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Hunter Headlines for 2012

SuperLink "Canada's Wheelchair Basketball Team Golden Again" (Read how Hunter's Patrick Anderson led the way)
SuperLink "Why Men and Women Can Never See Eye-to-Eye" (Read about the recent study from James Gordon and his colleagues about how men and women see differently)
SuperLink Why do animals tolerate parasites? (Read about the research that earned psychology professor Mark Hauber and his four-member team a $1.2 million renewal grant from the Human Frontier in Science Program)
SuperLink New monkey discovered (Professor Christopher C. Gilbert Coauthors the Discovery and Description of a New Species of Monkey; CNN)
SuperLink Lessons for Democrats in New Poll (by Kenneth Sherrill, Professor Emeritus of Political Science)
SuperLink Debunking the Hunter-Gatherer Workout (Read about Professor Herman Pontzer’s research in the New York Times)
SuperLink The Presidency and Civil Rights: Then and Now (Professor Larry Shore’s film, "RFK in the Land of Apartheid: A Ripple of Hope," used in The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library’s panel discussion on C-Span)
SuperLink NY1 Online: City Commissioner And Student Explain New Immigration Policy (Hunter College student Yohan Garcia featured on NY1)
SuperLink Bershad Professor of Art History and Director of the Hunter College Galleries Joachim Pissarro co-curates concurrent Koons exhitbitions in Frankfurt
SuperLink Watch Tina Santi Flaherty-Winston Churchill Literary Series (through Roosevelt House School of Public Policy at Hunter) Online (American History TV on C-SPAN3)
SuperLink “Geoffrey Burleson seeks to give Camille Saint-Saëns his due” ( features Hunter Professor Burleson’s effort to shed light on the late French composer’s work)
SuperLink "Elusive Victories: The American Presidency at War" by Andrew J. Polsky (Read about Professor Polsky's new book in The Washington Post)
SuperLink Professor Jonathan Kalb’s ‘Great Lengths’ wins George Freedley Memorial Award
SuperLink Hunter-gatherers, modern men use same energy levels (Read about Professor Herman Pontzer’s research in the Daily News)
News Item Hunter Makes Headlines in Northern Ireland Village
SuperLink $5 Million Surprise from Silverstein (The Wall Street Journal)
News Item Peter Carey Named an Officer of the Order of Australia
SuperLink One On 1 Profile: Hunter College President Jennifer Raab Builds A New York Institution (NY1)
News Item Hunter Professors Sandra Clarkson and William Williams Receive CUNY Chancellor’s Award
News Item Hunter Student Wins Major Human Rights Fellowship
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