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Shirzad Jenab

Ph.D., Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Molecular and Cellular Biology

Contact Information:
Dr.Shirzad Jenab
Department of Psychology
Hunter College
695 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10021
Tel: (212) 772-5732
Fax:(212) 772-4619

Current Areas of Research:
One of the most important goals in drug abuse research is to identify effective targets and strategies for preventing drug use, addiction and associated side effects. Our laboratory has a long standing interest in analysis of signal transduction pathways that underlie these behavioral and neurochemical responses to psychostimulants, cocaine and amphetamines, in male and female animals. The immense abuse potential of psychostimulants leading to behavioral sensitization, alterations in sleep, anxiety and aggressive behaviors and neurotoxic effects leading to permanent changes in striatal, cortical and hippocampal neurochemistry and function produce motor learning, cognitive and memory deficits and may predispose these individuals to neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease. We use our expertise in molecular and behavioral techniques in vivo and in vitro to study the interactions between dopamine and glutamate receptors and their signaling pathways in drug addiction and neuronal degeneration.

Selected Publications:

Zhu et. al, The clinically available NMDA receptor antagonist dextromethorphan attenuates acute morphine withdrawal in the neonatal rat. Developmental Brain Research 2003, in press.

Festa et. al, Sex differences in cocaine induced behaviors are maintained through different administration paradigms. Cell Mol Biol 2003, in press. Russo et. al, Gonadal hormones differentially modulate cocaine-induced conditioned place preference in male and female rats. Neuroscience 2003, in press.

South et. al, A Conditional Deletion of the NMDAR1 Subunit in Adult Spinal Cord Dorsal Horn Reduces NMDA Currents and Injury-Induced Pain. Journal of Neuroscience 2003, in press.

Jenab et. al, Effects of MK801 on cocaine induction of c-fos and preprodynorphin mRNAs and AP-1 DNA binding in Fischer rats. Molecular Brain Research 2003, in press.

Psych 369: Drugs and Behavior
Psych 300: Physiological Psychology

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