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You are here: Home WebCMS Support Center Learning Frequently Asked Questions Can I create an RSS feed for my site?

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Can I create an RSS feed for my site?

Yes. Container objects (folders, orgfolders and collections) can be set to generate an RSS feed using the Syndication tab above the green toolbar. This tab is only available to users with the Plan/Design Site role; it is not accessible to normal content creators or editors.

Syndication settings are straightforward, allowing timed refresh, starting on a specific date, and setting a maximum number of items to display.

The WebCMS does not inherently provide an RSS feed for a complete subsite, but one can be created using a collection object. For assistance with setting this up, contact the Technology Resource Center (TRC).

Before enabling syndication, a Site Planner should consider the feed's Channel Name, which is tied to the title of the object and is not editable. Since many of the default folders in a subsite are generically named (News, Events, Announcements, etc.), it might be wise to consider renaming your folder(s) so that a feed reader will display a more informative feed title. Similarly, other folders used for syndication should have titles which will be understandable as a heading in a feed reader.




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