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Roger Karapin
Office: 1720 HW (Hunter West Building, S.W. corner of Lexington Ave. & 68th St.)
Phone: 212-772-5665
Areas of specialization:
- Climate change and energy politics
- Environmental policy and politics
- U.S. politics
- Comparative politics
- German politics
- Social and political movements
- POLSC 110: American Government: A Historical Introduction
- POLSC 216: Democracy and the Media
- POLSC 258: Politics of Climate Change
- POLSC 228: Protest Movements in American Politics
Ph.D. in Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
B.A. and M.A. in Political Science, Pennsylvania State University
- Political Opportunities for Climate Policy: California, New York, and the Federal Government. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016. Winner of the 2018 Caldwell Prize for best book on environmental politics and policy, by the American Political Science Association. At Amazon. At Cambridge University Press. At Google Books.
- Protest Politics in Germany: Movements on the Left and Right Since the 1960s.University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2007. Paperback edition, 2009. Winner of the 2008 Charles Tilly Award for best book published in collective behavior and social movements, by the American Sociological Association. At Amazon. At Penn State University Press. On Google Books.
Selected articles and book chapters:
- If you cannot obtain any of the articles or chapters below, please email me at rkarapin (at) hunter (dot) cuny (dot) edu and I will send you a copy.
- “Kaleidoscopic Federalism,” in Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismus-Forschung Tübingen, ed., Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2024. Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos, 2024, 136-53; online at
- (with David Vogel) “Federal Climate Policy Successes: Co-benefits, Business Responses, and Partisan Politics,” Business and Politics 25 (December 2023), forthcoming; online at
- “Household Costs and Resistance to Germany's Energy Transition,” Review of Policy Research 37 (May 2020), pp. 313-41.
- "Federalism as a Double-Edged Sword: The Slow Energy Transition in the United States,” Journal of Environment and Development 29 (March 2020), pp. 26-50.
- "The Political Viability of Carbon Pricing: Policy Design and Framing in British Columbia and California," Review of Policy Research 37 (March 2020), pp. 140-73.
- "Not Waiting for Washington: Climate Policy Making in California and New York," Political Science Quarterly 133 (June 2018), pp. 317-53.
- "Climate Policy Outcomes in Germany: Environmental Performance and Environmental Damage in Eleven Policy Areas," German Politics and Society 30 (Autumn 2012), pp. 1-34
- "Explaining Success and Failure in Climate Policies: Developing Theory through German Case Studies," Comparative Politics 45 (October 2012), pp. 46-68.
- "Wind-Power Development in Germany and the U.S.: Structural Factors, Multiple-Stream Convergence, and Turning Points," in Andreas Duit, ed., State and Environment: The Comparative Study of Environmental Governance. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, forthcoming in 2014.
- "Opportunity/Threat Spirals in Social Movements: The U.S. Women's Suffrage and German Anti-Immigration Movements," Mobilization: An International Journal 16 (Spring 2011), pp. 65-80.
- "Protest and Reform in Asylum Policy: Citizen Initiatives Versus Asylum Seekers in German Municipalities, 1989-1994, " German Politics and Society 21 (Summer 2003), pp. 1-45.
- "Anti-Minority Riots in Unified Germany: Cultural Conflicts and Mischanneled Political Participation," Comparative Politics 34 (January 2002), pp. 147-67.
- "Far-Right Parties and the Construction of Immigration Issues in Germany," in Martin Schain, Aristide Zolberg, and Patrick Hossay, eds., Shadows Over Europe: The Development and Impact of the Extreme Right in Western Europe. New York: Palgrave, 2002, pp. 187-219.
- "Un Phenomene Complexe," Problemes Politiques et Sociaux 849 (22 December 2000), pp. 37-42.
- "Major Anti-Minority Riots and National Legislative Campaigns against Immigrants in Britain and Germany," in Ruud Koopmans and Paul Statham, eds., Challenging Immigration and Ethnic Relations Politics: European Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 312-47.
- "The Politics of Immigration Control in Britain and Germany: Subnational Politicians and Social Movements, "Comparative Politics 31 (July 1999), pp. 423-44.
- "Explaining Far-Right Electoral Successes in Germany: The Politicization of Immigration-Related Issues," German Politics and Society 16 (Fall 1998), pp. 24-61.
- "Radical-Right and Neo-Fascist Political Parties in Western Europe," Comparative Politics 30 (January 1998), pp. 213-34.