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Curriculum Vitae

 Curriculum Vitae

János A. BERGOU – Physicist


Department of Physics
CUNY Hunter College
695 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065
Tel.: 212-772 5254; Fax: 212-772 5390; Email:
Family status: Married, 3 children
Citizenship: Hungarian, US permanent resident

Fields of major current interest

Theoretical quantum and nonlinear optics, laser physics, cavity QED, fundamentals of quantum mechanics, quantum information theory and quantum computing, intense field electrodynamics 

Educational background
Hungarian Academy of Sciences                     Doctor of Sciences (DSc)       1994
Hungarian Academy of Sciences                     Habilitation (CSc)                   1982
Roland Eötvös University (Budapest)             PhD Theoretical Physics         1975
Roland Eötvös University (Budapest)             Diploma (MS) Physics            1970

Employment history

Long term visiting positions

and several shorter term visiting positions at major research centers and universities

Honors and Awards

Editorial Boards

     Physical Review Letters - Divisional Associate Editor                      2003-date
     Fluctuations and Noise Letters - Topical Editor                                 2004-date

Professional Society Affiliations

Publications and Presentations

Over 160 refereed publications, 1 book, 5 book chapters (invited review articles)
More than 70 invited talks, several plenary talks at major international conferences
Organizer of over 15 major international conferences 

Teaching and supervising experience

            Teaching full curriculum of both undergraduate and graduate (PhD) courses, including the development and first offering at CUNY of advanced level laser physics, nonlinear and quantum optics, and quantum information/quantum computing courses for doctoral students.

            Supervised 10 Ph.D. and 4 Master theses, currently working with two Ph.D. students, employed several postdoctoral research associates.


Speak and read five languages (English, French, German, Hungarian, Russian).

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