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Message From The Director Vivian Louie

Welcome to Asian American Studies at Hunter. I returned to Hunter in August 2018 to serve as director of the undergraduate program, now in its 28th year, and to launch the new Asian American Studies Center, which will feature community- and policy-driven research and enrich student and community engagement. I am also Professor of Urban Policy & Planning at Hunter.

Asian American Studies at Hunter features an exciting interdisciplinary program with a 12 credit undergraduate minor, public programming and a vibrant seminar series. Our website offers more information about our program (courses, undergraduate minor, the college's Asian American student organizations); our public events; seminar series, and the Hunter College Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions Program (HCAP), a partner offering academic and other student support services for Asian American and Pacific Islander and other high-need students at Hunter College. All our efforts are designed to serve as a bridge between the Hunter College campus community and the city and nation's rapidly expanding Asian American populations.

I am a native New Yorker and am excited to lead Asian American Studies at Hunter, where I was CUNY Thomas Tam Visiting Professor from 2013-2014 and which was a fieldsite for my doctoral dissertation. I have previously been associate and assistant professor, and postdoctoral fellow in education, as well as lecturer in sociology at Harvard, and a program officer at the William T. Grant Foundation. I have also previously worked as a newspaper journalist, journalism teacher, and youth magazine editor.


My research has focused on exclusion/inclusion and what it means to be an American, in public dialogues and policies, civic education, including Ethnic Studies, and the factors that shape success along the educational pipeline among immigrants and the children of immigrants. I am the author or editor of three books, Compelled to Excel: Immigration, Education and Opportunity Among Chinese Americans (Stanford University Press), Keeping the Immigrant Bargain: The Costs and Rewards of Success in America (Russell Sage Foundation), and Writing Immigration: Scholars and Journalists in Dialogue (University of California Press) along with more than 30 academic reports, articles, book chapters, and scholarly commentaries. I frequently write and speak about why we need Asian American Studies & Ethnic Studies not only in schools but across diverse settings. 


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