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Physics BA Program Course of Study

2.5 years of physics courses are required for a bachelor's degree. Additional elective courses are recommended for a well rounded knowledge of physics. Recommended minors are computer science, chemistry or mathematics. (Minors consist of 12 credits.) Most other minors are acceptable. Students wishing to continue for a doctoral degree in Physics should complete the accelerated BA/MA program.

Total (Minimum) Credits for a BA in Physics: 26

Note: Not all courses are offered every semester. See our Course Rotation chart for more information.


Level One of Program:

  1. PHYS 111: Introductory Physics, Part I with Calculus (includes lab), 5.5 credits, Mechanics, Heat and Sound [Pre-requisite: MATH150 (Calculus I)]
  2. PHYS 121: Introductory Physics, Part II with Calculus (includes lab), 5.5 credits, Electricity, Magnetism, Optics, Atomic and Nuclear Physics

Level Two of Program:
These courses may be taken in any order. This part of the sequence takes three semesters.

Lecture Courses:
(Pre-requisites: PHYS 111, PHYS 121 and MATH 250)

  • PHYS 221: Electronics, 4 cr.
  • PHYS 330: Atomic & Nuclear Physics, 4 cr.
  • PHYS 334: Electricity and Magnetism, 4 cr.
  • PHYS 335: Intermediate Mechanics, 4 cr.

Laboratory Courses:
(Pre-requisites: PHYS 111 and PHYS 121)

  • PHYS 230: Classical Physics Lab, 2 cr.
  • PHYS 235: Modern Physics Lab, 2 cr.
  • PHYS 222: Electronics Lab, 2 cr.
  • Each of these lab courses may be substituted by PHYS 385 Numerical Method I, 3 cr. or PHYS 485 Numerical Methods II, 3 cr.

Additional Mathematics and Chemistry Requirements:

  • One year of high school or college-level chemistry
  • Calculus I, II and III, as well as MATH 254 (Mathematics for Scientists)

Recommended Elective Courses:

  • PHYS 425: Quantum Theory
  • PHYS 401: Theoretical Physics
  • PHYS 342: Optics
  • PHYS 336: Statistical and Thermal Physics
  • PHYS 385: Numerical Methods I
  • PHYS 445: Solid State
  • PHYS 415: Electricity/Magnetism (Level II)
  • PHYS 424: Plasma Physics

NOTE: Most of these courses also have 600 level designations. If a student registers for the above as a 600 level course, then up to 6 credits may be used toward the 30 credit masters degree in the accelerated BA/MA program.


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