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General Information


-A maximum of 25% may be spent on trips for social events unrelated to club purpose.

-All clubs must have at least 4 club-related activities for per year and a minimum of 25% of the total club budget must be spent on the activities.

- Club budgets must be submitted to the College Association to be placed on the agenda for review by the second scheduled College Association meeting after the student governments have approved the club allocations. A club representative will be required to attend the College Association meeting.

-All groups requesting reimbursement from the College Association, who have not gone through the College purchasing procedure must submit three bids from vendors to the College Association before reimbursement is made. This is a one- time only exception for each organization. If an organization  does not follow the College purchasing procedure a second time, reimbursement will not be made.

- All refreshments and perishable items must be purchased and delivered on the date of the event. If items are purchased in advance they must be delivered within 4 hours of the event. Date and time of puchase and delivery must be clearly stated on the receipt. (non perishable items must be purchased no more than 24 hours prior to the event.) 

- All budget modifications and line transfers must be approved by the College Association. The only exception to this rule applies to clubs which are permitted to do a maximum of a 10% change of an original line item, as long as it does not affect the total budget amount. Clubs which request to go over 10%, either at one time or cumulatively during the semester, much receive College Association approval.

-To attend USG and GSA events costing more than $10,000, non-Hunter individuals would have to pay a fee to be determined by USG or GSA.

-College Association will only pay for organization membership fees; individual membership fees must be paid for by the individuals.

- Any equipment or supplies purchased between $1-$999 using student activity fees will be tagged by the College Association Office - Click for more information.

- The College Association will not approve funds that are for social overnight events and or trips.

- All employees paid from Student Activity Fee funds must sign daily time sheets.

- Only full-time faculty members cannot be paid a fee or honorarium from Student Activity Fee money for a club activity; does not apply to adjuncts.

- When classes are not in session (intersession and summer), a quorum would be established at 40%.

- All organizations making any purchases of $250 or more must first meet with Nicole Hector who will familiarize the group with purchasing procedures.

- The Business Office will automatically transfer 5% of the total semester collection, less NYPIRG and USS fees, to the administrative budget of the College Association.

- Stipends for College Association student members are paid on a monthly basis at a rate of $75.00 per month.

- Failure to attend three consecutive meetings of the College Association during the normal sessions of the College Association (excluding summer session and January intersession) will be viewed as a de-facto resignation from the College Association.

- Stipends shall only be issued if approved by the respective media and the Hunter College Association. Those media whose budgets are allocated through the Media Board must obtain approval from the Media Board, as well. Stipends/payments will only be issued on a per issue basis. Stipends or payments will not be issued for newsletters or issues of a publication with fewer than 12 pages. Stipends may be paid from either advertising revenue or student activity fees.

- All T-shirts and apparel bought with Student Activity funds cannot exceed a total of $15 per item. Any remaining balance is the responsibility of the club.






-75% of the content of all publications must be written by registered Hunter students. Any publication wishing to produce less than the 75% minimum may appeal to the College Association and present a justification for this request.

-The maximum stipend paid on a per issue basis will be addressed on a case by case basis. Only Hunter College students can receive payments as writers or contributors and the maximum payment will be determined on a case by case basis. Students who are receiving stipends may not be paid for articles. Advisors to student organizations may not be paid. Advisors are defined as any individual who trains editors, student officers, etc. Any request to deviate from the items mentioned above must be submitted, in writing, to the College Association for review.


Any publication which changes/modifies their approved budget in a substantially different way from that which the College Association and Media Board originally approved, and if the change is inconsistent with the spirit of the approved budget, that publication must go back to the Media Board for approval prior to College Association review. The maximum payment anyone serving in an editorial, layout, manager, etc. position is $4,028 per year or $2014 per semester. Any request to exceed this CUNY established maximum stipend must be submitted in writing to the College Association. Each publication must submit their publishing schedule with their budget.

-All student publications must indicate on the front or inside cover status as a Hunter College student publication, funded by student activity fees.

- Individual publications do not carry over unspent allocations unless earmarked.

- All publications must submit their ad policy to the College Association for approval.


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