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General introduction to the course and its requirements. Introduction to Nabokov: life, general characteristics of the work. Problems of bilingualism.

Painting by Ellen van Boggelen-Heutink-

Brian Boyd's Introduction to Speak, Memory

Nabokov's Butterflies with introduction by Brian Boyd from The Atlantic

Vladimir Nabokov. Inspiration (written on November 20, 1972, for Saturday Review)

Vladimir Nabokov. Rowe's symbols

Vladimir Nabokov. Articles about butterflies

'Lords and Owners': Nabokov's Sequestered Imagination by William Monroe

Ember, Translator of Hamlet by Christine Raguet-Bouvart translated from the French by Jeff Edmunds

A Bibliography of Nabokov Criticism by Dieter E. Zimmer

Scraping the Barrel LV's Web Page of Unpublished Vladimir Nabokov

Nabokov Under Glass. An excellent exhibit presented by the New York Public Library.

A chronological guide to Vladimir Nabokov's life and works

2-3 Speak, Memory

Vladimir Nabokov - Drugie Berega. Full Text in Russian

O Window in the Dark! The Early Career of Vladimir Nabokov


01. Anonymous [1962]
02. BBC Television [1962]
03. Playboy [1964]
04. Life [1964]
05. TV-13 NY [1965]
06. Wisconsin Studies [1967]
07. The Paris Review [1967]
08. The New York Times Book Review [1968]
09. BBC-2 [1968]
10. Time [1969]
11. The New York Times [1969]
12. The Sunday Times [1969]
13. BBC-2 [1969]
14. Vogue [1969]
15. Novel [1970]
16. The New York Times [1971]
17. The New York Times Book Review [1972]
18. Swiss Broadcast [1972?]
19. Bayerischer Rundfunk [1971-72]
20. Anonymous
21. Vogue [1972]
22. Anonymous [1972]
3-4 Invitation to a Beheading

Vladimir Nabokov - Priglashenie na kazn'. Full Text in Russian

The Informing of the Soul (Invitation to a Beheading) by Gennady Barabtarlo

Poem, Problem, Prank by Alexander Zholkovsky

The Spider Motif in Invitation to a Beheading

"Pushkinian Subtexts in Nabokov's Invitation to a Beheading"

A Bibliography of Critical Works on Invitation to a Beheading Dolinin, Alexander.
4-6 The Gift

Vladimir Nabokov - Dar. Full text in Russian

Vladimir Nabokov - Dar. Full text in Russian, with an interactive English dictionary. Just point your mouse to a word that you don't know and click on it, an English translation will appear below.

Lofty Sickness of Synesthesia or Creative Impotence of it's Interpreters by B. M. Galeyev

Imagining A Writer (The 5 motifs in the Gift)

A Bibliography of Critical Works on The Gift
6 Poems and problems of changing languages. Problems of self-translation. Written analysis of a major Nabokov poem due. Vladimir Nabokov. An Evening of Russian Poetry

Nabokov Lectures on Russian Poetry 11 min. Real Player Required

The Song of Igor's Campaign, Igor son of Svyatoslav and grandson of Oleg Translated by Vladimir Nabokov

Silentium. Fyodor Tyutchev (translated by Vladimir Nabokov)

Lewis Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. translated into Russian by Vladimir Nabokov. Complete Russian Text

Vladimir Nabokov - Complete collection of Russian Petry in Russian

Vladimir Nabokov - Russian Poetry in Russian (HTML version)
7 Introduction to the American period. Problems of Nabokov's translation of Eugene Onegin.
Class two: in class essay exam.
Vladimir Nabokov. On translating "Eugene Onegin". Bilingual (English by Mikhail Blumin)
8-9 Pnin

Vladimir Nabokov - Pnin. Full text in Russian. Trans. by Sergei Il'in

Vladimir Nabokov - Pnin. Full text in Russian. Trans. by B. Nosik

A Resolved Discord (Pnin) by Gennady Barabtarlo

A Bibliography of Critical Works on Pnin
10-11 Lolita

Nabokov Reads A Poem from Lolita 4 min.

Vladimir Nabokov - Lolita. Full text in Russian, with an interactive English dictionary. Just point your mouse to a word that you don't know and click on it, an English translation will appear below.

"Even Homais Nods": Nabokov's Fallibility, or, How to Revise Lolita by Brian Boyd

The Poerotic Novel: Nabokov's Lolita and Ada: Chapter 5 of Maurice Couturier's book, Roman et censure, ou la mauvaise foi d'Eros.

Couturier, Maurice. "Lolita et la France"

Dolinin, Alexander. "What Happened to Sally Horner?: A Real-Life Source of Nabokov's Lolita"

Linetski, Vadim. "The Function of the Phallus: Lolita and/as Children's Fiction" in Perforations 13 (1993)

Schuman, Sam. "On the Road to Canterbury, Liliput and Elphinstone - The Rough Guide: Satiric Travel Narratives in Chaucer, Swift and Nabokov"

Sweeney, Susan Elizabeth. "Executing Sentences in Lolita and the Law"

Wakashima, Tadashi. "Double Exposure: On the Vertigo of Translating Lolita"

Cornwell, Neil. "Intimations of Lo: Sirens, Joyce and Nabokov's Lolita"

Lolita Concordance

Michael Juliar. A Note about the possible inspiration for The Enchanter and Lolita
Lemay, Eric. "Dolorous Laughter"
12-14 Pale Fire. 2'nd paper due

Nobokov Reads introduction to Pale Fire

First Chapter: 'Nabokov's Pale Fire' (Eng)

Vladimir Nabokov - Blednoe Plamia. Full Text in Russian. Trans. by Sergei Il'in and Alexandra Glebovskaia

Nabokov Reads from Pale Fire 20 min, Real Player Required, Free Registration with the NY Times Required

Nabokov Reads from Pale Fire 13 min, Real Player Required, Free Registration with the NY Times Required

Couturier, Maurice. "'Which is to be master' in Pale Fire"

Boyd, Brian. Response to Maurice Couturier

Shade and Shape in Pale Fire by Brian Boyd

"Ghost Story," by Daniel Zalewski: a review of Nabokov's Pale Fire: The Magic of Artistic Discovery, by Brian Boyd.

Cohen, David. "My Potential Patients: Origins, Detection, and Transference in Pale Fire and Freud's Case of the Wolf-Man"

Friedman, Jerry. "A Pale Fire Timeline"

Hornick, Neil, and Brian Boyd. An exchange on Pale Fire and The Prisoner of Zenda

Kaplan, Josh. "A Delineation of Botkin's Role in Pale Fire, & His Fate Beyond"

Monroe, William. "'Lords and Owners': Nabokov's Sequestered Imagination"

A and Z of Zembla

Genius and Plausibility: Suspension of Disbelief in Pale Fire
by J. Morris

A Note on Pale Fire and Khodasevich's "Ballada"
by Kevin Frazier

Silvery Light: The Real Life of Vladimir Nabokov by Charles Kinbote

Socher, Abraham P. "Shades of Frost: A Hidden Source for Nabokov's Pale Fire"

de Vries, Gerard. "Nabokov's Pale Fire and the Romantic Movement (with special reference to the Brocken, Scott and Goethe)"

Walter, Brian. "Synthesizing Artistic Delight: The Lesson of Pale Fire"

A Bibliography of Critical Works on Pale Fire 
15 revision, wrap up and essay final exam.