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Graduate Student FAQs

Notice: This item is marked as outdated.

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How do I know what course to enroll in?

Please meet with your Specialization Coordinator at least once each semester. Advisement hours will be posted about 3 weeks before registration. All core and advanced practice core courses must be completed before starting clinical specialization courses. Some courses have prerequisites such as Nursing 700 for Nursing 702 and Nursing 749 for 751.  Hunter College Registrar will provide you with a date and time for you to register online. Courses do fill up so please register and pay in a timely fashion to avoid being closed out of a course.

Is there scholarship support?

Sometimes moneys are made available. If you think that you will need tuition support, make sure that you have a FAFSA form completed. Then, visit the Student Services Scholarships page for specific information.


Is there traineeship support available?

Each year, Dr. Nokes and Ms. Brown submit a Federal HRSA Traineeship application grant and receive variable amounts of funding. In order to qualify, you must be studying full-time and/or graduating that semester and not receive any other forms of tuition reimbursement. We can only support tuition reimbursement for a total of two semesters because of the increasing need. There are forms to complete early in the semester.

How do I find out if Hunter-Bellevue has a contract with a clinical agency where I would like my practicum?

Ask the Specialization Coordinator who has the current list of contracts. If you have a unique need for a placement, express that early in the program since it takes about one year to get a contract. We have contracts with over 150 agencies.

When will specialization courses be offered?

All specialization courses are offered every 1 ½ years except for Primary Care Nursing I, Primary Care Nursing II, and Primary Care Nursing III. Primary Care Nursing I is offered every year in the Spring semester.

How do I prepare for my first clinical course?

Complete the necessary forms (located on this website under Graduate Forms), then meet with your specialization coordinator to discuss possible placements as soon as possible. Students should not contact preceptors directly and ask for a placement but suggestions of possible placements and preceptors to the specialization coordinators are welcome.

Where do I submit the necessary forms for the clinical courses?

It is your responsibility to ensure that all of your information is kept up to date including health insurance, malpractice insurance, and CPR. If you know that something is expiring, please submit the updated documentation before the expiration date. You cannot accrue clinical hours with expired documents. Health forms need to be completed yearly and should include documentation of flu vaccine and H1N1 vaccine. Completed forms go to Ms. Brown before the first day of class so that they can be evaluated by the Clinical Coordinator.

How is my preceptor recognized by the School for helping to educate me?

We send thank-you notes and certificates at the end of every semester. We will complete verification forms for ANCC for your preceptor as requested. There is a more formal recognition program being developed for preceptors who assist us regularly.

What if I'm not doing well in a course?

Please make an appointment to meet with the course faculty to discuss strategies to improve your performance as soon as a potential issue is identified.


What if I decide to withdraw from a course?

You need to complete a withdrawal form or the faculty will have no choice but to submit a WU grade which converts to an F. Feel free to stop by and chat with Dr. Nokes if you have questions or concerns about continuing. She can be reached via email at


What if I'm not satisfied with the overall grade received in a course?

There is a grade appeal process that must be followed.  Please download this PDF from the Provost's site for more information.

What if I need more time to complete exams or in other testing situations because of a disability?

Please follow the procedures outlined on the Student Services Office of AccessAbility web page

I'm ready to graduate; what do I do?

Meet with your Specialization Coordinator early in the semester to complete the graduation audit form; plan on coming to both graduation and convocation (spring only).

Please stay in touch with your Specialization Coordinator and/or Dr. Nokes ( Email is the most efficient way to communicate but also feel free to stop by and chat. If an issue requires a longer time, it's usually best to make an appointment. Faculty does keep office hours but schedule conflicts come up so email first. We are pleased that you chose Hunter and want to help you to success in your advanced nursing education.

« September 2024 »