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Why Participate in Undergraduate Research and Creative Collaboration?


Getting involved in research, scholarship, and other creative projects with Hunter's exceptional facultyand the one-on-one support and mentoring received as part of the process—can transform students' professional and personal lives. Some students develop a passion for research and creativity that they did not know they possessed. Others, who did not think they could "do" this kind of work, recognize that they can not only do itthey can do it well enough to consider pursuing it as a career. 

Undergraduates who participate in scholarly research and creative activity outside of formal classroom settings are more engaged in their college studies, more likely to graduate, and more successful in applying for and gaining entrance into graduate and professional schools.

The Hunter faculty, training programs, and other opportunities presented on this site represent Hunter's commitment to providing its students with an outstanding education by offering undergraduates the opportunity to conduct cutting-edge research, scholarship and creative work across the arts and sciences and the health and education professions.

To read more about the benefits and possibilities of undergraduate research and creative collaborations outside the classroom, see 



How the Arts Can Prosper Through Strategic Collaborations (Havard Business Review)



The Performance Festival As Undergraduate Research (Liminalities Journal)



Undergraduate Research as a High-Impact Student Experience (Association of American Colleges and Universities)



Establishing the Benefits of Research Experiences for Undergraduates in the Sciences (Wiley InterScience)



Benefits of Undergraduate Research Experiences (Science)



Check out the Database to find out about available Research & Creative Opportunities.


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