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List of publications by Dr. János Bergou


1.       J. Sólyom and J. Bergou, Reduced zero-point spin contraction in impure antiferro-magnets, Journal de Physique C1 32, 89-90 (1971).

2.       J. Bergou, Gy. Farkas, and Z. Gy. Horváth, The probability distribution of optical field emission counts, Acta Phys. Hung. 32, 319-322 (1972).

3.       J. Bergou and T. Salamon, Oscillating transition probability for photoelectron emission, Preprint KFKI-72-18, Budapest, 1972.

4.       J. Bergou, Non-perturbative approaches to the semiclassical theory of multiphoton ionization, Preprint KFKI-73-22, Budapest, 1973.

5.       J. Bergou and J. Rónaky, Calculation of the Faraday signal of a magneto-optical memory in the presence of magnetic circular dichroism, Preprint KFKI-74-38, Budapest, 1974; and Optica Applicata V, 61-63 (1975).

6.       J. Bergou, Approximative methods in the semiclassical theory of multiphoton processes, Acta Phys. Hung. 39, 183-190 (1975).

7.       J. Bergou, Charged particle scattering in the presence of an external electromagnetic field, Preprint KFKI-75-83, Budapest, 1975; and Acta Phys. Hung. 40, 55-61 (1976).

8.       Bergou J., Rózsa K., Tóth J., Folytonos gázlézer longitudinális üreges katóddal (Szabadalom, sz.: 10882/75 1975); CW gas laser with longitudinal hollow cathode, patent (1975).

9.       Bergou J., Fényszórás kétatomos molekulákon (Light scattering on diatomic molecules, in Hungarian), Magyar Fizikai Folyóirat (Hungarian Journal of Physics} XXV/1, 1-40 (1977).

10.    J. Bergou and A. Goltsov, Cross section of light scattering on diatomic molecules in the singlet state, Preprint D. Ph. S. P. A., 1-9, Saclay, 1977.

11.    Bergou J., Csillag L., Jánossy M., Rózsa K., Gázlézer a lézer erösítésének és teljesítményének növelésére, (Szabadalom, sz.: MA-2861, 1977); Gas laser to increase amplification and power of the laser, patent (1977).

12.    K. Rózsa, M. Jánossy, J. Bergou, and L. Csillag, Noble gas mixture hollow-cathode laser with internal anode system, Opt. Commun. 23, 15-18 (1977).

13.    K. Rózsa, M. Jánossy, L. Csillag, and J. Bergou, CW aluminium ion laser in a high voltage hollow-cathode discharge, Phys. Lett. 63A, 231-232 (1977).

14.    K. Rózsa, M. Jánossy, L. Csillag, and J. Bergou, CW CuII laser in a hollow anode-cathode discharge, Opt. Commun. 23, 162-164 (1977).

15.    J. Bergou, M. Jánossy, K. Rózsa, and L. Csillag, High voltage hollow-cathode lasers for spectroscopy, Proceedings of the 3. Fachtagung für Laserspektroskopie, Graz, 1978; Acta Phys. Austriaca, Suppl. XX, 273-280 (1979).

16.    M. Jánossy, K. Rózsa, L. Csillag, and J. Bergou, New cw laser lines in a noble gas mixture high voltage hollow cathode discharge, Phys. Lett. 68A, 317-319 (1978).

17.    K. Rózsa, J. Bergou, M. Jánossy, and J. K. Mizeraczyk, Effect of anode geometry on voltage of a hollow cathode discharge, Preprint KFKI-1979-14, Budapest (1979).

18.    Bergou J., A lézer kvantumelektronikája, E. W. Aslaksen: Kvantum-elektronika c. könyv 7., kiegészítö fejezete, 88-98 old. (Müszaki Kiadó, Budapest, 1978); Quantum electronics of the laser, Chapter 7, additional ch., to E. W. Aslaksen, Quantum electronics (in Hungarian).

19.    J. Bergou, Special aspects of freee electrons in intense fields, Proceedings of the Symposium on “Laser Physics”, pp. 49-56 (Budapest, May 15-16, 1979).

20.    M. Jánossy, K. Rózsa, L. Csillag, and J. Bergou, Noble gas mixture hollow cathode ion lasers, Proceedings of the Symposium on “Laser Physics”, pp. 57-65 (Budapest, May 15-16, 1979).

21.    L. Csillag, M. Jánossy, K. Rózsa, and J. Bergou, Results and perspectives of hollow cathode gas lasers, Proc. of “Lasers ‘79, Opto-Electronics” Conf., Munich, 1979 (IPC Science  and Technology Press, England, 1979), pp. 89-93.

22.    J. Bergou, Wavefunctions of a free electron in an external field and their applications in intense field interactions, I. Nonrelativistic treatment, Preprint KFKI-1979-69, Budapest, 1979; and J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 13, 2817-2822 (1980).

23.    J. Bergou and S. Varró, Wavefunctions of a free electron in an external field and their application in intense field interactions, II. Relativistic treatment, Preprint KFKI-1979-70, Budapest 1979; and J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 13, 2823-2837 (1980).

24.    J. Bergou and S. Varró, Optically induced band structure of free electrons in an external plane wave field, Preprint KFKI-1980-10, Budapest, 1980; and J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 13, 3553-3559 (1980).

25.    J. Bergou and S. Varró, Nonlinear scattering processes in the presence of a quantized radiation field, I. Nonrelativistic treatment, Preprint KFKI-1980-14, Budapest, 1980; and J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 14, 1469-1482 (1981).

26.    J. Bergou and S. Varró, Momentum distribution of free electrons in an intense radiation field, Technical Digest of 2nd International Conference on Multiphoton Processes (Budapest, 1980, paper A-2).

27.    J. Bergou and S. Varró, Quantum mechanical states of the system “electron + quantized radiation mode”, ibid, paper A-3.

28.    S. Varró and J. Bergou, Behaviour of free electrons in quantized electromagnetic environment, Abstract of EKON-80 (Poznan, 1980), paper B-64.

29.    J. Bergou, S. Varró, and M. V. Fedorov, e-e Scattering in the presence of an external field, Preprint KFKI-1980-53, Budapest, 1980; and J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 14, 2305-2315 (1981).

30.    J. Bergou and S. Varró, Nonlinear scattering processes in the presence of a quantized radiation field, II. Relativistic treatment, Preprint KFKI-1980-54, Budapest, 1980; and J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 14, 2281 (1981).

31.    J. Bergou, F. Ehlotzky, and S. Varró, Charged particle scattering in a magnetic and a laser field and nonlinear bremsstrahlung, Proc. of SASP (Maria Alm, 1982), pp. 195-199.

32.    J. Bergou and F. Ehlotzky, Behaviour of a model atom in a uniform magnetic and a laser field, ibid, pp. 200-204.

33.    J. Bergou and S. Varró, On the quantum mechanical states of a free charged particle in a uniform magnetic field and a laser field, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys. 15, L179-L184 (1982).

34.    J. Bergou and F. Ehlotzky, Exact quantum mechanical states of a model atom in a uniform magnetic field and in a laser field, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys. 15, L185-L189, (1982).

35.    Bergou J., Elektrodinamika lézerterekben (Electrodynamics in laser fields, in Hungarian), Magyar Fizikai Folyóirat XXXII, 1-55 (1982).

36.    Bergou J. Káosz optikai rendszerekben (Chaos in optical systems, in Hungarian), in the Proceedings of “Winter School on Statistical Physics II: Chaos” (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1982), pp. 1-16.

37.    J. Bergou, F. Ehlotzky, and S. Varró, Charged particle scattering in a magnetic and a laser field and nonlinear bremsstrahlung, Phys. Rev. A 26, 470 (1982).

38.    F. A. Hopf and J. Bergou, Analytic solution of a laser amplifier with a delayed swept-gain boundary, Opt. Lett. 7, 411 (1982).

39.    J. Bergou and S. Varró, Nonlinear bremsstrahlung of electrons in the presence of a magnetic and a laser field, Appl. Phys. B 28, 105 (1982).

40.    J. Bergou, S. Varró, Gy. Farkas, and M. V. Fedorov, Absorption and stimulated emission of quanta of an external inhomogeneous electromagnetic field by a free electron, Sov. Phys. JETP 58, 33 (1983).

41.    J. Bergou and F. Ehlotzky, Relativistic quantum states of a particle in an electromagnetic plane wave and a homogeneous magnetic field, Phys. Rev. A 27, 2291 (1983).

42.    A. P. Kazantsev, V. L. Pokrovsky, and J. Bergou, Rydberg atoms in weak magnetic fields, Phys. Rev. A 28, 3659 (1983).

43.    J. Bergou, Gauge invariance and gauge independence in optical transitions, J. Phys. B 16, L647 (1983).

44.    S. Varró, F. Ehlotzky, and J. Bergou, Scattering of light by an electron in the presence of a magnetic field and a strong microwave field, J. Phys B 17, 483 (1984).

45.    R. R. Schlicher, W. Becker, J. Bergou, and M. O. Scully, Interaction Hamiltonian in quantum optics or p.A vs. E.r revisited, in Quantum Electrodynamics and Quantum Optics, NATO ASI series vol. 110, ed. A. O. Barut (Plenum, N.Y., 1984), p. 405.

46.    J. Bergou and F. Ehlotzky, Potential scattering of relativistic electrons in the simultaneous presence of a laser and a magnetic field, in “Coherence and Quantum Optics”, vol. 5, p. 825 (Proc. of 5th Rochester Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics, June 13-15, 1983), eds. L. Mandel and E. Wolf (Plenum, NY, 1984).

47.    J. Bergou, Rydberg atoms in weak magnetic fields, Proc. of Symp. on Atomic and Surface Physics (Maria Alm/Salzburg, 1984), ed. F. Howorka, Univ. Innsbruck Press, 1984, p. 354.

48.    J. Bergou and M. O. Scully, Multistability in an optical waveguide with nonlinear boundaries, Acta Phys. Austriaca 57, 139 (1985).

49.    K. Rózsa, P. Apai, M. Jánossy, J. Bergou, K. Fujii, G. Rubin, M. B. Denton, H. Phillips, and F. A. Hopf, The effect of oxide coating on the performance of the Al hollow cathode discharge, in Proc. of XVII. Intl. Conf. on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, vol. 2, p. 931 (1985).

50.    J. Bergou and F. Ehlotzky, Potential scattering of electrons in a quantized radiation field, Phys. Rev A 33, 3054 (1986).

51.    J. Bergou and F. Ehlotzky, Radiative properties of a model atom in external fields, J. Phys. B. 19, 3227 (1986).

52.    J. Bergou and M. O. Scully, An example of symmetry breaking in nonlinear optics, in Frontiers of Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics, eds. G. T. Moore and M. O. Scully, NATO ASI series, vol. 135 (Plenum, N. Y., 1986), p. 375.

53.    P. Kálmán and J. Bergou, Internal conversion in an intense radiation field, Phys. Rev. C 34, 1024 (1986).

54.    F. A. Hopf, J. Bergou, and S. Varró, Transient and asymptotic small signal gain in laser amplifiers, Phys. Rev A 34, 4821 (1986).

55.    J. Bergou, Quenching of quantum noise and detection of weak optical signals in the quantum beat laser, in “Fundamentals of Quantum Optics”, ed. F. Ehlotzky (Springer, 1987), p. 280.

56.    J. Bergou, P. Dobiasch, M. O. Scully, and J. M. O’Hare, Theory of the slab waveguide with nonlinear boundaries: Guided TE modes in a symmetric slab, Preprint, Center for Advanced Studies (1987).

57.    J. Bergou, M. O. Scully, and J. M. O’Hare, On the intrinsic properties of nonlinear TE waves guided by a symmetric slab, Preprint, Center for Advanced Studies (1987).

58.    M. O. Scully and J. Bergou, Correlated emission gyro, in Technical Digest of XV. Intl. Quantum Electronics Conference (April 26-May 1, 1987, Baltimore), p. 72.

59.    J. Bergou and M. Orszag, Dynamically correlated spontaneous emission laser: Theory and comparison with experiment, Journ. Opt. Soc. Am. B 5, 249 (1988).

60.    M. O. Scully, K. Wódkiewicz, M. S. Zubairy, J. Bergou, N. Lu, and J. Meyer ter Vehn, Two-photon correlated spontaneous emission laser: Quantum noise quenching and squeezing, Phys. Rev. Letts. 60, 1832 (1988).

61.    J. A. Bergou, M. Orszag, and M. O. Scully, Correlated emission laser: Nonlinear theory of the quantum beat laser, Phys. Rev. A 38, 754 (1988).

62.    J. Bergou and M. Orszag, Correlated emission laser: Theory of the quantum beat micromaser, Phys. Rev. A 38, 763 (1988).

63.    J. Bergou, M. Orszag, and M. O. Scully, Correlated emission laser: Phase noise quenching via coherent pumping and the effect of atomic motion, Phys. Rev. A 38, 768 (1988).

64.    J. Bergou, M. Orszag, M. O. Scully, and K. Wódkiewicz, Squeezing and quantum-noise quenching in phase-sensitive optical systems, Phys. Rev. A 39, 5136 (1989).

65.    N. Lu, F.-X. Zhao, and J. Bergou, Nonlinear theory of a two-photon correlated spontaneous emission laser: A coherently pumped two-level two-photon laser, Phys. Rev. A 39, 5189 (1989).

66.    M. Orszag, J. Bergou, W. Schleich, and M. O. Scully, The correlated spontaneous emission laser: Theory and recent developments, invited paper in "Squeezed and nonclassical light," edited by P. Tombesi and E. R. Pike (Plenum, London, 1989), p.287.

67.    F.-X. Zhao, M. Orszag, J. Bergou, and S.-Y. Zhu, Enhanced transient squeezing in the Jaynes-Cummings model with atomic coherence, Physics Lett. A 137, 479 (1989).

68.    J. Bergou, L. Davidovich, M. Orszag, C. Benkert, M. Hillery, and M. O. Scully, Influence of the pumping statistics in lasers and masers, Optics Commun. 72, 82 (1989).

69.    N. Lu and J. Bergou, Quantum theory of a laser with injected atomic coherence: Quantum noise quenching via nonlinear process, Phys. Rev. A 40, 237 (1989).

70.    N. Lu and J. Bergou, Effects of a squeezed vacuum on a laser exhibiting phase locking: An application to a laser with injected atomic coherence, Phys. Rev. A 40, 250 (1989).

71.    J. Bergou, N. Lu, and M. O. Scully, The two-photon correlated spontaneous emission laser in a squeezed vacuum, Optics Commun. 73, 57 (1989).

72.    J. Bergou, L. Davidovich, M. Orszag, C. Benkert, M. Hillery, and M. O. Scully, Role of pumping statistics in maser and laser dynamics: Density matrix approach, Phys. Rev. A 40, 5073 (1989).

73.    C. Benkert, M. O. Scully, J. Bergou, L. Davidovich, M. Hillery, and M. Orszag, Role of pumping statistics in laser dynamics: Quantum Langevin approach, Phys. Rev. A 41, 2756 (1990).

74.    C. Benkert, M. O. Scully, J. Bergou, and M. Orszag, Squeezing and quantum noise quenching in masers and lasers through atomic coherence and pump noise reduction, Phys. Rev. A 41, 4062 (1990).

75.    J. Bergou, Role of pump statistics in maser and laser dynamics, invited paper at the 10th Intl. School of Coherent Optics "Quantum Optics II" (Ustron, Poland, Sept. 19-26, 1989), Acta. Phys. Pol. A 78, 49 (1990).

76.    J. Bergou and M. O. Scully, Quantum theory of the Hanle laser and its use as a metric gravity probe, invited paper in "Level crossing spectroscopy," edited by F. Strumia and P. M. Moruzzi (Plenum, London, 1990), p. 341.

77.    J. Bergou, C. Benkert, L. Davidovich, M. O. Scully, S. Y. Zhu, and M. S. Zubairy, Double two-photon correlated spontaneous emission lasers as bright sources of squeezed light, Phys. Rev. A 42, 5544 (1990).

78.    J. Bergou, M. Hillery, and D. Yu, Minimum uncertainty states for amplitude-squared squeezing: Hermite polynomial states, Phys. Rev. A 43, 515 (1991).

79.    L. Z. Wang, S.-Y. Zhu, and J. Bergou, Generation of sub-Poissonian photon statistics in a two-level atomic oscillator, Phys. Rev. A 43, 2436 (1991).

80.    J. Bergou and P. Kálmán, Effect of pump statistics on the micromaser, Phys. Rev. A 43, 3690 (1991).

81.    J. Bergou and P. Bogár, Quantum theory of a noninversion laser with injected atomic coherence, Phys. Rev. A 43, 4889 (1991).

82.    G. S. Agarwal, J. Bergou, C. Benkert, and M. O. Scully, Noise quenching in lasers and masers by strong coherent pumping, Phys. Rev. A 43(RC), 6451 (1991).

83.    J. Bergou and B.-G. Englert, Operators of the phase: Fundamentals, Annals of Physics 209, 479 (1991).

84.    J. Bergou and M. Hillery, Pump-coupled masers: Transient regime, Phys. Rev. A 44, 7502 (1991).

85.    S.-Y. Zhu, M. S. Zubairy, C. Su, and J. Bergou, Effects of regular pumping on photon statistics in masers and lasers, Phys. Rev. A 45, 499 (1992).

86.    M. Hillery, D. Yu, and J. Bergou, Quadratic squeezing: An overview, in Proc. of Workshop on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD, March 28-30, 1991 (NASA Conference Publications # 3135, 1992), p. 125.

87.    M. Orszag, S.-Y. Zhu, J. Bergou, and M. O. Scully, Noise reduction, lasing without inversion, and pump statistics in coherently prepared l quantum beat media, Phys. Rev. A 45, 4872 (1992).

88.    T. Quang, G. S. Agarwal, J. Bergou, M. O. Scully, and H. Walther, Calculation of the micromaser spectrum. I. Green’s-function approach and approximate analytical techniques, Phys. Rev. A 48, 803 (1993).

89.    J. Bergou and M. Hillery, From sub-Poissonian to super-Poissonian pumping in the micromaser: Corrections to reservoir theory, Phys. Rev. A 49, 1214 (1994).

90.    M. Hillery, D. Yu, and J. Bergou, Effect of the pump state on the behavior of the degenerate parametric amplifier, Phys. Rev. A 49, 1288 (1994).

91.    P. Bogár, J. Bergou, and M. Hillery, Quantum island states in the micromaser, Phys. Rev A 50, 754 (1994).

92.    J. Bergou, J. Zhang, and A. Hourri, Nonlinear theory of a laser with injected atomic coherence, Phys. Rev A 50, 4188 (1994).

93.    P. Bogár, J. Bergou, Pump-coupled micromasers: Entangled trapping states of nonlocal fields, Phys. Rev. A 51, 2381 (1995).

94.    P. Bogár, J. Bergou, and M. Hillery, Pump-coupled high-Q micromasers with conditional measurements of atoms: Transient and steady state entanglement of nonlocal fields, Phys. Rev. A 51, 2396 (1995).

95.    J. Bergou, Sub-Poissonian photon statistics in the micromaser, Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 7, 327 (1995).

96.    J. Bergou and P. Bogár, Atomic coherence in lasers and masers, Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 7, 343 (1995).

97.    J. Bergou and D. Zhao, Effect of a squeezed vacuum input on optical bistability, Phys. Rev. A 52, 1550 (1995).

98.    J. Bergou and P. Bogár, Entangled fields and entangled atoms: tools to test fundamentals of quantum mechanics, Acta Physica Slovaca 45, 217 (1995).

99.    P. Bogár and J. Bergou, Quantum state engineering in pump-coupled micromasers, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 755, 110 (1995).

100.  J. Bergou, J. Zhang, and C. Su, Field dynamics, instabilities and phase squeezing in the two-photon correlated emission laser, Phys. Rev. A 52, 3183 (1995).

101.  M. Hillery, D. Yu, and J. Bergou, The role of the pump state in the parametric amplifier, Phys. Rev. A 52, 3209 (1995).

102.  M. Artoni and J. Bergou, Non-classical effects in resonance fluorescence from optical molasses, Phys. Rev. A 53, 424 (1996).

103.  P. Bogár and J. Bergou, Entanglement of atomic beams: Tests of complementarity and other applications, Phys. Rev. A 53, 49 (1996).

104.  M. Artoni and J. Bergou, Fermi’s golden rule and atomic decay in a phase-sensitive reservoir, Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 8, 387 (1996).

105.  J. Bergou, Entangled field states in multiple micromaser cavities and fundamental tests of quantum mechanics, Acta Physica Slovaca 46, 241 (1996).

106.  U. Herzog and J. Bergou, Non-Markovian micromaser field dynamics due to non-Poissonian pumping, Acta Physica Slovaca 46, 399 (1996).

107.  U. Herzog and J. Bergou, Non-Markovian dynamics of the micromaser due to discrete and continuous non-Poissonian pumping, Phys. Rev. A 54, 5334 (1996).

108.  U. Herzog and J. Bergou, Reflection of the Jaynes-Cummings dynamics in the spectrum of the regularly pumped micromaser, Phys. Rev. A 55, 1124 (1997).

109.  J. Bergou and M. Hillery, Generation of highly entangled field states in multiple micromaser cavities, Phys. Rev. A 55, 4585 (1997).

110.  J. Bergou, Quantum optics as a conceptual testing ground, Acta Physica Slovaca 47, 185 (1997).

111.  U. Herzog and J. Bergou, Nonclassical maximum-entropy states, Acta Physica Slovaca 47, 327 (1997).

112.  P. Bogár and J. Bergou, Two-mode lasing without inversion with injected atomic coherence, Phys. Rev. A 56, 1012 (1997).

113.  U. Herzog and J. Bergou, Nonclassical maximum-entropy states, Physical Review A 56, 1658 (1997).

114.  J. Bergou, Entangled fields in multiple cavities as a testing ground for quantum mechanics, J. Mod. Opt. 44, 1957 (1997).

115.  B.-G. Englert and J. Bergou, Heisenberg's dog and quantum computing, J. Mod. Opt. 45, 701 (1998).

116.  Y. Abranyos, M. Jakob, and J. Bergou, Quantum eraser and the decoherence time of a local measurement process, Acta Physica Slovaca 48, 255 (1998).

117.  J. Bergou and T. Geszti, Komplementaritás, Complementarity, quantum eraser and interaction-free measurement: what the new interference experiments tell us about the foundation of quantum mechanics (in Hungarian), plenary lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Physical Society (Gödöllö, August 26-29 1998), published in Fizikai Szemle (Hungarian Physical Review) 50, 76 (1999).

118.  J. Bergou and P. Bogár, Phase structures in the micromaser photon statistics, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 54a, 39 (1999).

119.  J. Bergou, Entangled fields in multiple cavities as a testing ground for quantum mechanics, Foundations of Physics 29(4), 503 (1999).

120.  J. Bergou, M. Jakob, and Y. Abranyos, Resonance fluorescence of a trapped four-level atom with bichromatic driving, Acta Physica Slovaca 49, 501 (1999).

121.  Y. Abranyos, M. Jakob, and J. Bergou, Quantum eraser as a testing ground of a measurement process, Phys. Rev. A 60, R2618 (1999).

122.  M. Jakob and J. Bergou, Resonance fluorescence spectra and squeezing properties of a bichromatically driven four-level atom, Phys. Rev. A 60, 4179 (1999).

123.  Y. Abranyos, M.Jakob, and J. Bergou, Interference and partial which way information: A quantitative test of duality in two atom resonance fluorescence, Phys. Rev. A 61, 013804 (2000).

124.  J. Bergou, M. Hillery, and Y. Sun, Nonunitary transformations in quantum mechanics: an optical realization, J. Mod. Opt. 47, 487 (2000).

125.  J. Bergou, M. Hillery, and P. Bogár, Pump-coupled micromasers: coherent and incoherent coupling, Optics Commun. 179, 289 (2000).

126.  B.-G. Englert and J. Bergou, Quantitative quantum erasure, Optics Commun. 179, 337 (2000).

127.  J. Bergou, B.-G. Englert, M. Lax, M. O. Scully, H. Walther, and M. S. Zubairy, Quantum theory of the laser, Ch. 26, invited review article in OSA Handbook of Optics, vol. IV, ed. F. Bass (McGraw-Hill, New York, 2001) pp. 26/1-26/101.

128.  Bergou J., Relativitáselmélet (J. Bergou, The theory of relativity, textbook in Hungarian), Budapest, Tankönyvkiadó (Textbook Publishers), 2000.

129.  U. Herzog and J. Bergou, Quantum limited linewidth of a good-cavity laser: An analytical theory from near to far above threshold, Phys. Rev. A 62, 063814 (2000).

130.  M. Jakob, Y. Abranyos, and J. Bergou, Comparative study of hyperbunching in the fluorescence from a bichromatically driven atom, Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 3, 130 (2001).

131.  Y. Sun, M. Hillery, and J. Bergou, Optimum unambiguous discrimination between linearly independent nonorthogonal quantum states and its optical realization, Phys. Rev. A 64, 022311 (2001).

132.  Y. Abranyos, M. Jakob, and J. Bergou, Quantum measurement apparatus with a squeezed reservoir: Control of decoherence and nonlocality in phase space, Phys. Rev. A 64, 062102 (2001).

133.  J. Bergou, J. Gea-Banacloche, and M. O. Scully, CEL gyroscope with injected squeezed vacuum, Journal of Modern Optics 49, 453 (2001).

134.  J. Bergou, M. Hillery, and Y. Sun, Optimum discrimination of nonorthogonal quantum states: An optical realization, Fortschritte der Physik 49, 915 (2001).

135.  T. Bükki, P. Kálmán, and J. Bergou, Nuclear-coupled Rabi flopping, Phys. Rev. A 65, 045402 (2002).

136.  U. Herzog and J. Bergou, Minimum-error discrimination between subsets of linearly dependent quantum states, Phys. Rev. A 65, 050305(R) (2002); quant-ph/0112171.

137.  M. Jakob and J. A. Bergou, Polarization-correlated photon pairs in the fluorescence from a bichromatically driven four-level atom, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 4, 308 (2002).

138.  M. Jakob, Y. Abranyos, and J. Bergou, Degree of entanglement in a quantum-measurement process, Phys. Rev. A 66, 022113 (2002); quant-ph/0204054.

139.  Y. Sun, M. Hillery, and J. Bergou, Optimum unambiguous discrimination between sets of nonorthogonal quantum states, Phys. Rev. A 66, 032315 (2002); quant-ph/0112051.

140.  M. Jakob and J. Bergou, Quantitative conditional quantum erasure in two-atom resonance fluorescence, Phys. Rev. A 66, 062107 (2002).

141.  J. Bergou, U. Herzog, and M. Hillery, From unambiguous quantum state discrimination to quantum state filtering, Fortschritte der Physik 51, 73 (2003).

142.  U. Herzog and J. Bergou, Minimum-error strategy for discriminating between subsets of nonorthogonal quantum states, Fortschritte der Physik 51, 139 (2003).

143.  J. Bergou, U. Herzog, and M. Hillery, Quantum state filtering and discrimination between sets of Boolean functions, quant-ph/0209007; Physical Review Letters 90, 257901 (2003).

144.  M. Hillery, J. Bergou, and E. Feldman, Quantum walks based on an interferometric analogy, quant-ph/0302161; Physical Review A 68, 032314 (2003).

145.  M. Jakob and J. Bergou, Quantitative complementary relations in bipartite systems, quant-ph/0302075 (2003); submitted to Physical Review A (2004).

146.  J. Bergou, U. Herzog, and M. Hillery, Discrimination of quantum states, Ch. 11: invited review article in Lecture Notes in Physics vol. 649: Quantum state estimation, M. Paris and J. Rehacek eds. (Springer, Berlin, 2004) pp. 417-465.

147.  J. Bergou, Discrimination of quantum states and probabilistic quantum algorithms, Proc. of SPIE 5472, 266-274 (2004).

148.  M. Mohseni, A. Steinberg, and J. Bergou, Optical realization of optimal unambiguous discrimination for pure and mixed quantum states, quant-ph/0401002, Physical Review Letters 93, 200403 (2004).

149.  U. Herzog and J. Bergou, Distinguishing mixed quantum states: Minimum-error discrimination versus optimum unambiguous discrimination, quant-ph/0403124; Physical Review A 70, 022302 (2004).

150.  E. Andersson, J. Bergou, and I. Jex, Comparison of unitary transforms using Franson interferometry, Journal of Modern Optics 52, 1485 (2005).

151.  J. Bergou and. M. Hillery, A universal programmable quantum state discriminator that is optimal for unambiguously distinguishing between unknown states, Physical Review Letters 94, 160501 (2005).

152.  J. Bergou, U. Herzog, and M. Hillery, Optimal unambiguous filtering of a quantum state: An instance in mixed state discrimination, Physical Review A 71, 042314 (2005).

153.  U. Herzog and J. Bergou, Unambiguous discrimination of mixed quantum states, quant-ph/0502117, Physical Review A 71, 050301R (2005).

154.  J. Bergou, Programmable state discriminators for the optimum discrimination of unknown quantum states, Proc. of SPIE 5842, 119-131 (2005).

155.  J. Bergou and M. Hillery, Quantum state filtering applied to the discrimination of Boolean functions, Physical Review A 72, 012302 (2005).

156.  I. Nemeth and J. Bergou, Quantum theory of the coherently pumped micromaser I: Model and steady state solution, Physical Review A 72, 023823 (2005).

157.  J. Bergou, The role of noise in quantum communication, AIP Conference Proceedings 800, 31-38 (2005).

158.  U. Herzog and J. Bergou, Optimum measurement for unambiguously discriminating two mixed states: General considerations and special cases, quant-ph/0510170, to appear in Journal of Physics A (2006).

159.  J. Bergou and L. Kish, An absolutely secure QKD scheme with no detection noise, entanglement and classical communication, quant-ph/0505097; submitted to Physics Letters A (2005).

160.  J. Bergou, E. Feldman, and M. Hillery, Unambiguous discrimination of two subspaces, submitted to Physical Review A (2005).

161.  I. Nemeth and J. Bergou, Quantum theory of the coherently pumped micromaser II: Phase properties, submitted to Physical Review A (2005).

162.  H. Adamyan, J. A. Bergou, N. Gevorgyan,  and G. Kryuchkyan, Periodically Pulsed Strong Squeezing, quant-ph/0505159, submitted to Phys. Rev. A (2005).

163.  M. Jakob and J. Bergou, Complementarity defines quantitative entanglement measures, submitted to Physical Review A (2005).

164.  M. Jakob and J. Bergou, Complementarity in nÄm-dimensional composite quantum systems, submitted to Physical Review Letters (2005).

165.  I. Nemeth and J. Bergou, Quantum theory of the coherently pumped micromaser III: Transient behavior and spectrum, in preparation (2006).

166.  J. Bergou, V. Buzek, E. Feldman, U. Herzog, and M. Hillery, Programmable quantum state discriminators with simple programs, submitted to Phys. Rev. A (2006).

167.  J. Bergou and U. Herzog, Field correlations and spectral properties of the two-photon micromaser: quasi-exact results, in preparation (2006).

168.  O. Cizmeci, J. Bergou, and M. S. Zubairy, Quantum Theory of a One Atom Laser, in preparation (2006).

169.  Bing He and J. Bergou, A programmable state discriminator with multiple copies of the program state, in preparation (2006).

170.  J. Bergou, E. Feldman, and S. Probst, A programmable state discriminator for qudits, in preparation (2006).

171.  J. Bergou, E. Feldman, and M. Hillery, A programmable state discriminator for the discrimination of more than two unknown states, in preparation (2006).