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Useful Resources

Below under "Downloads," you will find resources we have developed from various workshops and events over the years.

Also included are outside resources, such as "TED Talks", students (and their faculty mentors) will find useful for for their growth as a student, scholar, researcher, artist, or professional.


For more useful resources:


Approaching a Faculty Member to Collaborate with Her/Him (PDF)


How to Read A Research Article (PDF)

Expectations for Collaborating with a Faculty Member (PDF)


Poster and Oral Presentation Tips (PDF)

Requesting a Letter of Recommendation (PDF)


Preparing for Graduate School (PDF)



TED Talks for Undergraduates

Six Reasons Why Research is Cool | Quique Bassat


You're Never Too Young To Be a Research Scientist | Becky Parker

The Danger of a Single Story | Chimamanda Adichie


Everyday Leadership | Drew Dudley

The impact plan for your career journey | Mohammed Mosly 


How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure

How to Build Your Creative Confidence | David Kelley


How I beat stage fright | Jow Kowan

The Power of Introverts | Susan Cain


Dare to Disagree | Margaret Heffernan



