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Masters Program in General Psychology


Program RequirementsAdmission RequirementsMA Thesis RequirementsResearch Opportunities


Why Earn an MA in Psychology?

Some reasons you may want to choose our program:

  • To be sure of your chosen field of study before applying to a doctoral programs in psychology.
  • To strengthen your application for doctoral programs by getting valuable research experience, adding to your knowledge base, and/or improving your grades. 
    • This program's required empirical MA thesis is valued by PhD programs as it bears on an applicant's research potential.
  • The research skills acquired through the program's MA thesis are valued in a variety of fields that make use of and conduct behavioral research. These include social service non-profit organizations, as well as marketing, and advertising companies. 
  • Because having the degree will give you a raise, promotion, or allow you to apply to new jobs. 
  • To expand your knowledge in an area that interests you. 


MA Program in General Psychology (30 credits)

Students are exposed to the various aspects of psychology, but may focus their courses, independent study and thesis research in one of the three content areas described below:

  • Applied and Evaluative Psychology
    Faculty research interests include topics in personality, psychopathology, theories of therapeutic methods, group dynamics, biofeedback, health and gender, stress and stress management, substance use, tests and measurements. The department does not offer supervision in counseling or therapy.
  • Social, Cognitive and Developmental Psychology
    Faculty research interests include multicultural issues, cognitive and linguistic development, discursive social psychology, gender and cognition, attitudes, political psychology, psycholinguistics, decision-making, and memory functions in different populations.
  • Biopsychology and Comparative Psychology
    Faculty research interests include hormonal influences on and neural control of avian, mammalian and fish behaviors; mechanisms of drug abuse; developmental neuroscience; color vision; animal learning, orientation and communication. Students interested in comparative psychology and animal behavior may elect to complete a concentration in the area (see below).


Program Requirements

The Psychology program consists of 30 credits (12 credits of required coursework, 9 credits across the 3 breadth areas and 9 elective credits). Students satisfy the breadth requirement by taking a 3-credit course in each of the three content areas listed below. Students can choose courses from any content area to fulfill the elective requirements. All courses listed carry three credits.

I. Required Core Courses (3 cr. each): 12 credits

PSYCH 70200: Proseminar in Psychology
PSYCH 70500: Advanced Statistics (Fall Only)
PSYCH 70100: Experimental Psychology (Spring Only) Pre-requisite: PSYCH 70500
PSYCH 70701: Thesis Seminar I (Thesis Mentor Required) Pre-requisite: PSYCH 70100

II. Breadth Requirement (3 cr. each): 9 credits


Choose one course in each of the following three content areas:

Applied / Evaluative Breadth (A) [3 cr.] 
PSYCH 60500: Advanced Abnormal Psychology (A)
PSYCH 67600: Psychology of Personality (A)
PSYCH 68062: Applied Development (A)
PSYCH 75049: Psychology of Emotion (A)


Social / Cognitive / Developmental Breadth (S) [3 cr.]
PSYCH 75103: Basic Psychological Processes I: Perception, Learning and Comparative Cognition (S, B) PSYCH 74800: Psychological Theories of Ethnic and Cultural Identity (S)
PSYCH 72000: Developmental Psychology I (S) PSYCH 75300: Attitudes and Attitude Change (S)
PSYCH 73800: Cognitive Psychology (S) PSYCH 73700: Cognitive Development 
PSYCH 74600: Social Psychology (S)


Biopsychology / Comparative Psychology Breadth (B) [3 cr.]**
PSYCH 64100: Comparative Psychology (B) PSYCH 71751: Field Study in
Animal Behavior and Conservation
(Dolphins [Bahamas], Elephants [Thailand], and Dogs [Local]) (B)
PSYCH 64600: Physiological Psychology (B)* PSYCH 71800: Ethology (Animal Behavior II - Behavioral Ecology) (B)
PSYCH 68058: Companion Animals (B) PSYCH 73900: Research Methods in Animal Behavior (A, B)
PSYCH 68066: Urban Animals (B) PSYCH 75084: Evolution of Animal Play (B)
PSYCH 71000: Advanced Physiological Psychology I (Neuroscience) (B) PSYCH 75103: Basic Psychological
Processes I: Perception, Learning and Comparative Cognition (S, B)
PSYCH 71100: Advanced Physiological Psychology II (Neuroscience) (B) PSYCH 75400: Applied Animal Welfare and Behavior (B)
PSYCH 71600: Animal Behavior I: Mechanisms of Behavior (B) PSYCH 75700: Animal Thinking and Communication (S, B)
PSYCH 71700: Animal Behavior and Conservation in Captivity and the Wild (B) PSYCH 75800: Conservation Biology/Psychology (B)

*PSYCH 64600 is recommended for MA General Psychology students.

**All other classes listed in the Biopsychology / Comparative Psychology Breadth can be chosen by students with particular interest in Animal Behavior.


III. Elective Courses (3 cr. each): 9 credits

Students can choose courses from any content area to fulfill the elective requirements.



Templates for Coursework and Roadmapping

Click here for the Masters in General Psychology Program Tracker


Graduate Level Psychology Courses Available for Non-Degree Students

The MA Program in General Psychology invites students interested in taking advanced psychology courses at Hunter to register.

Minimum requirements: Bachelor's degree, 6 credits in Psychology and an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher.
For more information, please contact the MA program advisor Ms. Nicolina Steinoff at

Click here for the Graduate Non-Degree Admission Application



Interim Graduate Advisor: Nicolina Steinhoff, M.A.

For more information on Graduate Admissions at Hunter College, please click here.