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UGR in Higher Education
Enhancing the Number of African-Americans who Pursue STEM PhDs: Meyerhoff Scholarship Program Outcomes, Processes, and Individual Predictors
This study examines the outcomes, processes, and individual predictors of the pursuit of a STEM PhD. among African-American students in the Meyerhoff Scholarship Program. Meyerhoff students were nearly five times more likely than comparison students to pursue a STEM PhD. Important program components were: financial scholarship, being part of the Meyerhoff Program community, the summer bridge program, study groups, staff academic advising, and summer research opportunities. Focus group findings revealed student internalization of key Meyerhoff Program values, including a commitment to excellence, accountability, group success, and giving back.
Maton, K.I., Sto Domingo, M.R., Stolle-McAllister, K.E., Zimmerman, J.L., & Hrabowski, F.A., III (2009). Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 15(1): 15-37.
Expanding Underrepresented Minority Participation: America's Science and Technology Talent at the Crossroads
This book explores the role of diversity in the STEM workforce and its value in keeping America innovative and competitive. According to the book, the U.S. labor market is projected to grow faster in science and engineering than in any other sector in the coming years, making minority participation in STEM education at all levels a national priority. The book lays out best practices and offers a comprehensive road map for increasing involvement of underrepresented minorities and improving the quality of their education. It offers recommendations that focus on academic and social support, institutional roles, teacher preparation, affordability and program development.
Committee on Underrepresented Groups and the Expansion of the Science and Engineering Workforce Pipeline, Engineering and Public Policy Committee on Science, Policy and Global Affairs, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, & Institute of Medicine. (2011). National Academies Press.
Importance of Undergraduate Research for Minority Persistence and Achievement in Biology
This study examines the association between undergraduate research participation and college success in the biological sciences. The researchers find that undergraduate research participation is significantly associated with earning a baccalaureate degree and with persistence and outstanding performance among biology majors for all racial/ethnic groups at a large university.
Jones, M.T., Barlow, A.E.L., & Villarejo, M. (2010). The Journal of Higher Education, 81(1): 82-115.
Rising Above the Gathering Storm Revisited: Rapidly Approaching Category 5
This work is a follow-up to a book released five years ago that centered on the idea that U.S. government and industry are letting the crucial strategic issues of U.S. competitiveness slip below the surface. This book provides a snapshot of the work of the government and the private sector in the past five years, analyzing how the original recommendations have or have not been acted upon, what consequences this may have on future competitiveness, and priorities going forward. Readers will find a series of thought- and discussion-provoking factoids about the state of science and innovation in America. This book, together with the original Gathering Storm volume, provides the roadmap to meet that goal.
Members of the 2005 "Rising Above the Gathering Storm" Committee, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, & Institute of Medicine. (2010). National Academies Press.
Science in Solution: The Impact of Undergraduate Research on Student Learning
Excellent report on the importance of promoting undergraduate participation in meaningful scientific research and the benefits such opportunities provide for students interested in pursuing careers in the sciences. Based on the work of an educational psychologist, this work highlights some of the past barriers to successful science education and offers suggestions for strategies moving forward.
Lopatto, D. (2009). Washington, DC: Council on Undergraduate Research and the Research Corporation for Science Advancement.
The Meyerhoff Way: How the Meyerhoff Scholarship Program Helps Black Students Succeed in the Sciences
The current study describes the ways the Meyerhoff Scholarship Program "works." Three groups of MSP students were included in the study: new Meyerhoff students participating in Summer Bridge (n=45), currently enrolled Meyerhoff students (n=92), and graduates of the MSP who were currently enrolled in STEM graduate studies or had completed an advanced STEM degree (n=19). Students described the importance of several key aspects of the MSP: financial support, the Summer Bridge Program, formation of Meyerhoff identity, belonging to the Meyerhoff family, and developing networks - all of which serve to integrate students both academically and socially.
Stolle-McAllister, K., Sto Domingo, M.R., & Carillo, A. (2011). Journal of Science Education and Technology, 20: 5-16.
Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering
This report provides statistical information about the participation of women, minorities, and persons with disabilities in science and engineering education and employment. This digest, new for 2011, highlights key statistics drawn from a wide variety of data sources. Data and figures in this digest are organized into six topical areas - enrollment, field of degree, employment status, occupation, academic employment, and persons with disabilities.
Division of Science Resources, Statistics Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences. (2011). National Science Foundation.