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You are here: Home » Philosophy » Curriculum » Spring 2009 Philosophy Courses » Introductory (100-) Level Philosophy Courses » PHILO 101, 001[1875]Professor Ross/TF 3:45-5:00pm
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PHILO 101, 001[1875]Professor Ross/TF 3:45-5:00pm

INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY: A general introduction to philosophy via the examination of some well known arguments on some central philosophical subjects.

It is often said that philosophy is the pursuit of wisdom or begins in wonder – I prefer not to describe philosophy in terms of clichés like these. A philosophical view typically offers a theory about certain abstract concepts, such as knowledge, the mind, the nature of moral goodness. Some of these theories are ingenious, some wildly implausible, quite a few of them manage to be both at the same time. In this introductory course, we will look at some of the more central philosophical theories, classical and contemporary, on mind, free will, moral goodness. There will be a mid term and a comprehensive final exam.