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International Relations

Courses in international politics or relations (sometimes referred to as IR) examine relations among nation-states, the sources of conflict, and the prospects for stability and order. We offer courses on international security issues, international institutions (organization and law), international political economy, and the foreign policy of the United States and other nations. Advanced seminars look in depth at theoretical issues surrounding international relations and at current topics in international politics.

POLSC 11500 Introduction to International Relations
Examines the conceptual foundations of international relations and their application to current issues. Topics include: anarchy, power, war and peace, international cooperation, the role of the state and non-state actors, international institutions, norms and human rights, and the global economy.
Prereq/Coreq: ENGL 12000.
3 hrs, 3 cr; PD/1 or 2; Pathways: World Cultures and Global Issues

POLSC 27000(W) International Relations: Conceptual Foundations and Current Issues
Examines the conceptual foundations of international relations and their application to current issues. Topics include: anarchy, power, war and peace, international cooperation, the role of the state and non-state actors, international institutions, norms and human rights, and the global economy.
Prereq: ENGL 12000.
3 hrs, 3 cr

POLSC 27100(W) International Politics in the Americas
Dynamics of US relations with Latin American countries from the colonial era through the Cold War to the present, and of relations of Latin American countries with each other and with extra-hemispheric nations.
Prereq: ENGL 12000.
3 hrs, 3 cr

POLSC 273XX Contemporary Issues in International Politics
Selected topics in international politics.
Prereq: ENGL 12000. This course number acts as an 'umbrella', with differing courses appearing as decimals (e.g., POLSC 27307, UN & International Politics).
3 hrs, 3 cr

POLSC 27400(W) American Foreign Policy
Broad overrview of the sources, processes, institutions, traditional tenets, current challenges, and aims of American foreign policy.
Prereq: ENGL 12000. Counts as either American or IR (but not both).
3 hrs, 3 cr

POLSC 27500(W) Politics of the Global Economy
Introduction to International Political Economy (IPE). Examines the dynamic interaction between politics and economics across national borders, including the politics of trade, development, finance, varieties of capitalism, globalization and environmental protection.
Prereq: ENGL 12000. Not open to students who have taken POLSC 37600.
3 hrs, 3 cr; PD/1

POLSC 27600(W) Global Issues
Examination of current global issues using traditional and critical international relations perspectives. Topics vary each semester: population growth, food insercurity, human trafficking, the future of the euro, immigration challenges in Europe, climate change, resource shortages, global poverty, shared values, and other issues.
Prereq: ENGL 12000.
3 hrs, 3cr; PD/4

POLSC 27800(W) International Organizations
Powers, functions and effectiveness of international institutions; emphasis on United Nations and regional organizations.
Prereq: ENGL 12000.
3 hrs, 3 cr

POLSC 28000(W) Women, War and Peace
The course examines the roles that women have played as subjects and objects in war and peace.
Prereq: ENGL 12000.
3 hrs, 3 cr; PD/C; PD/3

POLSC 28100(W) Drugs, Politics and Public Policy
Examination of public policies addressing drug use and abuse in the United States and other countries with emphasis on political and cultural determinants, economic and market factors, constitutional implications and United States foreign policy.
Prereq: ENGL 12000.
3 hrs, 3 cr

POLSC 28200(W) International Security
An introduction to basic concepts and problems in the area of international security, this course will explore explanations for some of the central causes of security/insecurity and peace/war, as well as examine select contemporary security issues.
Prereq: ENGL 12000.
3 hrs, 3 cr

POLSC 28300(W) Terrorism
The course will explore the types, causes, and strategies of terrorism as well as the effectiveness and civil liberty implications of counterterrorism strategies. Both contemporary and historical terrorist groups will be considered.
Prereq: ENGL 12000.
3 hrs, 3 cr

POLSC 373XX Contemporary Issues in International Politics
Selected topics in international politics.
Prereq: ENGL 12000 and any course in international relations. This course number acts as an 'umbrella', with differing courses appearing as decimals (e.g., POLSC 37302, War and Peace in Africa).
3 hrs, 3 cr

POLSC 37400(W) International Human Rights
An examination of the origins, substance and processes of human rights in international relations.
Prereq: ENGL 12000 and any course in comparative politics or international relations.
3 hrs, 3 cr; PD/2

POLSC 37500(W) International Law
Theory of and
case studies on the nature, sources, practices and efficacy of international law, principles and rules.
Prereq: ENGL 12000 and any course in international relations.

3 hrs, 3 cr

POLSC 37600(W) International Political Economy
An examination of key concepts in international political economy, such as the politics of trade, the globalization of finance, financial crises, global inequality, and migration.
Prereq: ENGL 12000 and any course in international relations.
4 hrs, 4 cr

POLSC 37700(W) Theories of International Politics
An examination of the central concepts and issues in international politics that underpin the main theoretical debates in the field.
Prereq: ENGL 12000 and any course in international relations.
4 hrs, 4 cr

POLSC 37800(W) Russian National Interests: Past and Present
In a contemporary, historical, comparative, and international context, this course explores issues at the intersection of Russia’s domestic politics and foreign policies and the implications for Russia and the international system.
Prereq: ENGL 12000 and any course in comparative politics or international relations. Counts as either IR or Comparative (but not both).
4 hrs, 4 cr; PD/D

POLSC 37900(W) War and Strategy
An examination of strategy and wars between states, within states, and between states and transnational groups. Focuses on how strategy affects the avoidance, outbreak, conduct, and consequences of war and the difficulty of devising strategies that successfully link political ends and military means.
Prereq: ENGL 12000 and any course in international relations.
4 hrs, 4 cr

POLSC 38000(W) European Security
A theoretically informed examination of current and historical security problems in Europe, with a focus on the sources of war and peace, strategic calculations, alliances, institutions, democratization, norms, and ideological and identity conflicts. A principal aim is to establish a foundation for analyzing the prospects for a secure order in Europe in the first part of the 21st century.
Prereq: ENGL 12000 and any course in international relations.
4 hrs, 4 cr

POLSC 38100 East Asia in World Politics
An examination of sources of stability and instability in East Asia, using social science theories and historical background.
Prereq: ENGL 12000 and POLSC 27000.
3 hrs, 3 cr; PD/A

POLSC 38200(W) Causes of War
An analysis of the causes of war and peace for both civil and interstate wars including especially the role of bargaining, but also the roles alliances, arms races, rivalries, and institutions.
Prereq: ENGL 12000 and any course in international relations.
4 hrs, 4 cr

POLSC 38300(W) Rising Powers, China, the U.S. and World Order
An examination of global power transitions and their consequences for international competition and order. Draws on theoretical insights to explain patterns in historical and contemporary cases, including the current rise of China and other “BRICS” countries.
Prereq: ENGL 12000 and any course in international relations.
4 hrs, 4 cr

POLSC 38400(W) Comparative Foreign Policy
An analysis of why states have different foreign policies and the sources of those differences. Various factors such as power, political culture, religion, regime type, history, economics and state development, and individuals will be explored.

Prereq: ENGL 12000 and any course in international relations.
4 hrs, 4cr

POLSC 38500(W) The Nuclear Age: Nuclear Weapons, War and Peace
Analysis of how nuclear weapons have influenced international politics and military strategies, why states seek or forego nuclear weapons programs, the policies designed for nuclear nonproliferation, and the risks of nuclear crises, escalation, entanglement with conventional forces, and nuclear terrorism
Prereq: ENGL 12000 and any course in the international relations.
4 hrs, 4 cr

POLSC 38600(W) Politics of Finance
Examines the ways in which the global financial system operates and intersects world politics. Topics include: financial firms as political actors, income inequality, financial regulation, financial crises, the politics of foreign direct investment, the politics of monetary policy, and the politics of exchange rates.
Prereq: ENGL 12000 and any course in international relations.
4 hrs, 4 cr