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You are here: Home Thomas Hunter Honors Program THHP Student Development Fund THHP Student Development Fund - Categories
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THHP Student Development Fund - Categories

THHP is offering a number of exciting funding opportunities for students in our program. A generous donation from an anonymous source allows us to maximize our students’ learning experiences. Applications are accepted each semester and should include the attached form. Students should indicate which of the following options (see below) you would like to be considered for funding.

Any student registered in the Program is eligible to apply. Funds are awarded based on academic merit, but some financial aid restrictions may apply, especially for TAP and Excelsior students. For example, all students are required to submit a FAFSA; unfortunately, undocumented students are not eligible for awards; if there is a balance due on tuition, then the award (or portion) might go towards paying it; all reimbursements will need copies of receipts. Check with the Program Coordinator in the THHP office if you have specific questions about eligibility. 

Funding Categories:

A:       Study Abroad (one semester/summer/winter) (max $4500)

B:       Elizabeth Beaujour Matching Scholarship (for students who have already obtained outside funding, we will match funds to cover the full cost. (max. $4000)

C:       Internships (if a student receives an unpaid internship, we supplement this with a grant) (max. $3000)

D:       Conference Participation (delivery of paper, poster., etc.)  (max. $2000)

E:       Conference Attendance (some funding could be made available to students who wish to attend but not present at a conference) (max. $500)

F:       Travel for Research (visiting archives or libraries, sites, museums, etc. for a bona fide research project) (max. $2000)

G:       Research Expenses (books, printing, equipment, etc.) (max. $500)

H:       Art Project Production Expenses (costumes, instruments, etc.) (max. $500)

I:        Discretionary (upon a reference letter from student's mentor and agreement of a THHP advisor; e.g., membership fees such as Phi Beta Kappa) (max. TBD)

J:        Emergency Aid (upon request with supporting documents that demonstrate financial need) (max. TBD)

For applications, please email

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