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The Students in Philosophy Blackboard Site
Our new Blackboard site serves as a way to further organize information about our program, as well as to provide information regarding Philosophy Majors and Minors. It also hosts our new Symbolic Logic Readiness Test intended for students interested in PHILO 275 who want to assess whether they are comfortable enough with the subject. If you have already officially declared a major or minor in Philosophy or Philosophy, Politics, and Society, the Students in Philosophy site should appear under "My Organizations" on the right side of your Blackboard page. If not, please see directions below.
How to access the Students in Philosophy Organization on Blackboard
- Go to and sign onto Blackboard (click on "LOG-IN" to find Blackboard on the drop down menu).
- On the left-hand side of the page under “Tools” and “Course Search”, there should be a widget called “Organization Search”. In that search box, write “Students in Philosophy”.
- If written correctly, there should be one result with the organization ID “HUNTR_ORG_STUDENTS_PHILOSOPHY”.
- Click on it and you should be able to access our Blackboard site!