Resources for Faculty and Staff
Our faculty pursue difficult and deep questions across the disciplines and extend our communal understanding of ourselves and our world. And they bring their discoveries and their commitment to education into Hunter’s classrooms, studios, labs, and hallways to equip and to inspire our students to face society’s greatest challenges.
- Peer Observation Form
- Note: This PDF cannot be opened in the browser or on mobile. You must download this PDF locally on a desktop/laptop system and open it with Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader. To download the PDF, right-click the link and select "save link as..." For Adobe Reader, there is a free download available at
- Faculty and Staff Directory
- Full-time faculty search request
- Full-time staff search request
- Substitute line request
- Renewal of Fractional Lines
- Guidelines to Process Payments for Faculty who Receive AEC Awards
- Guidelines to Reimburse Faculty for Recruitment Meals
- Travel Guidelines for Invited Guest Speakers
- Travel Guidelines to Reimburse Faculty who Travel to Conferences or to Conduct Research
- Guidelines to Pay Honoraria for Invited Guest Speakers
- Travel Reimbursement Guidelines for Faculty Who Receive a Presidential Travel Grant
- Moving Reimbursement Guidelines for New Faculty
- Guidelines for Faculty who Receive OTPS Funds from the State
- Travel Guidelines to Reimburse Candidates Interviewed for Full-Time Positions
(Please note: the approval of a Department Chair/Program Director is required for all equipment/renovation requests)
Tenure and Promotion
Academic Department/Unit Advisers