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Document Actions

Lisa Hochstadt, November 12th, 2014

Lisa Hochstadt, Associate Counsel and Records Retention Coordinator for Hunter, spoke about the procedures and protocols for Records Retention at the College.

She indicated that CUNY is scheduling a time to meet with every Department/Program in the College over the next 1 ½ to 2 years with an average of 3 departments/programs each week to go over protocols.  Although she was willing to answer questions today she noted that there would be much more information available once the meetings began.  She distributed a summary document the longer of which can be found at

She went on to state that each Department/Program will need to appoint a Records Coordinator (eg. CUNY Office Assistant, etc) who will be responsible for maintaining/destroying records in compliance with CUNY Guidelines.  There will be a kick-off meeting scheduled soon.

Because other colleges have already gone through the process, it should be simpler for us - for example, they know that there will need to be administrative office protocols vs academic office protocols, etc and have come up with charts and tables that should cover everything that we have in our offices but she noted that it is still a work in progress.

Once we have the OK to dispose of certain files, they must be shredded if they have any personal information or student information on them.  Concerns were raised about destroying files without knowing whether there is a true original somewhere.  The question to ask is "Who has the official copy?"  This is critical - for example, Human Resources should have the originals of all documents or the official copy, but if you know that they may not have it - don't destroy but instead forward the documents to HR.  Email is subject to the same guidelines regarding retention and disposition.  Email is subject to the same guidelines regarding retention and disposition.

The question of digitization was then raised and she encouraged us to digitize but acknowledged that it is an added expense.

If you are notified that documents are put on a "litigation hold" you are responsible for ensuring that those documents are saved.  If you are the holder of such documents it is your responsibility to notify your replacement (or supervisor) if you leave of such documents.

Drafts of documents can be destroyed.

If you have information that you feel contributes to the historical nature of Hunter, you can give these files to the Archives office at the College.

She ended by encouraging any of us who have issues to contact her office X4220 or



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