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Agendas and Minutes 1985-1986

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President Shalala reported to the Senate that the Math learning center will be dedicated to the memory of Mary Dolciani. President informed the body of the new budget initiatives for the upcoming academic year '87-'88. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (included approved curriculum changes and the upcoming senate meeting schedule). Senate officer election held.


President Shalala reported that the Dean of Arts and Sciences will be stepping down this year and they will be opening a search committee to fulfill the position as soon as possible. The school has raised over one million dollars through the special gifts campaign this year and the fall budget continues to be under consultation. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (reported on their curriculum changes); Charter Review Committee (did a second reading of the proposed charter amendments); GARC (reported on the changes in the graduate catalogue regarding "Transfer and/or Approval of credit"); Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee (revised catalogue language for the Cr/NCr Grading System as well as revised criteria for admissions of advanced standing transfer students).


Ombudsman Bennick reported to the senate regarding student issues, which included quality of teaching, college regulations and grading practices, and grade appeals. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (approved curriculum changes); UCSC (reported on the approved courses for the distribution requirement. The report urged the college to enforce regulations that require students to complete remedial courses and ensure skill level before registering in high level courses. The resolution mandates the review of the distribution requirements and the remediation regulations in order to develop academically sound requirements. Resolutions amended and approved on the varying categories in the distribution requirement).

Minutes Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (reported on approved curriculum changes.); Nominating Committee (presented nominations for vacant senate committee seats); Budget Committee (report informed the body that the committee is working towards having the Senate take a part in budget overview and planning). Vice President Picciano added that he welcomes input for various constituencies in the budget process and included the Senate in the plans for the state budget division to move from granting allocations to individual colleges and instead put lump sums towards the Central Office of CUNY, which will then be redistributed.


President Shalala reported announcements to the senate regarding updates on presidential awards, the commencement and the final CUNY budget. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (approved curriculum changes and the resolution concerning campus safety and security); Charter Review (reported on the first reading of the proposed charter amendments).


Committee Reports: Administrative Commitee (approved curriculum changes and a resolution regarding the establishment of a group on "accuracy in acedimia" and how it reaffirms the principles of academic freedom in the college setting); Nominating Committee (presented nominations for varying committees); UARC (presented on the amendment of the ABS grade).

03-05-86 Minutes

The President reported announcements to the Senate regarding upcoming events, the budget, and upcoming word processing office system updates. Director of Community Relations reported on her lobbying work to the legislators in Albany in support of CUNY's request for restorations for faculty positions, remediation and retention programs, child care centers and a research center. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (reported on approved curriculum changes as well as well as its business between other committees and updates on the budget); Nominating Committee (elected various nominees and continued the discussion of the UARC by presenting a resolution on the ABS grade); Committee on Evaluation of Academic Administrators (reported on the evaluation of deans).


Report by the President regarding the budget and the upcoming projects for this year. President Shalala updated the body on security issues in the college. Report by the Ombudsman on the Grading System and the Cr/NCr system. The President of the Faculty Delegate Assembly introduced himself and greeted the body with his plans for leadership. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (reported onapproved curriculum changes); Nominating Committee (presented a motion on senators for consideration); UARC (continued to discuss the amendment to the language regarding students "C" and "D" work according to the policy given by the instructor at the beginning of the semester).

12-18-85 Minutes

Vice President Picciono's introduced himself and his background to the Senate and then went on to explain his assessment on facilities and systems in the college, administrative systems and technology in the college as well as the finance and budgeting. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (report on approved curriculum changes); UARC (report on the resolution regarding FIN and FAB grades, absences from final exams, and ABS grades).

12-04-85 Minutes

President Shalala reported on issues regarding allocating budget for salaries, and updated on alcohol serving policies for students in the college as well as the recent news that Hunter has been selected as one of the best colleges in America by "US News & World Report." Committee Reports: the ad-hoc Committee on Evaluation of the Dean Programs in Education (reported on the response by the Dean for recommendations and suggestions to the committee); UARC (reported on their concerns of ABC/PEN/INC,FIN/FPN/FAB grades when they are connected to "course work of C or better").

10-09-85 Minutes

President Shalala's report on the Chancellor's Budget Review and how Hunter will benefit. Report from the Provost Office on recent initiatives in remediation. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (report regarding varying nominations for committee, proposed an amendment to the college wide search procedures); Advisory Committee (report on campus safety and security, presented their priorities for this upcoming year, report on registration statistics in the college including specialized programs).

09-18-85 Minutes

President Shalala reported to the Senate regarding updates on fundraising and grants and her expectations for next years funding. She discussed budget activities, fall enrollment growth, an introduction of a counseling program and a planning center for students, as well as information on a plan for remedial courses. The Ombudsman reported on the amount of students who have been using his role since his appointment. Committee Reports: Grade Appeals Committee (reported on amendments to deadlines and decisions for students and professors filing appeals).

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