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You are here: Home Parliamo Italiano Our Programs Workshops
« September 2024 »


Parliamo Italiano's workshops are an exciting spin on the traditional curriculum. Enhance your conversation skills and knowledge of Italian history and culture through special topics. Our workshops are special promotion classes. Discounts do not apply to them.


Elementary Conversation (PICON1)

Course Description:
For Elementary Students Level 3 and up. Engage in lively discussion. Vocabulary building, choral repetition, and pronunciation are also part of the program. Students create dialogues and study contemporary Italian through games, improvisations and listening activities, among others.
Hours: 10
Location: Online
Tuition: $250
Special Discounts: No discounts


Intermediate Conversation (PICON2)

Course Description:
For Intermediate students Levels 1 and up. Engage in lively discussion. Vocabulary building, choral repetition, and pronunciation are also part of the program. Students create dialogues and study contemporary Italian through games, activities, improvisations, listening among others.
Hours: 10
Location: Online
Tuition: $250
Special Discounts: No discounts


Advanced Conversation (PICON3)

Course Description:
For Advanced students who have completed Intermediate 4 and up. Engage in lively discussion. Vocabulary building, choral repetition, and pronunciation are also part of the program. Students create dialogues and study contemporary Italian through games, activities, improvisations, listening among others.
Hours: 10
Location: Online
Tuition: $250
Special Discounts: No discounts


Grammar Review (PIGRREV)

Course Description:
The aim of this class is to give students an opportunity to advance their knowledge of grammar. There will be plenty of chances to practice by speaking and with written exercises. We will go over most irregular verbs, the personal pronouns as direct and indirect object, the indefinite adjectives and pronouns, and the subjunctive and its uses. Other topics will be covered at the request of students. Will be offered in two sections: Elementary and Intermediate/Advanced.
Hours: 10
Location: Online
Tuition: $250
Special Discounts: No discounts


Parliamo Italiano Book Club (PIBKCLB)

Course Description:
Baricco: Novecento

High Intermediate/Advanced

We will read Novecento by Alessandro Baricco, a short work of fiction in the form of a monologue of about 45 pages, published in 1994. It's the fantastic tale of a child born and raised aboard a transatlantic liner who becomes a self-taught jazz musician.

Background information, vocabulary lists and discussion questions will be provided. The book can be purchased online and the audio book is available for free on YouTube
Hours: 8
Tuition: $250
Special Discounts: No discounts
Note: Not offered this semester


Intro To Italian (PIINTRO)

Course Description:
In this course, you will explore the Italian language and culture in a fun and interactive way while you digitally meet new friends. This course is for people who have little or no prior knowledge of the Italian language and are interested in learning the language and culture.
Hours: 4
Tuition $99
Special Discounts: No discounts
Note: Not offered this semester


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Hunter College, E1039, New York, NY 10065
(212) 396-6653 | email us
695 Park Ave
NY, NY 10065