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Course Descriptions

MLS 63000 Introduction to Cytopathology, 1 cr.
Students will be introduced to the discipline of cytopathology including historical perspective, established terminology, basic cell structure and cell biology and concepts of cellular response to injury and neoplasia. The applicability of immunochemistry, cytogenetics and other molecular studies to cytology specimens will also be discussed.

MLS 63200 Gynecologic Cytopathology, 4 cr.
Students will be introduced to the cytopathology of infectious, inflammatory, premalignant, and malignant pathologic processes of the female genital tract. They will learn how to identify benign and abnormal cytologic findings in gynecologic specimens and formulate preliminary and differential diagnoses.

MLS 63500 Microscopic Evaluation 1, 2 cr
This course allows students to apply acquired didactic material in a supervised clinical practice setting. Students are assigned microscopic screening assignments and expected to detect, select and appropriately mark cellular findings most representative of a pathologic process, if present. Students will correlate microscopic findings with clinical information, past history and concurrent histologic specimens and compose a preliminary cytologic interpretation using an established system of terminology. Students are assigned to licensed cytotechnologists who re-screen their slides and provide immediate feedback regarding performance. (limited to gynecologic, respiratory and gastrointestinal specimens).

MLS 63600 Microscopic Evaluation 2, 2 cr.
This course allows students to apply acquired didactic material in a supervised clinical practice setting. Students are assigned microscopic screening assignments and expected to detect, select and appropriately mark cellular findings most representative of a pathologic process, if present. Students will correlate microscopic findings with clinical information, past history and concurrent histologic specimens and compose a preliminary cytologic interpretation using an established system of terminology. Students are assigned to licensed cytotechnologists who re-screen their slides and provide immediate feedback regarding performance.

MLS 63700 Microscopic Evaluation 3, 2 cr.
This course is an extension of MLS 63500 and MLS 63600. Students continue to apply acquired didactic material in a supervised clinical practice setting acquiring speed and proficiency in cytologic screening. This course also allows students to gain experience in fine needle aspiration specimen adequacy assessment and specimen triage for ancillary studies. Students are assigned to licensed cytotechnologists who re-screen their slides and provide immediate feedback regarding performance.

MLS 64000 Exfoliative Cytopathology 1, 2 cr.
This course provides instruction in the principles of non-gynecologic exfoliative cytopathology including basic anatomy, embryology, histology, physiology, pathology, endocrinology, and diagnostic cytopathology (e.g., infections, inflammation and benign and malignant neoplasms) of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. Students will learn how to assess respiratory and gastrointestinal specimens for benign and abnormal cytologic findings and formulate preliminary and differential diagnoses.

MLS 64100 Exfoliative Cytopathology 2, 2 cr.
This course provides instruction in the principles of non-gynecologic exfoliative cytopathology including basic anatomy, embryology, histology, physiology, pathology, endocrinology, and diagnostic cytopathology (e.g., infections, inflammation and benign and malignant neoplasms) of the urinary tract, body cavities and central nervous system. Students will learn how to assess specimens from these sites for benign and abnormal cytologic findings and formulate preliminary and differential diagnoses.

MLS 64400, 64500 and 64600: Research Methods 1, 2 and 3, 1 cr. each
Students will explore cytopathology research in the scientific literature. They will learn basic principles of experimental design, laboratory techniques and data collection and interpretation. They will gain experience in the evaluation and communication of the scientific literature through oral presentations and written exercises.

MLS 64700 Cytopreparatory Techniques 1, 1cr.
This course provides instruction and hands-on experience in the basic principles of cytopreparation and applicable quality assurance and quality control activities. Students learn established cytopreparatory techniques, such as smear preparation cytocentrifugation, pipetting, liquid-based processing, staining and coverslipping and how to identify and troubleshoot issues that may occur during specimen handling and processing.

MLS 64800 Cytopreparatory Techniques 2, 1 cr.
This course is a continuation of MLS 64700 and provides more in depth instruction in laboratory safety and additional hands-on experience in cytopreparation. Students learn established cytopreparatory techniques such as smear preparation cytocentrifugation, pipetting, liquid-based processing, staining and coverslipping and how to identify and troubleshoot issues that may occur during specimen handling and processing.

MLS 64900 Cytopreparatory Techniques 3, 1 cr.
This course is a continuation of MLS 64700 and MLS 64800 and provides more hands-on experience in cytopreparation. Students apply principles of established cytopreparatory techniques and quality control under the supervision of licensed clinical personnel.

MLS 65000 Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology 1, 2 cr.
This course provides instruction in the principles of fine needle aspiration cytopathology of the lung, mediastinum, breast, thyroid, salivary gland and lymph nodes. Students will learn how to assess cytologic specimens procured from these sites for benign and abnormal cytologic findings and formulate preliminary and differential diagnoses.

MLS 65100 Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology 2, 2 cr.
This course provides instruction in the principles of fine needle aspiration cytopathology of the liver, pancreas, kidney, adrenal glands, retroperitoneum, bone and soft tissue. Students will learn how to assess cytologic specimens procured from these sites for benign and abnormal cytologic findings and formulate preliminary and differential diagnoses.

MLS 65200 Cytology Laboratory Management and Operations, 1 cr.
This course provides instruction in the management principles of a cytology laboratory including regulatory requirements, laboratory safety, quality management, quality assurance, quality control and equipment maintenance.

« January 2025 »

MLS offers an Advanced Certificate in Cytotechnology in collaboration with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC). The application deadline for Fall 2025 admission is April 1st, 2025. For application details, please visit Hunter College's Graduate Admissions here.  

The Spring 2025 application deadline for the Masters in Biomedical Laboratory Management (BLM) is November 1st, 2024. Non-degree options are also available. or application details, please visit Hunter College's Graduate Admissions at

The Fall 2025 application for the Advanced Certificate in Medical Technology (AC) has a deadline of March 1st, 2025.