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Physics 415

Physics 415/615 Electromagnetic Theory

Spring 2018

Professor Ying-Chih  Chen

Room 1238 HN

Tel (212) 772-4526  Email:

Office Hour  : Mon,  Thur.  12-1pm or anytime I am free in the office

The prerequisites include PHYS 334 and MATH 254. Intensive drill of solving  physical problems using advanced mathematical techniques  is a key element of this course.

In Spring 2018, this course will be taught as a continuation of PHYS 334 based on Griffiths's book. We will first briefly review selected topics of Chapters 1-6 and then   teach Chapters 7-12 to complete the treatment of electricity and magnetism as much as possible.



Introduction to electrodynamics, 4th edition, by David J. Griffiths. Pearson.



  • Review of selected sections of Chapters 1-6.
  • Conservation laws
  • Electromagnetic wave
  • Potentials and Fields
  • Radiation
  • Electrodynamics and Relativity


Grading policy:

            Two midterm examinations    50%   ( on March 5, 2018 and April 9, 2018)

            Final examination                   30%

            Quizzes (6)                              20%


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