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Nominate a Student for the Community Semester Program at CUNY SLU

Community Semester NYC is a full-time academic internship program offered by the School of Labor and Urban Studies at the City University of New York (CUNY). The program introduces a new generation of students to community organizing in NYC and prepares them to become effective advocates for policy change and innovation in urban settings.

Priority: Informational

As a Community Semester student, for one semester, you will benefit from: 

  • A $7,000 educational award and scholarship to help cover costs of tuition, fees and educational expenses.
  • Enrollment in a full-time acadmemic program.
  • Work at a non-profit organization for 28 hours per week.
  • Professional networking opportunities.
Eligibility Critieria:

  • Open to any applicant with a minimum of 24 credits
  • On the graduate level, open to any applicant who has completed an undergraduate degree.
  • Current CUNY students are also eligible via e-permit
To learn more about the general program requirements, visit the SLU website.

If you have a student leader in mind whom you believe would benefit from this unique opportunity, please complete the recommendation form and send it to to the attention of Crystal Joseph, Program Coordinator, at
Nominated students will be informed by email and invited to apply.
Submit nominations for the Fall 2020 cohort by Monday, June 1, 2020.