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Glossary of Hunter WebCMS Terms

A   B   C   D   E   F   H   I   K   L   M   N   O   P   R   S   T   U   V   W




Administrative Interface: the "back-end" of the WebCMS where all content editing is done, accessible at

Alert Wrapper: special formatting that draws attention to important items on a web page

Alias: a content type which allows the same content to appear in more than one place in a subsite (more...)

Anchor Link: a special kind of link which points to a specific element on a web page, rather than to the default top of page

Announcement: a content type that can be used to automatically populate your subsite's Announcements portlet. Each announcement has a title, description, priority, publishing date, expiration date, and body text. (more...)

Announcements (Portlet): a small application widget (or box) which can appear in either of your site's sidebars, and which will automatically display a list of the most recent announcements that have been added to your subsite's Pressroom > Announcements folder (more...)

Announcements (Pressroom Folder): a special folder in your subsite's Pressroom within which you can create and manage Announcement items (more...)



Body Text: the main content of any item which will appear in the central location on your web page

Breadcrumb Trail: shows where you are in the site and describes the path leading to the current working object (examples)



Calendar (Large): displays all events from the Pressroom > Events folder in a familiar calendar format (example)

Calendar (Portlet): a small calendar which can appear in either of your site's sidebars, and which will automatically highlight the dates of events that have been added to your subsite's Pressroom > Events folder (more...)

Categories: keywords used to correlate content across the entire site (more...)

Check Out: makes a copy of an externally published item so that it can be updated (more...)

Check In: replaces an externally published item with a copy that has been edited (more...)

Clean and Simple (Theme): one of several theme options available in the Hunter WebCMS (more...)

CMS: content management system, a type of software used to enter, edit, import, export, schedule and publish websites and other files and information (more...)

Collection (Content Type): a special folder that displays the results of a defined search (more...)

Collection (Portlet): a small application widget (or box) which can appear in either of your site's sidebars, and which will automatically display a list of the most recent items added to a pre-defined collection in your subsite (more...)

Contents (Tab): displays all of the items in the current folder in list format (more...)

Content Type: a term used to refer to things like pages, files, images, news items, folders, events, etc. Anything you can add to your subsite using the "add item" menu is considered a content type. (more...)

Controlling Unit: the department or office which oversees a particular subsite



Description: an optional bit of text which can be added to any item and which should briefly introduce or describe the item. In most cases, an item's description will appear on the item's page.



Edit (Tab): allows you to edit the item you were just viewing (more...)

Editor: a term used to refer to a user with the Write Content role (more...)

Event: a content type used to describe a meeting, convention, workshop or other scheduled event. Events can be displayed in a portlet, in a folder, or via a direct link. (more...)

Events (Portlet): a small application widget (or box) which can appear in either of your site's sidebars, and which will automatically display a list of the next upcoming events that have been added to your subsite's Pressroom > Events folder (more...)

Events (Pressroom Folder): a special folder in your subsite's Pressroom within which you can create and manage Event items (more...)

Expiration Date: the date and time when your content will no longer be visible on your public-facing website. Expired items will still be available via the administrative interface.

External Link: a link to a web page outside of the Hunter WebCMS (more...)

Externally Published: the state in which an item becomes visible on your public-facing website (more...)



Featured Wrapper: special formatting that draws attention to important items on a web page

File: an uploaded document, such as a PDF, Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx), Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (.xls or .xlsx), Microsoft PowerPoint slideshow (.ppt or .pptx), etc. Linking to a file allows your site visitors to download it. (more...)

Files (Repository Folder): a special folder within your subsite's Repository where you can upload all of your non-image files, including PDFs, Microsoft Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and PowerPoint slideshows (more...)

Folder: a basic container object that can hold other items (more...)

Formatting Toolbar: a visual editor similar to those you'd find in a word processing program which allows you to make your text bold, italicized, left-aligned, right-aligned, centered, etc. (more...)



HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language, a special coding language traditionally used for developing websites. Knowledge of HTML is not required to work in the WebCMS.

Hunter Public (Theme): one of several theme options available in the Hunter WebCMS (more...)



Image: an uploaded graphic file, such as a .gif or .jpg. Images can be pictures, photos, graphs, maps, charts, or anything graphical.

Images (Repository Folder): a special folder within your subsite's Repository where you can upload all of your photos and graphics in .jpg, .gif or .png format (more...)

Internal Link: a link to another web page within the Hunter WebCMS (more...)

Internally Published: the state in which an item becomes visible to anyone with access to the Hunter WebCMS, but not to the general public (more...)



Kupu: one of the two text editors available for your use in the Hunter WebCMS (more...)



Locked: when an item is currently being edited by another user (more...)



Menu Bar: a term used to refer to the tabbed items and/or the green toolbar at the top of each page in the administrative interface



Navigation (Portlet): a small application widget (or box) which can appear in either of your site's sidebars, and which will display links to selected items in your subsite (more...)

Navigation (Tab): displays the current navigation menu items in list format. Within this tab, items can be selected for inclusion in the navigation menu or renamed. (more...)

NetID: your Hunter username and password. If you don't know your NetID or need to change your password, visit

News Item: a content type that can be used to automatically populate your subsite's News portlet. Each news item has a title, description, body text, photo and photo caption. (more...)

News (Portlet): a small application widget (or box) which can appear in either of your site's sidebars, and which will automatically display a list of the most recent news items that have been added to your subsite's Pressroom > News folder (more...)

News (Pressroom Folder): a special folder in your subsite's Pressroom within which you can create and manage News items (more...)



Orgfolder: a container object which functions like a regular folder, but which contains its own pressroom and repository (more...)



Pages: the basic building blocks of your website. Each page can contain a large body of text, as well as images, lists, links and tables. (more...)

Portlets: chunks of information that can be shown outside the main content area of a page. They are usually boxes of different kinds which content editors can add, set properties of and policies for showing. (more...)

Pressroom: a special folder within your WebCMS subsite which contains all of your time-sensitive content, including news, events, announcements and seminar items (more...)

Preview: a link at the bottom of each page in the administrative interface which allows you to see what your content will look like on your public-facing website

Published: a generic term used to refer to items in the Externally Published or Internally Published states (more...)

Publisher: a term used to refer to a user with the Publish Content role (more...)

Publishing Date: the date and time when your content will first become visible on your public-facing website. Items may be externally published prior to this date, but will not appear until the designated date and time.



Recent Items (Portlet): a small application widget (or box) which can appear in either of your site's sidebars, and which will display a list of your subsite's most recently updated items and the date on which each item was last updated (more...)

Related Items: a list of items displayed at the bottom of a page which points to other items with similar content (more...)

Repository: a special folder residing at the top-level of your WebCMS subsite which contains all of your images and downloadable files (more...)

Reviewer: a term used to refer to a user with the Review Content role (more...)

Review List (Portlet): a small application widget (or box) which can appear in either of your site's sidebars, and which will display all items that have been Submitted for Review or Submitted for External Publication. This is available as a tool for Reviewers, and will not be visible on your public-facing website. (more...)

Role: a collection of specific permissions that define what a given user can and cannot do within a given subsite. Roles available in the WebCMS are: view unpublished content, add new content, plan/design site, write content, review content, publish content and staff site. (more...)

RSS Feed: a commonly used tool for syndication, often used to share the contents of blogs, news and websites. An RSS feed provides web content or summaries of web content together with links to the full versions of the content. It allows a frequent website reader to track updates on a site. (more...)

RSS Feed (Portlet): a small application widget (or box) which can appear in either of your site's sidebars, and which can display a list of the most recent articles from a website outside of the Hunter WebCMS using the external site's RSS feed (more...)



Search (Portlet): a small application widget (or box) which can appear in either of your site's sidebars, and which will add a search box to your subsite (more...)

Seminar: a content type used to describe a conference or lecture event with a featured keynote speaker (more...)

Seminars (Portlet): a small application widget (or box) which can appear in either of your site's sidebars, and which will automatically display a list of the next upcoming seminars that have been added to your subsite's Pressroom > Seminars folder (more...)

Seminars (Pressroom Folder): a special folder in your subsite's Pressroom within which you can create and manage Seminar items (more...)

Sharing (Tab): where staff managers can add, edit and remove roles assigned to themselves and other users. All users who currently have access to the subsite will be displayed in a list with an indication of what roles they currently possess. (more...)

Short Name: composed only of alphanumeric characters and hypens (no spaces), this name will be used to create the URL (or web address) of an item in the WebCMS (more...)

Site Planning: the process of developing an overall outline for your website, with a strong focus on the organization of content (more...)

Staff Manager (a.k.a. Staffer): a user with the Staff Site role in a subsite. This user is responsible for assigning roles to themselves and others in the department according to a workflow process. (more...)

State: information about a content item at a particular moment in time. An item's state indicates where it is in the workflow process. (more...)

Static Text (Portlet): a small application widget (or box) which can appear in either of your site's sidebars, and which can display a small bit of text or an image (more...)

Style Guide: sets standards for and addresses common issues such as grammar, spelling of academic and College-specific terms, Hunter branding, graphic and photo standards, and best practices for writing for the web (more...)

Subsite: separate, distinct areas inside the larger Hunter WebCMS environment (more...)

Subsite Request Form: the online form used to request the creation of a new website in the Hunter WebCMS. Click here to access the form.

Superlink: allows you to create a navigation menu link to another item in the WebCMS or to an external web page (more...)



Tabs: navigational devices designed to mimic the folder labels in a filing cabinet. They appear at the top of each page in the administrative interface. (more...)

Text Editor: a tool used to visually format text on a page. There are two text editors you may choose from while working in the WebCMS. (more...)

Theme: determines the look and feel of a subsite, including the site's fonts, colors, layout, position and size of site elements, how the portlets are displayed, the styling and position of navigation, and the position of the department's logo, among other things (more...)

Theme (Tab): allows you to set the theme for your subsite (more...)

Theme Overrides: a special folder at the top-level of your subsite in which you can upload theme specific items (logos, banners, etc.)

TinyMCE: one of the two text editors available for your use in the WebCMS (more...)

Title: the name of an item. Each item should have a unique title that accurately represents the item's content.

TRC: Technology Resource Center, where CMS training and orientation workshops are held (more...)



URI: uniform resource identifier, generally used to refer to a specific subsite or directory (e.g. /hunter-webcms)

URL: uniform resource locator, more commonly known as a web address (e.g.



View (Tab): allows you to view the contents of a page or other item within a standard administrative interface (more...)



WebCMS: the content management system used here at Hunter College to manage many departmental and administrative office websites (more...)

Window: a content type used to display an external web page within the context of a WebCMS subsite (more...)

Working Copy: an editable copy of an externally published item (more...)

Working Draft: the initial state of any new content item (more...)

Workflow Process: the process which determines how your content is created, edited, reviewed and published (more...)

Wrapper: special formatting that draws attention to important items on a web page



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