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Political Science Honors Timetable

Faculty and Student may set earlier deadlines

Five weeks before the presentation to the Department, the Student must submit a complete draft of the thesis to the Faculty Sponsor. For Spring 2025, this is April 2. Within one week of receiving the draft, no later than April 9, the Faculty Sponsor will submit written comments to the Student.

Before the final Department meeting of the semester, for Spring 2025 this is May 7 at 12pm, the Student will make a presentation to the Department faculty and turn in a revised draft of the thesis to the Faculty Sponsor. Within one week of receiving draft, no later than May 14, the Sponsor will return written comments to the Student.

By the last day of final exams, the Student must deposit the Honors Thesis with the completed Approval Form in the department office and turn in the Thesis to the Sponsor. For Spring 2025, this is May 22.