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ROPs Marine Sciences


Use the chart below to learn about various programs offered in your field at universities and organizations outside of Hunter College.

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Subject Area

Program Name



Deadline (Estimated)

Other Categories


Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships in Oceanography

University of Rhode Island

Kingston, RI

March 1st

Research; Fellowship; Summer; University-based


Multiple Subjects

Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)

University of Southern California

Los Angeles, CA

February 11th

Research; Summer ; University-based


Multiple Subjects

Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP)

University of Michigan

Ann Arbor, MI

February 10th

Summer; Research; University-based

Multiple Subjects

UTSA COS Summer Research Experience

University of Texas

San Antonio, TX

Priority given to those who apply before February 15th

Summer; Research; University-based

Biological, and social, sciences, math, engineering, and other interdisciplinary areas

Research in Science and Engineering (RiSE)

Rutgers University

New Brunswick, NJ


Summer; Research; University-based

Multiple Subjects

Amgen Foundation Scholars Program



Early-mid February

Summer; Research; University-based

Estuarine & Coastal Marine Sciences

REU Program in Estuarine & Coastal Marine Sciences

Duke University Marine Lab

Beaufort, NC

February 15

Summer; Research; University-based

Estuarine, Climate Change, Fisheries, Contaminants, Sumberged Aquatic Vegetation and more

Maryland Sea Grant’s REU Program

Maryland Sea Grant College

College Park, MD

February 15

Summer; Research; University-based

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