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Affiliated Researchers and Internships

Affiliated Researchers and Research Fellows

Karen Stubaus. National
Center Visiting Scholar.
Jacob Apkarian. Research Fellow,
Associate Professor of Sociology
Department of Behavioral Sciences
York College, CUNY.
Joseph van der Naald. Research
Fellow, Graduate Student
Researcher, Program in Sociology
The Graduate Center, CUNY.
Rhiannon M. Maton. National
Center Visiting Scholar.

Research Assistants

Erin Ward is a PhD
student in sociology
at the CUNY Graduate Center.

Anu Biswas is
a graduate student
at the CUNY School
of Labor and Urban Studies.

Toby Irving holds an MA
in political science and
teaches as an adjunct
at Baruch College.

Daniel Iskhakov, Graduate of Hunter College, CUNY
Daniel Cronin, Undergraduate Student, Hunter College, CUNY
Jenna Salem, Undergraduate Student, Hunter College, CUNY

Law Fellowships

The National Center offers students a law fellowship program that provides recent law school graduates interested in collective bargaining issues and a career in labor and employment law with an opportunity to research contemporary issues for up to a year on a volunteer basis, without a longer-term commitment.

If you are interested in an internship or our Law Fellowship Program, please submit a cover letter and resume to:  All other inquiries regarding internship opportunities at the National Center should be directed to our Administrator Michelle Savarese (212) 481-7662.