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You are here: Home Pre-Law Advising Undergraduate Planning Events Past Events 2018-2019

Past Events 2018-2019

Pre-Law events for the academic year are listed below. This page is updated throughout the term as new, upcoming events are added. Be sure to stay tuned to the Pre-Law listserv or the Hunter Gatherer for announcements. Please note that for events with limited capacity, students MUST be registered with the Pre-Law Program in order to participate.




  • September 5, Wednesday (1:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.) Hunter Pre-Law Monthly Lunch & Learn: Is Law School Right for Me? Jill Nussbaum, Associate Director of JD Admissions NYU School of Law, will discuss the types of skills that make students successful as attorneys, and ways to begin to build them now as undergraduates. Room 721 East. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP at this LINK for lunch headcount.
  • September 5, Wednesday (5:45 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.) Panel of Law School Officers on the Dos and Don'ts of the Application Process: Columbia, Fordham, Cardozo, Cornell. Law school admissions officers visit Hunter to meet you, and to explain what you need to know to write a great application. Hear first-hand what the law schools are looking for, and have the chance to network with law school representatives from New York. This panel is especially useful for alumni and Seniors applying for the 2018-19 cycle, or those planning to apply next year (Juniors, that means you!). Room 417 West.
  • September 13, Thursday (5:45 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.) Law School Application & Personal Statement Workshop. You need only attend one session. This workshop targets students applying to law school this cycle for entry into law school for fall 2019. This workshop was also offered at the end of spring term and during the summer. Students who attended the spring/summer sessions need not attend, but are welcome if they would like a refresher or have questions. (Please attend a workshop before scheduling meetings for review of your application materials; reviews are handled in real time: in person, on the phone, or Facetime.) Room 721 East.
  • September 14, Friday (12:45 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.) Professionalism Workshop: Confidence is Key! When you are meeting people for the first time, or are in a new situation, do you have “imposter syndrome”? Do you worry about how to approach a conversation? You need to be able to talk about yourself in an effective way that inspires others’ confidence in you and invites them to assist you in some way, no matter how small. Margaret Enloe, Professional Certified Coach and Speaker, Retired Partner PwC – and Hunter alumna! – will discuss how to own the room and engage your listeners. Room 721 East. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP for lunch headcount at this LINK.
  • September 17, Monday, (6:00 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.) Mock Law School Class: Law and the Path of Hip Hop. Brian Sheppard, Associate Dean for J.D. Admissions and Professor at Seton Hall University School of Law, will be discussing how changes in law altered the course of hip hop, radically changing the way it sounds. The talk will touch upon intellectual property law and its intersection with the business practices of the music industry. After the discussion concludes, Professor Sheppard will lead a Q&A. 6th Floor Library, Room 602 A/B, Hunter East.
  • September 20, Thursday (5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.) Diagnostic LSAT Under Test Conditions. First of two sessions hosted by Powerscore. Taking a practice LSAT and following up to review the answers is a good way to begin to familiarize yourself with this challenging entry test. A session with tips on Logical Reasoning will take place on October 4. 9/20 will be in Room 602 A/B East inside the library. 10/4 will be in Room 721 East inside the Pre-Professional Center. RSVP at this LINK is for BOTH sessions.
  • September 21, Friday (11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.) Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan at Hunter College.  President Jennifer J. Raab invites you to attend a ceremony to confer an honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters upon Honorable Elena Kagan, HCES '71, HCHS '77, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Immediately following the ceremony, Justice Kagan will join us for an hour-long conversation with the Dean of Harvard Law School, John Manning.  Please RSVP at this LINK. Assembly Hall, North Building.
  • September 21 and September 28, Fridays, (4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. ) Intro to Law Firm Jobs for Non-Lawyers: Mentors from the Association of Legal Administrators. Students will be introduced to various areas of law firm work, and provided basic instruction on-site at various firms in Manhattan. These positions offer a way to understand firm life before law school, or a way to be involved in the law through in a non-lawyer role. Students will have the opportunity to shadow on-site in January. Students will select two (2) preferred areas on the RSVP form, and one alternate: (i) Legal Secretary & Legal Administrative Assistant; (ii) Business Development & Marketing; (iii) Paralegal & Paralegal Assistant; (iv) Administrative Management; (v) IT; (vi) Finance. This is a special invitation exclusively for Hunter students. RSVP by September 5 at this LINK is required for planning for this program.
  • September 24, Monday (5:45 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.) Law School Application & Personal Statement WorkshopYou need only attend one session. This workshop targets students applying to law school this cycle for entry into law school for fall 2019. This workshop was also offered at the end of spring term and during the summer. Students who attended the spring/summer sessions need not attend, but are welcome if they would like a refresher or have questions. (Please attend a workshop before scheduling meetings for review of your application materials; reviews are handled in real time: in person, on the phone, or Facetime.) Room 721 East.
  • September 25, Tuesday (6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.) Artificial Intelligence and the Public Interest. Artificial Intelligence. Machine Learning. Deep Learning. Automated Decision Systems. Data Analytics. What does it all mean? How does it affect the public? Should it be regulated? The implementation of automated processes create unique challenges for law and policy. A panel of legal, governmental, and industry speakers will discuss issues concerning automated processes and its interaction with the public. Sponsored by the NYCBA Science and Law Committee. This is a special invitation exclusively for Hunter students. Fees have been waived. Capped at 10. New York City Bar Association, 42 West 44th Street, New York, NY 10036. RSVP at this LINK is required for the security desk by September 10 at 5 p.m.
    • Julia Powles, Research Fellow, Information Law Institute, New York University
    • Craig Campbell, Special Advisor, Mayor’s Office of Data Analytics
    • Rashida Richardson, Director of Policy Research, AI Now Institute
    • James Vacca, former NYC Council Member
  • September 26, Wednesday (6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.) NYU Law 1st Generation Admissions Panel: NYU, UT-Austin, USC, Berkeley, Northwestern. Speak with admissions officers and hear about diversity initiatives at various law schools. This is an exclusive Hunter invitation. Panel starts promptly at 6:00 p.m. and runs for 90 minutes, including time for questions. This is an opportunity exclusively for CUNY students. NYU Law School, Vanderbilt Hall, 40 Washington Square South, Room 218. You will need your Hunter ID to be admitted. PLEASE NOTE UPDATED LOCATION.


  • October 1, Monday (6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.) First Monday in October. The Office of the Appellate Defender hosts a mock U.S. Supreme Court argument (named in acknowledgment of the traditional first day of the new Supreme Court session), followed by an awards ceremony honoring nationally recognized legal advocates. NYU Law, 40 Washington Square South, New York NY 10012. Link to request a seat will be posted when it is available. Please hold the date.  Capped at 10 - Students will receive follow up confirmation after September 25; office attire. RSVP at this LINK to request a seat. 
  • October 4, Thursday (5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.) LSAT Seminar on Logical Reasoning. Hosted by Powerscore. Room 721 East.
  • October 5, Friday, (12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.) Visit to Baker & Hostetler: Session with Big Law Litigation Team. What kind of matters do litigators at large law firms ("big law") work on? How do they approach their work, and how does the rhythm of litigation generally unfold? This intimate conference room session will be an informative discussion for students who aspire to a career in big law. Capped at 12. Office attire. Meet at 11:40 in the main lobby of 45 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10111. Lunch will be served. RSVP is required at this LINK for the firm's security desk.
  • October 10, Wednesday (1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.) Damaris Hernández Esq. - Lunch with a Lawyer: President's Conference Room Series. Damaris Hernández is a partner in Cravath, Swaine & Moore’s Litigation Department. Her practice focuses on complex civil litigation related to securities, ERISA and antitrust, as well as shareholder demands and internal corporate investigations. Ms. Hernández has represented a wide range of clients, including American Express, the Republic of Argentina, Credit Suisse, IBM, Merck, Novartis, Vivendi and YPF. Ms. Hernández also devotes substantial time to pro bono and community work, including her role as lead counsel in a lawsuit in Alabama federal court challenging Jefferson County, Alabama’s compliance with a consent decree after findings of discrimination in the hiring of firefighters and police. In 2017, Ms. Hernández was named to Crain’s New York Business “40 Under 40” list, and was recognized as one of New York Law Journal’s “Rising Stars." She was honored with the 2017 Flor de Maga award by the Puerto Rican Bar Association and the 2016 Latina Trailblazer Award from LatinoJustice. President's Conference Room, 1700 East Building. Please RSVP for headount at this LINKREQUIRED FOR GOOD STANDING, PRE-LAW PROGRAM
  • October 11, Thursday (5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.) Law School Application & Personal Statement Workshop. You need only attend one session. This workshop targets students applying to law school this cycle for entry into law school for fall 2019. This workshop was also offered at the end of spring term and during the summer. Students who attended the spring/summer sessions need not attend, but are welcome if they would like a refresher or have questions. (Please attend a workshop before scheduling meetings for review of your application materials; reviews are handled in real time: in person, on the phone, or Facetime.) Room 721 East.
  • October 23, Tuesday (6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.) Visit to Fried Frank: Attorney Diversity Panel. Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson sponsor a panel on “Thriving in Law School and Beyond.” Students will have the opportunity to mingle with Fried Frank associates to further disucss tips for legal careers and the dynamics of life in big law. Office attire. Capped at 15. Meet at 5:30 p.m. in the main lobby of One New York Plaza, New York, NY 10004. Dinner will be served. RSVP is required at this LINK for the firm's security desk.
  • October 25, Thursday (5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.) How to Network at the LSAC Forum. Jeff Becherer, Associate Dean for Admissions & Professional Development, New York Law School, and Amber Melvin, Assistant Director of Admissions, SUNY Buffalo School of Law, will discuss how to make a good impression on law school representatives at the LSAC forum, and how to effectively elicit the information that will be the most helpful to you. Room 721 East.
  • October 26, Friday (11 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.)  LSAC Forum GROUP VISIT Meet at the concierge desk in street level lobby at 10:45 a.m. for two special panels in anticipation of meeting law school representatives at 1:00 p.m. The event is free but registration is required. Downloading this form will be helpful: Questions to Ask at a Law School Fair. This forum is especially useful for alumni and Seniors applying for the 2018-19 cycle, or those planning to apply next year. New York City Hilton, 1335 Avenue of the Americas.


  • November 5, Monday (6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.) Working as a Big-Law Paralegal Before Law School: Why it is valuable & How to apply. Three Hunter alumni who are currently working as big-law paralegals share why they have valued this work experience before law school, and share tips on how you can apply later this fall. Panel will include Emily (Stone) Eskin, B.A.'17, corporate restructuring legal assistant, Milbank; Brandon Fiscina, B.A. '17, litigation legal assistant, Milbank; and Afshan Kharal, B.A. '17, litigation paralegal, Wachtell. Room 721 East.
  • November 9, Friday (12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.) Lunch Visit with Fabio Bertoni, Esq., The New Yorker magazine. Mr. Bertoni, General Counsel, The New Yorker magazine, will welcome students for a conference room discussion of in-house lawyering, as well as insight into the legal issues around publishing. This special session will be capped at 12 students. Meet 12:10 in the main lobby of 1 World Trade Center, New York, NY 10007. RSVP is required at this LINK for the firm security desk.
  • November 12, Monday (5:45 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.) Law School Application & Personal Statement Workshop. You need only attend one session. This workshop targets students applying to law school this cycle for entry into law school for fall 2019. This workshop was also offered at the end of spring term and during the summer. Students who attended the spring/summer sessions need not attend, but are welcome if they would like a refresher or have questions. (Please attend a workshop before scheduling meetings for review of your application materials; reviews are handled in real time: in person, on the phone, or Facetime.) Room 721 East.
  • November 15, Thursday (5:45 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.) Mock Application Review: What admissions officers think as they review actual applications! Theresa Hallet, Senior Director of Admissions, St. John's University School of Law will share how she approaches applications and systematically evaluates their content. She will discuss matters including how they view grades on the transcript (what about that W?), multiple LSATs, the addendum, and the personal statement. Get inside perspective on the admissions process. Room 721 East.
  • November 16, Friday, (9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.) Visit to CUNY School of Law. Hunter Pre-Law students will have the opportunity to hear about this law school dedicated to “grass roots” public interest law, and to meet Hunter alumni law students currently studying at CUNY Law. Students will also be able to sit in on a class. RSVP REQUIRED NO LATER 8 A.M. Wednesday, Nov. 14. Please RSVP at this LINK.
  • November 17, Saturday (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.) CLEO Super Saturday Pre-Law Seminars, for Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and beyond at Fordham Law School. The event is free but registration is required. Note: CLEO attempts to reach students from minority groups underrepresented in the legal profession. If you are not a minority student, you may participate if you are economically or otherwise disadvantaged. See registration form at the link for details. Fordham University School of Law, 150 West 62nd Street, New York, NY 10023.
  • November 28, Wednesday (1:15 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.) Hunter Pre-Law Monthly Lunch & Learn: Federal Clerkships. David Fish, Esq., B.A. ’13, will discuss his recent clerkship with Hon. I. Leo Glasser, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York, and also his current role as a litigator at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison. Pizza will be served. Room 602 A/B East (inside the library - please note room change!)


  • December 5, Wednesday (1:15 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.) Hunter Pre-Law Monthly Lunch & Learn: Intellectual Property & Solo Practice. Matthew G. Miller, Esq. will discuss his work as a patent attorney, and building his “start up firm for start ups.” Lunch will be served. Room 602 A/B East (inside the library - please note room change!)
  • December 11, Tuesday (5:45 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.) Law School Application & Personal Statement Workshop. You need only attend one session. This workshop targets students applying to law school this cycle for entry into law school for fall 2019. This workshop was also offered at the end of spring term and during the summer. Students who attended the spring/summer sessions need not attend, but are welcome if they would like a refresher or have questions. (Please attend a workshop before scheduling meetings for review of your application materials; reviews are handled in real time: in person, on the phone, or Facetime.) Room 721 East.

January Intersession

  • January 3, Thursday (10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.) NYC Bar Assn. LSAT/Law School Prep Series. This event provides a one-stop shop for learining about LSAT options, selecting schools, financing your education, and networking with law schools. The event is free but registration is required. NYC Bar Association, 42 West 44th Street, New York, NY 10036.
  • Winter Intersession: Moot Court Class. Moot Court is a challenging one credit Intersession course that simulates the appellate court setting. Students become knowledgeable about existing legal controversies, prepare legal arguments, and present a case before a mock judicial panel. By learning to read cases and make oral arguments, students gain insight into court-based decision making, as well as the role of lawyers and judges within the process.

When: The class will meet for 6 evening sessions in January. Final arguments (for which you must be present) will be held thereafter on two different evenings, at the NYC law firm Cravath, Swaine & Moore.

Who: Registration for the course is by permission only from the Pre-Law Advising Office. Participation is capped at 12 students, and is competitive. Your chosen major is not important. What is important is that you are eager to study the art of argument.

Once you have been accepted into the course by the Pre-Law Office, you will be given a form to take the form to the Political Science Department on 17 West and then register on CUNYFirst.


  • February 1, Friday, DEADLINE for LSAT Class application - Part I. Fried Frank Diversity LSAT Initiative. Our extended, subsidized on-campus LSAT class kicks off at the beginning of the spring term; admission based on demonstrated law school interest and merit. Part I, Intro Spring Session, runs on 5 Sundays early in the term. There is a $75 student contribution; this is a subsidized program.

Students who successfully complete Part I will have priority for the Part II summer intensive that runs from June - September, for which there is also a student contribution, still to be determined. It is not possible to apply for the summer intensive program separately at this time. Seats will be made available on a space available basis. Information will be shared on the listserv in May.

  • February 6, Wednesday (1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.) Evan R. Chesler, Esq., M.A. ’73 - Lunch with a Lawyer: President's Conference Room Series. Evan R. Chesler is the Chairman of the premier NYC lawfirm, Cravath, Swaine & Moore. He has broad experience in both trial and appellate courts, and has tried numerous cases in federal and state courts all over the country. Recently, Mr. Chesler led American Express to victory in his first Supreme Court argument. Mr. Chesler has been widely recognized as a leading litigator by numerous professional publications, including Chambers USA, Chambers Global, The Best Lawyers in America, The American Lawyer, Benchmark Litigation, IAM Patent, The Legal 500 United States, Lawdragon and Super Lawyers. In 2018, Mr. Chesler was honored with New York Law Journal’s Lifetime Achievement Award and was featured as one of The National Law Journal’s “Winning Litigators." Mr. Chesler will discuss his impressive career, his recent SCOTUS argument, and how he made his way from selling hot dogs in Yankee Stadium as a kid, to attending college as a first generation student, to becoming a leader of the New York City legal community. Room 1700 East Building, President's Conference Room. Please RSVP for headcount at this link. REQUIRED FOR GOOD STANDING, PRE-LAW PROGRAM.
  • February 13, Wednesday (1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.) LSAT Teach-In: Clash of the Titans. Various commercial LSAT Prep providers will offer a sampling of their class-room styles and provide students with information about the best ways to tackle the challenging law school entry exam. Room 404 East.
  • February 13, Wednesday (5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.) Resume Bootcamp. Gain insight into basic resume crafting, as well as polishing your already strong resume, with an eye towards applying for summer internships. Presentation and discussion by Heather M. Butts, JD, MPH, MA. Ms. Butts is the founder of L.E.A.R.N. for Life Consulting, L.L.C, and an adjunct professor at John’s University School of Law. Room 721 East.
  • February 20, Wednesday (6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.) Panel on Criminal Justice Reform hosted by Judge Ruth Pickholz, B.A. '71. Judge Pickholz will host a discussion panel including Margaret Finerty, former Assistant District Attorney in Robert Morgenthau’s office; Irwin Shaw, head of New York County Legal Aid Society Criminal Division; and Adam Mansky, Director, Criminal Justice, Center for Court Innovation. A variety of criminal justice reform issues now getting attention will be addressed including matters relating to (i) bail reform; (ii) raise the age legislation; (iii) turnstile jumping; (iv) legalization of marijuana; (v) quality of life violations; (vi) methods of neighborhood policing, and other questions students bring with them to the conversation. Note: Students who attend this session will be given priority for Hunter judicial internships for the summer and subsequent fall semester. Room 602 A/B East. Please RSVP at this link for food headcount.
  • February 27, Wednesday (1:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.) Hunter Pre-Law Monthly Lunch & Learn: Lawyering for Privacy & Data Security. James Mariani, Associate, Frankfurt Kurnit. Pizza will be served for lunch. Room E631A/B. Please RSVP at THIS LINK for headcount.
  • February 28, Thursday, DEADLINE for Pre-Law Resume Drop: 2019 Internships & Funding

Like the law school model for recruitment, Hunter hosts a "resume drop." By participating in the resume drop, students may be considered for both:
1) PAID internship jobs exclusive to the Pre-Law Office, and
2) MERIT FUNDING for unpaid internships at non-profit or government institutions that students obtain.

Participation in the Resume Drop requires participation in our Pre-Law Professional Development Series (unless excused for class conflict): (i) Resume Bootcamp (ii) Interview Workshop; (iii) Workplace Success Panel


  • March 6, Wednesday (6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.) Panel: Why Big Law? - Training for careers in Non-profit, Government, In-House, & Smaller Firms. This panel will discuss the value of the big law experience, the opportunities it offers as its own career path, and also the varied paths of young attorneys who get high level training at big firms and who consider/purposefully move into other contexts. Room 602 A/B East Building. Please RSVP at THIS LINK for headcount.
    • Alina Artunian, Law Clerk, U.S. Court of International Trade, Hunter B.A. ’14, UPenn Law ’17
    • Rachel Haber, Former Director, Nature Israel; Former Associate, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, Hunter B.A. ’09, Cardozo Law ’12
    • Khaair J. Morrison, Associate, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, Hunter B.A. ’15, Howard U Law ’18
  • March 15, Friday (12 noon – 1:00 p.m.) Visit to Paul Weiss. Conference room session with corporate and litigation associates at the highly esteemed New York City law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison. Attorneys will discuss their work serving big and small clients, and how a career at a big firm still allows for much public interest involvement. This conference room session will be capped at 12 Business attire. Meet at 11:40 a.m. in the main lobby of 1285 Ave of the Americas, New York, NY 10019. Students who attend will be given priority consideration for summer placements. RSVP at THIS LINK required for security desk and lunch headcount.
  • March 19, Tuesday (6:15 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.) Reception for Current Applicants to Law School. This is a special networking session with fellow applicants, and with attorneys who are alumni and friends of Hunter. The event is limited to those who have submitted applications to start law school in the fall of 2019. We will discuss how to decide among acceptances - including the "best fit" and finances - and attorneys will share thoughts about long term career arc. Attorneys who attend agree to make themselves available for quick follow up connections on a limited basis, if students desire it. Dinnertime hors d'oeuvres and appetizers will be served. Room 710 East. Please RSVP at THIS LINK for headcount.
  • March 27, Wednesday (1:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.) Interview Preparation Workshop. This session will offer students savvy advice about making the best first impression, creating professional presence and anticipating the hard questions for a smooth interview process. The program will be led by Irina Gomelskaya, Esq., Senior Director of Employer Relations, Office of Academic Planning and Career Development, New York Law School. This session is REQUIRED for all those students who will be participating in the Hunter resume drop, to be considered for PAID summer internships and FUNDING for summer public interest positions. Room 721 East.


  • April 1, Monday (5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.) Lawyer Connection: Mediation. In a small group setting, speak with current law students participating in a Mediation Clinic, which serves courts across the city. The session will give students the chance to learn about the growing field of dispute resolution - an alternative to the traditional litigation model. Students will also have the chance to develop their own negotiation skills, and gain a greater understanding of the value of law school clinics. Room 721 East.
  • April 3, Wednesday (2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.) Juniors (rising fall 2019 Seniors): What you should be thinking about now. This is your last summer before graduation. How best to make use of that time? Will you be applying to law school this fall, or working before applying? How are you preparing for the LSAT? What other steps should you be anticipating for the law school application process?These questions and others you bring to the session will be addressed. Room 721 East.
  • April 9, Tuesday (6:15 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.) Current Law Students Discuss Winning Strategies for Law School and Beyond. Whether you are starting law school in the fall, or planning to apply in the next cycle or two, it is helpful to have a sense of what is ahead. Come discuss the law school experience with current students, who can offer you insight in the next steps in building your career once you graduate from Hunter. Room 721 East.
  • April 10, Wednesday (1:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.) Hunter Pre-Law Monthly Lunch & Learn: NYCLU. Learn about the work of the American Civil Liberties Union, one of the nation's foremost defenders of civil liberties and civil rights, and the undergraduate internship opportunities at the New York affiliate office this summer and semesters ahead. Pizza will be served for lunch. PLEASE NOTE ROOM CHANGE: Room 602 A/B East. Please RSVP at THIS LINK for headcount.
  • April 15, Monday (5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.) How to Pay for Law School with AccessLex. Understand the nitty-gritty of funding your law school education. This session is an important planning tool for students at various levels in their undergraduate careers; you are encouraged to attend even if you are not applying to law school at this time. AccessLex is a non-profit group dedicated fostering access to law school, and to helping aspiring attorneys understand law school finance, to ensure their long term success. Room 721 East.
  • April 17, Wednesday (5:30 - 7:00 p.m.) Freshmen & Sophomores: What you should be thinking about now. Motivated, directed students are often high performing students, but what else could you be doing to distinguish yourself, and building a notable academic track record? How are you exploring your career interests outside of the classroom? How do your experiences contribute to a stronger law school application and build your network? These questions and others you bring will be discussed. 721 East.
  • Spring Break - April 27/28, Saturday (12 noon - 8 p.m.) & Sunday (10 a.m. - 5 p.m.) PreProBono LSAT Prep Jumpstart Marathon Weekend. FREE 15 Hour Intensive Weekend LSAT Prep, including networking with public interest attorneys. This event is great for students who plan to self-study, or who want to get exposure to the test before tackling a class this summer. Participation is free and on the Hunter campus, but you must register to participate. Please do not register unless you will participate in the program in its entirety on both days. 1729 West. Please REGISTER at THIS LINK.
  • April 29, Monday (6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.) Visit to Duane Morris: Brooklyn Law School Professor & Author, Heidi Brown discusses "The Introverted Lawyer" Introverted, shy, or socially anxious law students and lawyers often question their place in the legal arena, though research reveals they offer much-needed gifts to the profession, including active listening, empathy, contemplative analysis, and impactful writing. As legal education and law practice adjust to economic shifts and changing client mindsets, this is a prime opportunity for the legal community to make room for subtler voices. Professor Brown discusses the important contributions of legal introverts and shares tips for how pre-law students can empower their voices in an authentic manner. This EXCLUSIVE event for Hunter College Pre-Law students will be held at Duane Morris LLP. Meet at 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036. Arrival instructions will be sent to students who RSVP at this link.


  • May 7, Tuesday (6:15 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.) Law Day Party. Hunter's Law Day Party is an opportunity for Hunter Pre-Law students and recent alumni to mingle with successful attorneys in a fun, casual “cocktail party” environment (soft drinks & finger food), making for easy discussion, and enabling students to gain insight into legal practice in a variety of areas, and at different points in the career arc. We will also be celebrating the law school acceptances of graduating seniors and alumni — congratulations to our newly minted 1L’s! OUR MOST POPULAR EVENT OF THE YEAR! Dinnertime hors d'oeuvres and appetizers will be served. ROOM CHANGE 602 A/B East Building Please RSVP for headcount at this link.
  • Spring Law School Application & Personal Statement Workshops. Make the most of your summer by planning your application process now. This workshop targets students applying to law school during the 2019-2020 cycle for entry into law school in fall 2020.  If you will be away for the summer, or if getting to campus will be inconvenient, coming to a spring workshop is essential for getting an early start. Please attend a workshop (you only need to attend one) before scheduling an individual appointment for law school application advising. Workshops will be repeated each month in the summer TBD (both on weekday evenings and on a weekend day) and in the fall on various dates and times. All sessions will be held in 721 East·(the conference room of the pre-professional suite) unless otherwise noted.
    • May 15, Wednesday, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
    • May 22, Wednesday, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
    • May 22, Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
  • May 24, Friday (1:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.) Pre-Law Society Elections.  Room 721 East.


  • Summer Law School Application & Personal Statement Workshops. Make the most of your summer by planning your application process now. This workshop targets students applying to law school during the 2019-2020 cycle for entry into law school in fall 2020. Workshops will be repeated in the summer and fall on various dates and times. Attending a summer workshop will also give you an early peek at additional admissions programming for fall. Please attend a workshop (you only need to attend one) before scheduling an individual appointment for law school application advising. All sessions will be held in 721 East (the conference room of the pre-professional suite) unless otherwise noted.
    • July 14, Sunday, 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
    • July 18, Thursday, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
    • August 7, Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Document Actions

Contact us:
Room 712, East Building | t: (212) 772-4889 | e:

Pre-Law Advising website feedback: email us
695 Park Ave
NY, NY 10065