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Political Science Courses for Fall 2024

American Government and Politics

Course Faculty Member/Section
11000 American Gov't - A Historical Intro Christiani (01)*, Lowndes (02)*, Hoeft (03), Madsen (04), Edelstein (05 & 06), Cambridge (07), Meija (08), Monda (09), Demir (10), Jaffe (X-R1)
21100 State Gov't & Politics Bacher (01)
21756 The Law of Democracy Gounardes (01)
21800 Women & Politics Christiani (01)*
23000 American Presidency Fuerderer (01)
31723 Politics of Rage Lowndes (01)*
31730 Border Politics Newton (01)*
34300 Criminal Law Bacher (01)
Comparative Politics
Course Faculty Member/Section
25000 Comparing Countries Ruan (01 & 02)*
26300 Gov't & Pol. of the Middle East Schwedler (01 & 02)*
35200 State & Society in Africa Somerville (01)*
35600 India's Democratic Experiment Jenkins (01)*
36000 Democracy & Development Jenkins (01)*
37210 China & the World Ruan (01)*
37240 Securitization in the Middle East Schwedler (01)*

International Relations
Course Faculty Member/Section
11500 Introduction to Interational Relations Roberts (01)*
27500 Pol. of the Global Economy Lee (01 &02)*
27600 Global Issues Somerville (01)*
27800 International Organizations Davidovic (01)
37400 International Human Rights Somerville (01)*
38000 European Security Roberts (01)*
38600 Politics of Finance Lee (01)*

Political Theory
Course Faculty Member/Section
20000 Interpreting Politics: An Intro to Pol. Ideas Marasco (01)*
20300 Political Thought Since 1900 Feldman (01 & 02)*
20481 Free Speech: Ancient & Modern Georgiou (01)
20900 Women and Gender in Western Pol. Thght. Crandall (01)
Non-Field Courses Course Instructor/Section
49300 How To Research Shirkey (01)*