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Events 2021-2022

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August 10, Tuesday (4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.) Freshmen Roosevelt Orientation. We will familiarize the group with goals and resources for freshman year, and beyond. Get to know Director Elise Jaffe and each other. The orientation will be followed by distribution of a new podcast produced by upper level classmen, and a quick survey. 

September 3, Friday (3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.) All Roosevelt Fall Welcome. The Roosevelt Student Advisory Council will introduce themselves, and speak about both their plans for the coming year, and upcoming recruitment efforts for new sophomore and junior Advisory Council members. The group will provide tips and answer questions for new freshmen. Break out sessions will follow. 

September 10, Friday (9:45 a.m. - 10:450 a.m.) Albany Politics: Media Voices. After watching the COVID crisis unfold over the past year, and the scandals that resulted in the resignation of NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo, there can be no doubt that state leadership and state politics matters. In this discussion, hear about the current big issues in NYS - the new governor in town, the new push for ethics and transparency in Albany, the end of state emergency powers, the future of the MTA, and how redistricting may impact the 2022 election. This forum will be driven by your questions. Our guest is also happy to discuss his career path. Take a look at City & State and local news outlets to get up-to-date quickly on the scene in Albany. 

  • Zack Fink covers Albany for NY1 News, the 24-hour cable station in New York City. Prior to that he covered politics in New Jersey for 13 years, his final three as State House Correspondent for New Jersey Network, the former PBS station.
  • Keshia Clukey covers Albany for Bloomberg. Prior to that, she covered NYS K-12 and higher education for Politico's Albany bureau. She has worked at several newspapers in the state, most recently the Times Union in Albany.

September 17, Friday (9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.) Discussion of New York Criminal Justice Reform: An Assessment with Rafael A. Mangua, Manattan Institute. Rafael Mangual is a senior fellow and head of research for the Policing and Public Safety Initiative at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of City Journal. He has authored and coauthored a number of MI reports and op-eds on issues ranging from urban crime and jail violence to broader matters of criminal and civil justice reform. His work has been featured and mentioned in a wide array of publications, including the Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, New York Post, The Washington Post, Philadelphia Inquirer and City Journal. Mangual has also made a number of national and local television and radio appearances on outlets such as Fox News, C-SPAN, and Bloomberg Radio. In 2020, he was appointed to serve a four-year term as a member of the New York State Advisory Committee of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. 

September 25, Saturday (6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.) Social Meet-Up at Queens Night Market. Please watch newsletter for logistics.


October 6, Wednesday (7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.) Juniors: What you need to know now. How can you make the best use of the next year to be well prepared for the graduate school application cycle starting next year? What should you be considering in terms of timing? How are you·preparing for standardized tests? Are you thinking about working before applying? What other steps can you take now in order to make yourself more competitive for a future graduate school application process? These questions and others you bring to the session will be addressed. 

October 13, Wednesday (1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.) New York University's Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service: Programs & Admissions Tips. A public affairs degree can give students the skills to digest and communicate a lot of information, and to think broadly about the challenges facing our local and national governments today. This discussion will include an in depth description of the offerings at Wagner, and how to develop yourself into a strong candidate. Led by Darlene Passarelle, Associate Director of Admissions. The room waiting room will open 15 minutes early to give everyone a chance to get settled for a prompt start. 

October 19, Tuesday (5:45 p.m. - 6:45 p.m.) Career Panel on Environment & Sustainability. Panelists will discuss the different manner in which they address environment and sustainability issues, how their career paths have unfolded, and answer student questions about their projects and the nature of their work.
  • Leah Douglas ~ Reporter, Agriculture & Energy Policy, Reuters; Brown BA '13
  • Alix Kashdan ~ Senior Manager, Climate & Environment, United Nations Foundation; William & Mary BA, Yale School of the Environment MA
  • Miles Owen ~ Planner, Office of Climate and Environment, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission; Eastern Kentucky University BA '12, UPenn MUP '18, UPenn MPA '18
  • Claudia Villar-Leeman ~ Energy Policy Advisor, NYC Mayor's Offices of Climate, Sustainability, & Resiliency; Bowdoin College BA '15, Columbia MA '17
October 20, Wednesday (1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.) Sophomores: What you need to know now. Motivated, directed students are often high performing students, but what else could you be doing to distinguish yourself, and building a notable academic track record? How are you exploring your career interests outside of the classroom? How do your experiences contribute to a stronger CV and build your network? These questions and others you bring will be discussed. 

October 26, Tuesday (5:45 p.m. - 6:45 p.m.) Career Panel on Addressing Domestic & Gender Based Violence. Panelists will discuss how they address these difficult issues through their work and their career trajectory to date.

  • Gretchen Iverson ~ Domestic Violence Youth Advocate, Family Support Center (U Wisconsin B.S. '18, U Colorado MCJ & MPA '25)  
  • Ria Sarkar ~ LGBT Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Advocate, In Our Own Voices (SUNY Albany B.A. '18, Hunter College MSW '23) 
  • El Schneider ~ Assistant Director of Programs, VIBS Family Violence & Rape Crisis Center (Hunter College B.A. '16, Stony Brook MSW '18)
  • Ermira Uldedaj ~ Training Programs and Initiatives Advisor, NYC Mayor's Office to End Domestic & Gender Based Violence (John Jay B.A. '08, Columbia University MA '11)


November 18, Thursday (6 p.m. - 8 p.m.) All-Roosevelt IN PERSON Mixer hosted by the Student Advisory Council. Thomas Hunter 205. Student Union Game Room

November 30, Tuesday (5:45 p.m. - 6:45 p.m.) Panel on Careers in Public Health Advocacy & Strategy. Our guests will discuss the relevance of Pulbic Health in a variety of contexts.

  • Stacy Burnett ~ Public Health Advisor, NYC Health + Hospitals Hospitals (Bard '18, Bard MBA '21)
  • Kate Carmody ~ ABIM Foundation, Program Manager (College of Charleston B.A., U New England MPH)
  • Jalisha Hanshaw ~ Public Health Advisor for Communicable Diseases, Dutchess County Department of Behavioral & Community Health (CUNY Lehman College B.A.'19, CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy MS '22)
  • Jaron Hoani King ~ S.C. Department of Health & Environmental Control, Research and Planning Administrator (Brigham Young University B.S.'19, U South Carolina MS '21)


December 7, Tuesday (5:45 p.m. - 6:45 p.m.) Panel on Working in Electoral Politics. Folks from all along the political spectrum share stories of how they became involved in politics, and why it is compelling work for them.

  • April Cardena ~ Founding Partner, Premier Strategies (New York University B.S. '22)
  • Ramon Contreras ~ Political Organizer and Strategist (St. Francis College B.A.'21, New School M.A. '23)
  • Jack Mok ~ Deputy Campaign Manager at Anne Martin for Judge - Chancery Court (Vanderbilt University B.A. '22)
  • Michael Civita ~ Campaign Committee Chairman, NYS Young Republicans (Malloy College B.A. '21)
  • Rebecca Weintraub ~ Democratic District Leader, 76th AD (Trinity College B.A. '12, Baruch College MPA '17)


February 17, Thursday (5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.) Valentine's Mixer! Join your fellow Roosevelt Scholars for snacks, crafts, karaoke, games, and fun conversation.

February 23, Wednesday (1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. ) Lunch with a Leader: Toby Ann Stavisky, NYS Senator. Ms. Stavisky is Chair of the NYS Senate Committee on Higher Education, and Vice Chairwoman of the Democratic Majority Conference.


March 9, Wednesday (1:15 - 2:15) Exclusive Roosevelt Session with the curator - Leubsdorf Art Gallery "Black Index”, an exhibit designed to "contest the overwhelming number of photographs of Black people as victims of violent crimes that are circulated with such regularity and volume that they no longer refer to the persons they depict."

March 16, Wednesday (1:15 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.) Georgetown McCourt School of Public Policy: What Can I Do With a Policy Degree?Discussion with Briana Green, Director of Career Development and Director of Admissions, Julie Ito.

March 22, Tuesday (5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.) Resume Bootcamp. Join us for a workshop on resume crafting, and get specific feedback about YOUR resume. Presentation and discussion by Heather M. Butts, JD, MPH, MA. Ms. Butts is the founder of L.E.A.R.N. for Life Consulting, L.L.C; lecturer at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and St. John's University School of Law; author; cofounder of H.E.A.L.T.H for Youths, Inc.; and Assistant Professor & Co-Director of the Honors College at LIU Post.

March 29, Tuesday (5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.) 3rd Annual Roosevelt (Virtual) Fortnight Dinner, co-sponsored by the Office of Hunter College Office of Prestigious Scholarships & Fellowships. Join us at dinnertime for a research presentations by fellow Roosevelts Jackson Todd on labor and Kristie Sanchez on political economy. Dr. Steve Lassonde from OPS will join us to discuss the importance of research projects and the trajectory of your academic careers.

  • Jackson Todd: "Los Deliveristas Unidos: Social Movement Unionism in the Gig Economy"
  • Kristie Sanchez: " A (Post-) Neoliberal Bolivarian Dream: How the Economic Ideologies of Latin American Presidents Affect Regional Integration Processes during the Pink Tide"


April 6, Wednesday, (7:30 pm - 8:30 pm) Panel on Human Rights Careers, At Home & Abroad

  • Widad Hassan ~ Muslim Arab South Asian (MASA) Lead Advisor at New York City Commission on Human Rights (Baruch B.A. '14, CUNY M.A. '17)
  • L. Ansley Hobbs ~ Project Officer, Migrant Health Resource Hub @ CUNY's Center for Immigrant, Refugee, and Global Health (U Florida B.A. '13, CUNY M.P.H. '20)
  • Joseph Onwu ~ Discriminatory Harassment Investigator, NYC Commission on Human Rights (John Jay B.A. '11)
  • Paloma Muñoz Quick ~ Associate Director and Human Rights and Financial Services Lead, Business for Social Responsibility (Columbia U B.A., Columbia U SIPA M.A. '10)

April 27 (postponed; to be recheduled) How a Grad Policy Degree Opened Doors for Me: Voices from Georgetown McCourt School of Public Policy.


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