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You are here: Home Continuing Education Certificate Programs Certificates in Health Professions Certificate in Medical Interpreter

Certificate in Medical Interpreter

Join us for an Open House for our Certificate in Medical Interpreting on Wednesday, January 15, March 5, or April 16 at 6:00 pm. The Open House will be held live, online, via Zoom. Click here to sign up.

Class Description
The Certificate in Medical Interpreting is a 48-hour certificate program in Health Care and Social Services Interpreting. The program covers basic & advanced interpreting skills, medical terminology, Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, cross-cultural communication, memory development and note-taking, intonation makeover for less accented speech and the U.S. healthcare system. By successfully completing this program, the student will meet a key prerequisite of National Certification for Medical Interpreters.
Students with any second language are welcome to attend.

Optional Medical Interpreter Internship Program is available.

The Medical Interpreter: From Bilingual to Professional - 48-hour Certificate Program

The program is taught by an instructor with expertise in linguistic, cultural and legal aspects of medical interpreting and a practicing medical doctor with experience in providing services for diverse population groups.

Successful completion of the program satisfies the key requirement of National Certification for Medical Interpreters.

The Medical Interpreter is a 48-hour certificate program in medical/community interpreting. The program is based on the industry accepted Codes of Ethics and Standards of Practice and addresses in detail the process of National Certification for Medical Interpreters.

Optional Medical Interpreter Internship Program is available.

The class offers coverage of the following.

·       Interpreting skills

·       Code of Ethics and ethical decision making

·       Standards of Practice

·       National Certification for medical interpreters

·       Interpreter roles and incremental intervention approach to interpreting/mediation

·       Medical terminology for interpreters: Greek and Latin roots, suffixes, and prefixes; human body systems (anatomy and physiology); vocabulary resources for any working language pair; and a strategy for overcoming terminology challenges

·       Cross-cultural communication and culturally and linguistically appropriate services in health care

·       Language access laws and the U.S. health care system

·       Note-taking and memory development for interpreters

·       Interpreting in mental and behavioral health settings

·       Remote interpreting

·       Community interpreting (interpreting in health care, education, and human and social services)

Role plays and group exercises provide hands-on experience for skills development. Video segments offer demonstrations of the “right and wrong” ways to interpret. Each student receives e-versions of the training handbook and the “Human Body Systems and Medical Terminology for Interpreters” handbook.

If you would like to direct specific questions to the program instructor, Eric Candle, please click here to fill out a request form with your contact information.
Student Testimonials

“Taking the Medical Interpreter class from you was very useful and humbling! The more I grow, the more I realize that this universe is vast and that I know very little. I’ll keep moving forward with confidence though. I hope to continue to have you as my invaluable support if that is okay with you. Thank you very much for all that you do!”

"I thank you for being my professor. As I said before, I chose Hunter for this class because I know CUNY most likely offers quality. Will keep in touch for job opportunities and continuing education."

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