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Recent Talks


1. Quantum walks, Institute for Quantum Computing, April 2013.

2. Quantum optics past and present: What puts the quantum in quantum optics?
MIT Lincoln Labs, April 2014 and Heriot-Watt University, June 2014.

3. Shifting and flipping your way to Bell inequalities, DAMOP 2014, Madison, WI.

4. Property testing of Boolean functions, a quantum approach, Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, Ithaca, NY, June 2014.

5. Quantum nonlinear optics, lectures at the QUTE-Europe Summer School, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, August 2014.

6. Groups, non-local games, and Bell inequalities at DAMOP 2015, Columbus, OH, June 2015.

7. Groups, graphs, and Bell inequalities, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK June, 2016.

8. Coherence-path-information duality relation for N paths, DAMPOP 2016, Providence, RI, June 2016.

9. Quantum walk search problems, invited talk at Workshop on Quantum Simulation and Quantum Walks, Prague, Czech Republic, November, 2016 and IEEE Workshop on Quantum Networks, San Juan, Puerto Rico, July, 2017.

10. Retrodiction of measurement results at DAMOP 2017, Sacramento, CA.

« September 2024 »
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