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You are here: Home Institutional Research Factbook 2013

Factbook 2013

Table 1: Total Enrollment By Attendance, Degree Status and Level Excel Icon
Table 2(former Table 4): Undergraduate Degree Student Enrollment by Attendance & Level Excel Icon
Table 3: New Student Enrollment By Attendance, Admission Type and Level
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Table 4: Freshmen Applications - Total and First Choice, By College Excel Icon
Table 5: New Freshmen and Transfers: Applied, Admitted and Enrolled (Top 3 Choices)
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Table 6: New Graduate Students: Applied, Admitted and Enrolled, by School (based on completed applications) Excel Icon
Table 7: College Origin and Degree Status of New Transfer Students
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Table 8: GPA & Transfer Credits of New Transfer Students, By Type of College
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Table 9: SAT Scores & College Admission Average (CAA) of Regularly Admitted Freshmen
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Table 9a. SAT distribution and Average SAT for Applied, Admitted and Enrolled Freshmen
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New Students  
Table 10: New Freshmen Profile, Fall 2008 to Fall 2013
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Table 11: New Transfer Students Profile, Fall 2008 to Fall 2013
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Table 12: New SEEK Students Profile, Fall 2008 to Fall 2013
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Table 13: New Honors College Students Profile, Fall 2008 to Fall 2013
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Current Students
Table 14: Undergraduate Students Profile, Fall 2008 to Fall 2013
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Table 15: Graduate Students Profile, Fall 2008 to Fall 2013
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Table 16: SEEK Students Profile, Fall 2008 to Fall 2013
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Table 17: Honors College Students Profile, Fall 2008 to Fall 2018
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Table 18: Undergraduate FTEs By School & Program
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Table 19: Graduate FTEs By School & Program
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Table 20. Credit Hours and FTEs by Discipline - Fall 2013
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Table 21: Undergraduate Majors By Department & Program Excel Icon
Table 22: Undergraduate Minors By Department & Program Excel Icon
Table 23: Breakdown of Undergraduate STEM majors By Race, Sex and Discipline Excel Icon
Table 24: Graduate Students in STEM majors By Race, Sex and Discipline Excel Icon
Table 25: Undergraduate Majors By Ethnicity & Sex, Fall 2013
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Table 26: Graduate Degree-Seeking Majors By Department & Program Excel Icon
Table 27: Graduate Degree-Seeking Majors By Ethnicity & Sex, Fall 2013 Excel Icon
Table 28: Year to Year Change in Majors, By Departments
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Table 29: Degree Type By Level
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Table 30: Undergraduate Degrees Awarded By Program
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Table 31: Graduate Degrees Awarded By Program
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Table 32: Number of Hunter Baccalaureate Graduates Earned Doctorates By Discipline Excel Icon
Table 33: Undergraduate Degrees Awarded by Ethnicity & Sex
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Table 34: Graduate Degrees Awarded by Ethnicity & Sex
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Table 35: Admission Type of Graduating Students
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Table 36: Time to Degree By Program (Undergraduate)
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Table 37: Time to Degree By Program (Graduate)
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Table 38: Freshmen Retention and Graduation Rates
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Table 39: Transfer Students Graduation & Retention Rates
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Table 40: Honors College Graduation & Retention Rates
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Table 41: SEEK Retention and Graduation Rates
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Table 42: Credits Attempted and Completed By New Freshmen and Transfer Students Excel Icon
Table 43: Percentage of Hunter Baccalaureate Graduates (AY05/06 - AY12/13) Who Subsequently Enrolled at Another Institution and Degree Earned
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Table 43a: Percentage of Thomas Hunter Honors Program Baccalaureate Graduates (AY05/06 - AY12/13) Who Subsequently Enrolled at Another Institution and Degree Earned
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Table 44: Race/Ethnicity/Gender for Full-Time Faculty
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Table 45: Race/Ethnicity/Gender for Part-Time Faculty
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Table 46: Race/Ethnicity for Selected Full-Time Staff
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Table 47: Full-Time/Part-Time Faculty (Fall 12): Rank and Tenure Status by Department
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Table 48: Fall 2012 Full-Time/Part-Time Faculty and Staff, by Department
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