatre from the 19th Century to the Present

SPAN 705 Lyric Poetry from Garcilaso to Gongora

Main currents in Spanish poetry during Renaissance, Counter-Reformation, and Baroque periods.

SPAN 711 Spanish Poetry of Middle Ages

Origins and development of Castilian epic and of lyric poetry, with special emphasis on Poema del Cid and Libro de buen amor.

SPAN 720 Spanish Novel of 16th and 17th Centuries

Genesis and main forms of novel in Renaissance and Baroque periods with special emphasis on picaresque novel.

SPAN 722 Cervantes’ Don Quixote

Analysis and interpretation of content and structure of Don Quixote, Cervantes’ significance as creator of modern novel.

SPAN 725 Spanish Comedia

Dramatic art of Golden Age from Lope de Vega to Calderón de la Barca. Patterns, style, and influence in world literature.

SPAN 730 Spanish Neoclassic Poetry and Essay

New currents in Spanish thought and poetry through 18th century.

SPAN 742 Realism and Naturalism in the Spanish Novel of 19th Century

Development of modern fiction from Costumbrismo to second generation of Naturalistic novelists. Special emphasis on work and significance of Pérez Galdós.

SPAN 750 Contemporary Spanish Poetry

Trends in Spanish poetry from Generation of 1898 to Existentialism.

SPAN 751 Romantic Poetry from Rivas to Bécquer

Distinctive features of Romantic movement in Spain as manifested in work of main Romantic and post-Romantic poets.

SPAN 756 The Contemporary Spanish Novel

Main currents, types, and representative authors of modern Spanish fiction from Naturalism to present.

SPAN 760 Spanish-American Literature: The Colonial Period

From early chroniclers of Indies to Neoclassicism.

SPAN 763 Spanish-American Fiction I: From

Origins through Modernista Novel

Lizardi’s El Periquillo sarniento, Romanticism, Realism, Naturalism, and Modernismo.

SPAN 764 Spanish-American Fiction II: From “The Novel of the Mexican

Revolution’’ to the Present

Development of Spanish-American novel and short story since Modernismo.

SPAN 765 Spanish-American Poetry I: From Neoclassicism through Modernismo

Spanish-American poetry from La Independencia to World War I. Attention paid to development of prosa artística during Modernista period.

SPAN 766 Spanish-American Poetry II: From Post-Modernismo to the Present

Post-Modernismo, Vanguardism, most recent trends.

SPAN 769 Spanish-American Theatre I

Spanish-American theatre from pre-Columbian times through the mid-19th century. Development of colonial theatre. Main theatrical productions which led to the Spanish-American theatre of the Enlightenment, the Independence movements, and the Romantics.

SPAN 770 Spanish-American Theatre II

Continuation of SPAN 769. Study of main theatrical currents in Spanish America from the second part of the 19th century to the present.

SPAN 777 Spanish-American Thought I

The development of the key ideas which led to Spanish-American independence, the formation of its nations, and the principles which characterized their evolution and their identity up to the late 19th century.

SPAN 778 Spanish-American Thought II

Continuation of SPAN 777. Study of the main currents of thought that led to the present characteristics of Spanish America from the end of the 19th century to the present.

SPAN 791 Special Studies in Spanish Literature

Advanced seminar for intensive study of particular writer, trend, specialized problem of language or literature under guidance of specialist. Research and critical analysis as well as appraisal of secondary and primary sources.

SPAN 796 Special Studies in Spanish-American Literature

Advanced seminar for intensive study of particular writer, trend, specialized problem of language or literature under guidance of specialist. Research and critical analysis as well as appraisal of secondary and primary sources.

Spanish courses offered only if student demand is sufficient

SPAN 611 Literature of the Spanish Renaissance and the Counter- Reformation

SPAN 612 Major Authors of Spanish Baroque

SPAN 614 Spanish Literature of 19th Century

SPAN 615 Contemporary Spanish Literature

SPAN 616 Spanish-American Literature from Its Origin Through Romanticism and Realism

SPAN 617 Spanish-American Literature: Modernismo and Contemporary Trends

SPAN 621 Main Trends in Spanish Thought and Art

SPAN 622 Main Trends in Latin-American Thought and Art

SPAN 723 Theatre Before Lope de Vega

SPAN 726 Nonfictional Prose of Golden Age

SPAN 754 The Modern Essay in Spain


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