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2013 Summer

Course Offerings for the Summer 2013 semester.

Full Summer 2013 Course Listing with descriptions available here (.pdf).

If you're having trouble registering for Summer or Fall 2013 Religion courses, do not despair! Email (, call (212-772-4989), or visit the Religion Program office (Hunter West 1241). We'll help you navigate CunyFirst and register for classes!

REL 204W Religious Experience

        M, W 15:20-18:28 Haltenberger Room C113N


REL 251W Asian Religions

        M, W 18:40-21:48 Cerequas Room 206W


REL 252 Ancient Near Eastern Religion

        Tu, Th 15:20-18:28 Raver Room C113N


REL 253W Abrahamic Religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam

        M, W 8:00-11:08 O'Neil Room 406W


REL 256W Afro-Caribbean Religion

        M, W 15:20-18:28 Huffman Room 611W


REL 261.59 Faith and Reason

        M, W 15:20-18:28 Cerequas Room 206W


REL 270W Psychology and Religion

        M, W 18:40-21:48 Haltenberger Room 610W


REL 308W Religion and the Arts

        Tu, Th 11:40-14:48 Raver Room 206W


REL 310W The Religious Meanings of Death

        M, W 8:00-11:08 Adluri Room 224W


REL 317W Religion and Film

        M, W 11:40-14:48 Bruinius Room 206W


REL 320W Hinduism

        M, W 11:40-14:48 Adluri Room 224W


REL 410 Independent Study in Religion

        HRSTBA Sproul Room 1241W

August 2015 »