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Pfizer Information Session

  • audience::Students
When Nov 02, 2022
from 12:00 pm to 01:00 pm
Where Virtual
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Join us virtually for Pfizer outreach at CUNY Hunter College!

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The Pharmacokinetics, Dynamics and Metabolism (PDM) group at Pfizer is an exciting collection of various different scientific disciplines that support a molecule’s entire journey from its first discovery through the time it loses patent exclusivity.

At the earliest Discovery stages, our colleagues are involved with screening to identify compounds that are active at the disease target of interest.  Then, we have colleagues involved in the characterization and optimization of promising compounds’ properties before they can be safely tested in humans.  Next, we have colleagues who help guide a molecule through its different stages of Development in human testing and ultimately, its registration as a new drug.

Throughout the process, we have colleagues with special expertise in modelling and simulation, and communication with regulatory authorities throughout the world to name just a couple.  Traditionally, we have hired students with backgrounds in chemistry, biology, pharmacology and analytical chemistry, but our science is varied, and other opportunities exist.  If you’d like to learn more, come check out our (virtual) information session.

Guests include:

Doug Spracklin

George Chang
Computational ADME

Tracey Boyden
Compliance, Regulatory & Bioinformatics

Amy Moody Thurber
Modeling & Simulation

Aly Dantonio

James Wepy
Project Representative

Contact Us

appointments: Navigate Students

Room 805, East Building, 695 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065