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You are here: Home Dr. Murray and Anna C. Rockowitz Writing Center Students Student Guide

Student Guide

Welcome to the Rockowitz Writing Center! We're here to support all Hunter students develop their critical reading and academic writing skills. 

Our Tutors are Your Peers

RWC tutors are Hunter undergraduate and graduate students from a variety of majors. They can help you improve your skills and develop more effective processes for academic reading and writing.

Choose How to Meet Your Tutor

    • In-person on the 7th floor of the library
    • Over Video in a zoom-like environment
    • Asynchronously where you can submit your papers electronically and get timely feedback
  • All three types of appointment are approximately an hour long.

Work with a Tutor Every Week

Every semester, you can request a weekly appointment and meet with the same tutor throughout the whole semester, in person or over video. 

Use Our Handouts

We have over 100 handouts on a variety of topics, including critical reading and notetaking, developing a thesis, organizational strategies, working with sources, citation styles, grammar and mechanics, and writing across the curriculum.

You can pick up a copy of any of our handouts at the Center, or you can download an electronic copy. 

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Dr. Murray and Anna C. Rockowitz Writing Center website feedback:
7th Floor of the library in the Silverstein Student Success Center
(212) 772-4212 | email us
695 Park Ave
NY, NY 10065