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Professor Saad Mneimneh gives a talk at the National Museum of Mathematics



People have always been fascinated by the Fibonacci sequence, the patterns associated with it, and of course, the well-celebrated golden ratio.  Join Saad Mneimneh, Associate Professor of Computer Science at Hunter College and The Graduate Center of The City University of New York, to learn how three problems, each of which started as a simple mathematical or programming exploration, turned out to exhibit something “Fibonacci-ish” in nature when pursued in more detail.  Add a little math to your life in this engaging presentation!


Special introduction by Chaim Goodman-Strauss, MoMath’s Outreach Mathematician and co-author of the recent groundbreaking paper on the Hat and Spectre tiles, the first-ever shapes in mathematics to tile the plane but only in a non-repeating way.


Watch Professor Saad's talk: “Fibonacci-ish: encounters of the Fibonacci kind where you least expect them…” right here: