Professor Orenstein's Work on Puppetry and Material Performance Discussed in New Issue of 'American Theatre'
Theatre Professor Claudia Orenstein's work in the field of puppetry is discussed in a feature article, "Making the Most of the Puppet Moment," in the July/August issue of American Theatre magazine. In the article, Scott T. Cummings writes that "we live in what Claudia Orenstein of Hunter College calls 'a puppet moment,' a time of sustained cultural interest in animated objects as a form of artistic expression and a tool of commerce and mass entertainment." Cummings continues: "puppets are also a hot topic for serious academic investigation. Orenstein, Dassia N. Posner, and John Bell are the editors of the new Routledge Companion to Puppetry and Material Performance, a 2014 volume of wide-ranging essays aiming to set the agenda for puppet scholarship for the next generation." The article may be found at