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All budgets must be submitted on an annual basis. The College Association Board will review no budget unless the College Association Office first reviews it at least one week before the College Association meeting.

Note (USG and GSA) Clubs: Chartering Process is carried out by the respective student body.
At the conclusion of the student government club allocation process (Charter Process), clubs must submit a revised budget form to the College Association office to be placed on it's biweekly agenda for a review by the CA(Please see MEMOS for meeting dates).  Clubs that do not submit a revised budget will not be able to access funds nor make room reservations.


1.       Organization President’s original signature is required on page (1) of the Budget Request form.
3.    You MUST use the Budget Request form as is.
4.    Please read the itemized budget carefully and add your projected expenses to the correct line and section.
5.    If you are unclear as to where a specific expense should go, please contact the CA Office.
6.    DO NOT re-arrange the form.
7.    DO NOT remove any sections from the form.
8.    If a section does not apply to your needs, just leave it blank.
9.    If your consolidated funds' page is not filled out, your Budget Request will be deemed incomplete.
10.   Please open the form using Microsoft Office Word for the best results.
11.   You must be fully chartered and receive an allocation from your government before you submit a budget to the CA Office.
12.      All Budgets must be reviewed AND approved by the college Association board before any Spending.

 Budgeting Procedure

Undergraduate Clubs

·         A link to register for your meeting will be sent to you when you become eligible.
·         Send budget to: (use your “My Hunter” e-mail) - Do not send your budget until your club becomes eligible.
·         USG will vote to approve your allocation
·         You will receive an e-mail notification of your allocation from
·         If necessary, you will need to revise your budget to reflect your allocation
·         Sign your Final Budget
·         CLICK HERE to submit your final budget to the C.A. office.(PDF Format only)

Graduate Clubs

1-The club president must submit a signed and completed College Association Budget Form 2023-2024 to:
Graduate Club Budget Submission File . Blank budget forms can be found on HERE (scroll down to the College Association Budget Form 2023-2024). You may send an e-mail to to confirm that your budget has been received. 
2-The budget will be reviewed by Miesha Smith and Teneia Wooten.  An e-mail will be sent from confirming the approval of your allocation.  You may need to revise your budget to reflect your allocation. 
3-Combine and save your signed budget and allocation e-mail in a single pdf. 
4-Submit the pdf to the College Association (scroll down to "CLICK HERE" to submit your final budget to the C.A. office."). Your budget will be review at a College Association meeting.  For submission deadlines and meeting dates go to College Association Memos.  The College Association will contact you if there are questions regarding your budget.  The College Association will notify you regarding your budget approval.


·         Send budget to: (use your “My Hunter” e-mail)
·         Media Board will vote to approve your allocation
·         You will receive an e-mail notification of your allocation from
·         If necessary, you will need to revise your budget to reflect your allocation
·         Sign your Final Budget
·         CLICK HERE to submit your final budget to the C.A. office. (PDF Format only)

 College Association Budget Form 2024-2025

CLICK HERE to submit your final budget to the C.A. office.·

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