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Potential Beckman Scholars Mentors

Hunter College Beckman Scholars Program Mentor Information

We are excited to share the news that Hunter has been invited to submit an application for a 2016 Beckman Scholars Program Award.  Funded by the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation, this program is meant to help stimulate, encourage and support research activities by exceptionally talented undergraduate students; young people who ultimately will become prominent leaders in their scientific and professional pursuits. The research activities are to be centered in chemistry, biochemistry, the biological and medical sciences or some interdisciplinary combination of these subjects.

The program is designed to support up to 5 students over the course of 3 years; students receive $21,000 in financial support for one academic year and the summers immediately before and after the academic year experience.  The research activities performed by Beckman Scholars shall be conducted under the guidance of a full-time, approved faculty member and the research work performed by the Scholar shall be deemed to be publishable by the student's faculty mentor.  Faculty mentors receive a stipend of $5,000 to support:  their mentorship activities, travel to attend professional conferences with the Scholars, scientific supplies, and publication fees.

For Hunter's application to be competitive, the faculty members must have external funding, a good publication record and a record of mentoring undergraduates in their labs and publishing with those undergraduates Only faculty included in the proposal will be able to have a Beckman Scholar work in their labs if Hunter is awarded funding.

In addition to meeting the aforementioned criteria regarding past experience mentoring and publishing with undergraduates, mentor candidates would have to be available and interested in working with us over the next few weeks to prepare the necessary application materials.  Each mentor would be required to provide the following information, which may be submitted to us via the link below:

  • A one-paragraph description of how they will engage the Beckman scholars, a description of the proposed scholar's role in the mentor's lab, and examples of a Scholar Mentorship Plan
  • A CV that is no longer than 3 pages and includes:
    • Name and Contact Information
    • Education
    • Professional Experience
    • Honors and Awards
    • Selected Publications (must include publications since 2010 and undergraduate co-authors should be underlined in the publication list.)
    • Current annualized level of external research project funding and average level of such support over the past five years. This information should match that in the Faculty Mentor Summary data sheet.
    • Number and names of undergraduates participating as active laboratory research in the faculty member's current research activities.
    • Total number of undergraduate research students (UGRS) the faculty mentor has mentored to date.
    • Please fill out the Beckman Scholars Mentor Data Sheet.
    • Please fill out the Beckman Scholars Mentor Summary Sheet.

This invitation presents a wonderful opportunity for us to continue supporting undergraduate research and the faculty who mentor them.  We ask that you please submit your information no later than June 1st, so we can gather the mentor's application materials in a timely fashion before the submission deadline of June 15th. Please let us know if you have any questions and thank you in advance for your help in identifying potential Beckman Scholars Program mentors - we look forward to receiving your nominations!

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