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Agendas and Minutes 2020-2021




Agendas and Minutes

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May 19, 2021 Agenda, Minutes Resolution on Procedure for the Suspension of Academic Programs (Adopted); Resolution to Reinstate Theatre MA Program (Adopted); Committees’ Reports: Administrative Committee (Approved Curriculum Change, Resolution on an Ad-Hoc Committee to Compile Senate Rules, Practices, and Procedures – adopted); Nominating Committee (Most recent nominations); Governance Committee (Revised School of Nursing By-Laws – adopted); Committee on Evaluation of Teaching (Resolution on Increasing Student Participation in Teaching Evaluations – adopted; Resolution on Evaluating Equitable Learning Environments – recommitted to the Committee).
May 12, 2021 Agenda, Minutes

Committees’ reports: Administrative Committee (Approved Curriculum Changes, Senate Meeting Schedule Fall 2021/Spring 2022, College Calendar for Fall 2021/Spring 2022, Ceremonial Adoption of Candidates for Graduation, Election of Nominees for the CUNY Common Core Committees, Election of Senate Officers); Governance Committee (Revised Psychology By-Laws- adopted); Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee (Revised Transfer Credit Policy – adopted); Committee on the Budget (Report on the current financial situation); Committee on Computing and Technology (Update on the committee’s work); Task Force on Civic Engagement (Report); Resolution on Procedure for the Suspension of Academic Programs (Debate continued).

May 5, 2021 Agenda, Minutes Committees’ reports: Administrative Committee (Special Senate Election for Vacant At-large Seat, Approved Curriculum Change, Survey on Follow-up on Shared Governance Resolution, Anniversary Logo), Ad-Hoc Committee on Student Life (Resolution to Create a Committee on Student Life - adopted); Resolution on Procedure for the Suspension of Academic Programs (Debate continued). 
April 21, 2021 Agenda, Minutes President’s report; Committees Reports: Administrative Committee (Election of Nominees for the CUNY Common Core Committees), On standing Senate process (approved in 1995 and 2013) for the suspension and discontinuance of programs); Resolution on Procedure for the Suspension or Deregistration Academic Programs (Debate); Undergraduate Course of Study Committee (Update on the Committee’s work).
April 7, 2021 Agenda, Minutes This meeting was cancelled. 
March 24, 2021 Agenda, Minutes Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Faculty Nominees for Student Tech Fee Committee), Committee on the Budget (Resolution for a Program Supplement Fee for PhD in Nursing Program – approved), Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee (Revision to the Hunter College Policy on Pass/No Credit – approved), Undergraduate Course of Study Committee (Update on the process of implementing Pass/No Credit Policy); Resolution on Procedure for the Suspension or Deregistration Academic Programs (Debate postponed).
March 10, 2021 Agenda, Minutes President's report; Committee reports: Administrative Committee (Senate Assembly Rules for Meetings Held Remotely - adopted, Resolution on Shared Governance & Budgetary Impacts on Academic Policy & Practice - adopted), Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee (Resolution on Hunter College Policy on Pass/No Credit - adopted). 
February 24, 2021 Agenda, Minutes

Committee reports: Administrative Committee (Senate Assembly Rules for Meetings Held Remotely, Resolution on Shared Governance & Budgetary Impacts on Academic Policy & Practice), Nominating Committee (Most recent nominations), Committee on General Education (Resolution on Revising the Name of Hunter's Foreign Language Requirement - adopted), Committee on the Budget (Current report).

February 10, 2021 Agenda, Minutes President's report; Committee reports: Administrative Committee (Senate Assembly Rules for Meetings Held Remotely, Report on follow-up Meeting Current Challenges through Shared Governance), Committee on General Education (clarification in the Foreign Language Requirements language in the catalog, subpage "Exemption from the Hunter Language Proficiency Requirement" for the GER Appeals webpage, Resolution on Revising the Name of Hunter's Foreign Language Requirement - adopted); Resolution to Establish John Lewis Plaque Committee (failed).  
December 9, 2020 Agenda, Minutes President's report; Committee reports: Administrative Committee (Ceremonial Adoption of Candidates for Graduation, Creation of Ad-Hoc Committee on Student Life- adopted), Nominating Committee (Most recent nominations), Committee on the Budget (Academic Excellence Fee for Graduate Program in Speech Language Pathology - adopted), Committee on the Calendar (Revised Bell Schedule - adopted).
December 2, 2020 Agenda, Minutes

Committee Reports: Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee (Hunter College Policy on Credit/No Credit), Committee on the Calendar (Revised Bell Schedule Proposal); New Business: Resolution to Establish John Lewis Plague Committee.  

November 18, 2020 Agenda, Minutes

Committee reports: Administrative Committee (Update on plans with regards to ILO practice Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility, Student Caucus Report); Old Business: Quasi Committee of the Whole on Meeting Current Challenges Through Shared Governance.

November 4, 2020 Agenda, Minutes

Report on the Bell Schedule; Committee Reports: Governance Committee (By-laws of the Library - adopted), Nominating Committee (Most recent nominations), Committee on the Budget (Current report); Committee of the Whole on Meeting Current Challenges Through Shared Governance. 

October 21, 2020 Agenda, Minutes

President's report; Report on the Bell Schedule; Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (election of Ombudsman); Committee on General Education (Resolution concerning 300-level courses in the CUNY Common Core (Pathways) at Hunter - withdrawn from the Senate), Nominating Committee (most recent nominations), Committees on Academic Assessment & Evaluation and General Education (General Education Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Report - Life and Physical Sciences).

October 7, 2020 Agenda, Minutes

Chair Remarks (review communication plan for Zoom meetings); Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (reminder about the election of Ombudsman), Committee on General Education (Resolution concerning 300-level courses in the CUNY Common Core (Pathways) at Hunter - referred to the committee), Nominating Committee (most recent nominations); New Business (discussion regarding suspending one of the Theatre graduate programs, the MA in Theatre); President's report; Report on the Bell Schedule. 

September 23, 2020 Agenda, Minutes

President's report, Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (reminder about the election of Ombudsman), Committee on General Education (Resolution concerning 300-level courses in the CUNY Common Core (Pathways) at Hunter), Nominating Committee (most recent nominations), Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee (review the CR/NC Policy changes); Report by the Ombuds Office; New Business (Senate thanked Professor Williams for his service as an Ombuds Officer, discussion about Civic Engagement). 

September 9, 2020 Agenda, Minutes

Chair Remarks (review of the process of preparing Senate meeting agenda and the nature of New Business); President's report; Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (announcement about the election of the College Ombudsman, Faculty Nominees for Handling Appeals to Faculty Complaints, Election of Committee Chairs), Committees on Academic Assessment & Evaluation and General Education (Report and Recommendations on Assessment of Institutional Learning Outcomes and of General Education Flexible Core), Committee on General Education (Resolution concerning 300-level courses in the CUNY Common Core (Pathways) at Hunter).

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