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Math Milestones and Math Placement Test Score Interpretation



First time freshmen will be assigned Math Milestones based on their high school math history. If that Math Milestone does not reflect your background and history of achievements in mathematics, you can take the ACCUPLACER Advanced Algebra and Functions Placement Test (AAF). Transfer students must take the AAF and achieve certain scores to determine permissions for mathematics and statistics courses at Hunter College, with the exception of MATH 10000, MATH 10200 or STAT 11000.  Students must also take the Calculus Readiness Test (CRT) to place into a Level 2 math milestone course.  Questions regarding the administration of the MPT should be directed to the Testing Center via email at


If you need to take a math/stat course for your course of study, you may take course “x” if you have the following MPT scores or Math Milestone:


COURSE ACCUPLACER Advanced Algebra and Functions (AAF) Math Placement Test Math Milestone

MATH 10000, 10200, STAT 11000, Prerequisite: CUNY Math Proficiency

Note:  These courses are NOT a prerequisite for any other MATH or STAT course.
No Placement Test Needed. None Needed

Math 101EN (Math 101 course plus online immersion workshop)

Note: This is a prerequisite for Math 10400, 12400, 12550 and STAT 11300.

A score of 235 or below


MATH 10100

Note: This is a prerequisite for MATH 10400, 12400, 12550 and STAT 11300.
A score of 236-275


MATH 10150

Note: This is a prerequisite for MATH 12550 for students who get below B- in MATH 10100/101EN

MATH 10400, STAT 11300

Note: MATH 10400 is the prerequisite for MATH 10500. Note: STAT 11300 may be used as a prerequisite for STAT 21200.

MATH 12400

Note: This course is for students who do not intend to take calculus.

MATH 12550

Note: This course is for students who intend to take calculus.

MATH 12500 (for newly accepted transfer students only)

Note: This course may be used as a prerequisite for MATH 15000, 15200, 16000, STAT 21200 and STAT 21300.

A score of 276

Level 1

MATH 14000

Note: This is a corequisite for MATH 15000 and MATH 15200 for students who took MATH 12400 or MATH 12500 or who get below B- in MATH 12550

MATH 15000, MATH 15200

Note: Check the Hunter College Course Catalog for additional prerequisite and co-requisite requirements.

MATH 16000, STAT 21200, 21300

A score of 276 or above


A score of 21 or above out of 30 on the CRT

Level 2

(includes all courses in
Level 1 above)

Math Milestones at Hunter College


Math Milestone Attained Permission to Take
NONE Math 10000, Math 10200
101EN Math 101EN
10100 Math 10100
LEVEL1 Math 10150, Math 10400, Stat 11300, Math 12400, Math 12500, Math 12550

Includes all courses at LEVEL 1 Plus:

Math 14000, Math 15000, Math 15200, Math 16000, Stat 21200, Stat 21300
If you believe your math placement is not on target -- that is, your math achievements to date warrant being placed higher, you can submit an appeal for a one-time permission for a course that has a milestone higher than your current placement.  Click here for the appeal form.
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