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Pluralism and Diversity Subcommittee Timeline and Materials

P&D Sub-Committee Presentation to the Senate on March 22, 2023:  


I. Curricular Enhancements Subcommittee Presentation to GER, April 29, 2022


-Presidential Task Force on Racial Equity's Curricular Enhancements subcommittee meets with and briefs Senate GER committee on recommendations for revising Hunter's Pluralism & Diversity requirement.

Link to GER briefing by Curricular Enhancements subcommittee:


-GER establishes the P&D subcommittee to consider the recommendations made to the Senate by the Presidential Task Force on Racial Equity's Curricular Enhancements subcommittee regarding Hunter's Pluralism and Diversity requirement.



II. Hunter College Senate Presentation, May 11, 2022


Hunter College Senate presentation by the Presidential Task Force on Racial Equity's Curricular Enhancements subcommittee. The Curricular Enhancements subcommittee co-chairs, Janet Neary and Anthony Browne, provide a brief report on their recommendations to revise Hunter's Pluralism & Diversity requirement.

Link to Senate agenda containing Curricular Enhancements subcommittee presentation (scroll to Appendix VI):


III. GER P&D Subcommittee Charge, June 1, 2022


GER P&D Subcommittee charge drafted from the recommendations made by Presidential Task Force on Racial Equity's Committee on Curricular Enhancements. Link to charge:


GER P&D Subcommittee Membership:

Lisa Anderson (co-chair)

Nicole Bennett (Associate Provost, ex-officio member)

Nadine Bryce

Sandi Clarkson

Laz Lima (co-chair)

Janet Neary*

Rupal Oza

Gina Riley (Senate Assessment Committee)

Abigail Rodríguez Morales*

Calvin Smiley*

Jeanne Weiler (Senate Undergraduate Course of Study Committee)

*Member of the Presidential Task Force on Racial Equity's "Curricular Enhancements" group.



IV. P&D Subcommittee Process Meetings, Summer 2022


P&D Subcommittee co-chairs brief GER leadership on process, planning, and outline communications plan for academic year 2022-23. P&D Subcommittee meets several times in order to discuss potential events highlighting P&D revision process, and how best to involve all stakeholders (faculty, students, staff, and administrators).


V. Informational Video and Communication to Stakeholders, October 10, 2022


GER P&D Subcommittee co-chairs sent deans, department chairs, and program directors a video (linked below) in order to share information about the steps that led to the creation of GER's P&D subcommittee along with the process and related timeline for communicating with the Hunter College community, including faculty, students, staff, and administrators, about the potential steps required to review the existing P&D categories as well as how they might be potentially reframed.


The video was accompanied by a request to share and discuss the P&D video and related process questions with departments at their October departmental meetings, their upcoming curriculum committee meetings, or at whatever venue was most appropriate to departments and units. The video also asked departments and units to discuss the process with students, in whatever course(s) or meetings they deemed appropriate, in order to share any student feedback with the P&D Subcommittee.


Link to the video:,

Link to slides only (without video):


VI. Senate Town Hall, October 26, 2022


The Senate convened a town hall organized by GER P&D Subcommittee co-chairs, Lisa Anderson and Lázaro Lima. The town hall included a summative overview of the P&D subcommittee's formation, proposed process, and related questions. It also included roundtable presentations by faculty who were asked to discuss how their teaching, research, and scholarship intersected with topics related to pluralism and diversity. Roundtable faculty participants: Linda Alcoff, Department of Philosophy, D'Weston Haywood, Department of History; and Calvin Smiley, Department of Sociology.


Link to Town Hall presentation:


VII. P&D Subcommittee Survey to Hunter Community, November 22, 2022


The P&D Subcommittee sent a survey to Hunter faculty, staff, and students to inform all stakeholders of the work undertaken by the P&D Subcommittee thus far and to invite the Hunter community to respond. The goal of the survey was to ensure those unable to attend related events would be apprised of the P&D Subcommittee's work, and to request feedback from the Hunter community that would help inform our work, our reports to the Senate, and our ongoing conversations with the Hunter community.


Link to survey:


VIII. Meeting with Undergraduate Student Government (USG), November 29, 2022


P&D Subcommittee rep attended a USG meeting with the assistance of USG chair, Ilanith Nizard, in order to share information about the steps that led to the creation of GER's P&D subcommittee, along with the process details, the related timeline for communicating with the Hunter College, and to ensure undergraduate students would be kept in the loop.


IX. Undergraduate Course of Study Committee (UCSC), December 6, 2022


P&D Subcommittee rep attended UCSC meeting in order to share information about the steps that led to the creation of GER's P&D subcommittee, along with the process details, the related timeline for communicating with the Hunter College, and to ensure communication between the subcommittee and the UCSC, which approves courses for general education.


X. GER P&D Subcommittee Workshop and Survey Discussion, December 7, 2022


P&D Subcommittee organized a workshop from 10:00-12:00 on December 7th in order to discuss the survey recommendations thus far, and to:

  • work in small groups on things relevant to the P&D revision: course lists, course descriptions, assignments, or other things suggested by those who RSVP.
  • develop an action plan for further discussion of the P&D revision in our courses, our programs and departments, and our college community.


Link to Workshop Slides:


Link to Workshop Materials:

XI. GER, and GER P&D Subcommittee, January and February 2023

The GER Subcommittee meets to redact P&D categories based on stakeholder input and drafts four revised P&D categories.



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