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You are here: Home Pre-Law Advising Undergraduate Planning Events Events 2021-2022

Events 2021-2022

Pre-Law events for the academic year are listed below. This page is updated throughout the term as new, upcoming events are added. Be sure to stay tuned to the Pre-Law listserv or the Hunter Gatherer for announcements. Please note that for events with limited capacity, students MUST be registered with the Pre-Law Program in order to participate.

 Summer • SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay 

Summer Session

  • VIRTUAL Summer Law School Application & Personal Statement Workshop. Get your application planning underway during the summer to maximize your preparation time! This workshop targets students applying to law school during the 2021-2022 cycle for entry into law school in fall 2022, with an eye toward targeting early action fall deadlines in October. Please attend a workshop before scheduling your individual appointments to meet with the Pre-Law Advising Office one-on-one to help you develop and review your materials (we can meet several times) in connection with your applications. This workshop will be repeated each month in the summer and in the fall on various dates and times. Again, you only need to come to one workshop. The waiting room will open 15 minutes early to give everyone time to get settled.
    • June 30, Wednesday (5:45 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. / Questions follow) Register in advance for this meeting using your full name & Hunter email address at THIS LINK
    • July 27, Tuesday (12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. / Questions follow) Register in advance for this meeting using your full name & Hunter email address at THIS LINK
  • VIRTUAL EXCEL Law School Prep Series, each Wednesday 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m., July 7 - August 11, This summer there will be a module of weekly sessions which will offer a deep dive into the various components of the application and insight into the law school experience. Register in advance for this series using your full name & Hunter email address at THIS LINK. Students are welcome and encouraged to attend every session; Zoom will ask that you register for each session separately for purposes of headcount. The room will open 15 minutes early to give everyone a chance to get settled for a 5:30 start.
    • July 7, Deep Dive on Application Techniques (advanced workshop for current applicants)
    • July 14, Tips for Law School Success (from recent Hunter alum)
      • Gehad Abdelrehim, B.A. '18, CUNY School of Law J.D. '22
      • Allison Berdichevsky, B.A. '16, Rutgers Law School J.D. '22
      • Mitchell Quantinetz, B.A. '16,  Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University J.D. '22
      • Camille Sanchez, B.A. '17, St. Johns School of Law J.D. '22
    • July 21, Mock Class with Paula Franzese, ranked among the top law teachers in the U.S.!
    • July 28, What to Expect on Law School Exams, with Leora Harpaz, Professor of Law Emeritus at Western New England University School of Law
    • August 4, Legal Writing, with Hazel Weizer, former Director of Legal Writing, Touro Law Center
    • August 11, OCI and the Job Search


Welcome Week

  • August 23, Monday (5:45 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. / Questions follow) Virtual Law School Application & Personal Statement Workshop: For current law school applicants. This workshop targets students applying to law school during the·2021-2022 cycle for entry into law school in fall 2022. Please attend a workshop before scheduling your individual appointments to meet with the Pre-Law Advising Office one-on-one to help you develop and review your materials (we can meet several times) in connection with your applications. This has been offered in the spring and durin the summer; the workshop will be repeated each month in the fall on various dates and times. Again,·you only need to come to one workshop. The waiting room will open 15 minutes early to give everyone time to get settled. 
  • August 24, Tuesday (5:45 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.) Virtual Deep Dive on Application Techniques: For current law school applicants. This session provides additional insight into the various written components of the application. We will discuss in more depth: the personal statement, resume, diversity statement, addendum, supplemental essays and more. The waiting room will open 15 minutes early to give everyone time to get settled. 
  • August 25, Wednesday (6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.) Virtual Pre-Law Open House & Orientation: For all new Pre-Law students, at all levels. Hear about the many opportunities that the Hunter Pre-Law Program offers to students and meet the Pre-Law Advisor. Understand the path to law school. The waiting room will open 15 minutes early to give everyone time to get settled. 


  • September 10, Friday (2:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.) LSAC Digital Law School Forum. Register by September 8. Workshops start at 2 p.m. Networking begins at 3 p.m.. The networking will be most useful to those who are currently applying to law school, or are applying soon. The forum can also be useful for upper classmen, particularly the workshops. The IN PERSON New York City LSAC Law School Forum will be held for two days on Nov. 5 and Nov. 6. See the LSAC website for more details.
  • September 14, Tuesday (6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.) Panel of Law School Officers on the Dos and Don'ts of the Application Process: Columbia, Fordham, Cardozo, Cornell. Law school admissions officers visit Hunter virtually to meet you, and to explain what you need to know to write a great application. Hear first-hand what the law schools are looking for, and have the chance to network with law school representatives from New York. This panel is especially useful for alumni and Seniors applying for the 2021-22 cycle, or those planning to apply next year (Juniors, that means you!).
  • September 15, Wednesday (1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.) Human Rights Lawyering: Virtual Visit with the Sorenson Center for International Peace & Justice. Current Sorenson Fellows at CUNY Law and former fellows who are now practicing attorneys will speak about their work that makes an impact locally, and around the world. Panel will be followed by break-out sessions. Please at THIS LINK to receive Zoom information the evening before. Please note - this is an EXCLUSIVE invitation for Hunter students; we are being invited to join the discussion at CUNY Law. When you RSVP it is ok to note "staff" and put "Hunter College Pre-Law" in the question box.
  • September 21, Tuesday (6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.) Lawyer Connection: Judge Advocate General, Serving as an attorney in the U.S. armed forces
    • John Fabiani, National Security Law Attorney /Associate General Counsel, JAG, U.S. Army, Hunter B.A. '02, Saint John's University School of Law J.D. '07.
    • Jordan Michel, JAG-select, U.S. Air Force, Hunter B.A. '18, George Washington University Law School J.D. '22.
  • September 22, Wednesday (6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.) Law School Application & Personal Statement Workshop. You need only attend one session. This workshop targets students applying to law school this cycle for entry into law school for fall 2022. This workshop was also offered during spring break and monthly thereafter. Students who came to earlier sessions need not attend, but are welcome if they would like a refresher or have questions. Please attend a workshop before scheduling an appointment for one-on-one review and discussion of your application materials. 
  • September 28, Tuesday (6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.) Is Law School Right for Me? REQUIRED FOR FRESHMEN & TRANSFERS; RECOMMENDED FOR ALL. Current Hunter alumni law school students will discuss why they were drawn toward pursuing legal careers, and the skills and experiences as undergraduate students that will serve you well in law school.
  • September 29, Wednesday (6:45 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.) Juniors & Others who may apply in Fall 2022: What you need to know now. How can you make the best use of the next year to be well prepared for the application cycle starting next year? What should you be considering in terms of timing? How are you·preparing for the LSAT? Are you thinking about working before applying? What other steps can you take now in order to make yourself more competitive for a future law school application process? These questions and others you bring to the session will be addressed. The room will open 15 minutes early to give everyone a chance to get settled for prompt start.


  • October 4, Monday First Monday in October Premier Legal Arguments by leading NYC award winning attorneys. The Office of the Appellate Defender (OAD) hosts a virtual mock U.S. Supreme Court argument (named in acknowledgment of the traditional first day of the new Supreme Court session), followed by a ceremony honoring nationally recognized legal advocates. This is a hot ticket each year to see leading talent in the NYC legal community and to support the work of the OAD. This event is usually held at NYU Law School and this year due to COVID, it will be at Tribeca Rooftop + Tribeca 360° 10 Desbrosses Street, New York, NY 10013

The Court will hear argument in: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen ~ Did the State's denial of petitioners' applications for concealed-carry licenses for self-defense violate the Second Amendment? 

Request your in person ticket HERE by Sept 22 @ 5 p.m. The event will also be LIVE STREAMED; register here If you love Moot Court, please plan to apply for Hunter's winter moot court program! We will recruit over the listerv for the January program soon.

    • We have a limited number - FIVE (5) of IN PERSON tickets for the event this year
    • The event starts at 7:00 p.m. at Tibeca 360. Expect that it will last at least 90 minutes. Students may also attend a gala cocktail event beforehand beginning at 6 p.m.
    • The $100+ tickets are FREE to students but you must absolutely pledge to attend; we will keep a waitlist but give the special nature of the program we are expecting that students who request a ticket will make absolutely every effort to attend.
    • The event REQUIRES PROOF OF COVID VACCINATION for admission and all attendees will be masked.
    • The Pre-Law office will coordinate email distribution of the tickets with the event host.
  • October 8, Friday (9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.) Lawyer Connection: Working for the U.S. Senate. Daniel Eisenberg, Esq. in his role as Senior Counsel, leads investigations into domestic and international human rights violations on behalf of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Senate Committee for Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Dan will also discuss his long term career path from legislative aide, to law school and clerking, and the skills he learned in a corporate law firm before moving into his current role. The waiting room will open 15 minutes early to give everyone a chance to get settled for prompt start. Please register HERE to receive Zoom link.
  • October 12, Tuesday (5:45 p.m. - 6:45 p.m.) Sophomores: What you need to know now. Motivated, directed students are often high performing students, but what else could you be doing to distinguish yourself, and building a notable academic track record? How are you exploring your career interests outside of the classroom? How do your experiences contribute to a stronger law school application and build your network? These questions and others you bring will be discussed. Please register
  • October 13, Wednesday (6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.) LSAT Workshop with Testmasters. This is an introduction to the format of the Law School Admissions Test with an in-depth look at methodology for the most common questions, using examples from actual exams. The session will also include a discussion of the on-line digital version of the test. This session is good way for students to begin to familiarize themselves with this challenging entry test, and anticipate their study plans. 
  • October 20, Wednesday (6:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.) Mock Application Review: What admissions officers think as they review actual applications! Admissions officers from St. John's School of Law will share how they approach applications and systematically evaluate their content. They will discuss matters including how they view grades on the transcript (what about that W?), multiple LSATs, the addendum, and the personal statement. They will also discuss the nature of waitlists. Get an inside view of the admissions process. This session is REQUIRED for student eligibility for this year's law school application grant. The waiting room will open 15 minutes early to give everyone a chance to get settled for prompt start. 
  • October 27, Wednesday (6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.) Virtual Visit to Patterson, Belknap, Webb and Tyler: Litigation! Discussion with big law firm associates about the variety of litigation work: Complex commercial litigation, intellectual property, white collar crime, employment law, investigations, civil forfeiture and more. A number of the attorneys have also clerked with judges and engage in pro bono work, and will share the value of those experiences. Understand what is meant by "litigation" and the workflow ,as well as the different types of matters that are resolved in the courts. The discussion will be followed by brief break outs with diverse attorneys. The waiting room will open 15 minutes early to give everyone a chance to get settled for prompt start. 
  • October 29, Friday (12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.) Law School Application & Personal Statement Workshop. You need only attend one session. This workshop targets students applying to law school this cycle for entry into law school for fall 2022. This workshop was also offered during spring break and monthly thereafter. Students who came to earlier sessions need not attend, but are welcome if they would like a refresher or have questions. Please attend a workshop before scheduling an appointment for one-on-one review and discussion of your application materials. The waiting room will open 15 minutes early to give everyone a chance to get settled for prompt start.
  • November
  • November 1, Monday (7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.) How to Network at the LSAC Forum. Kristen Kelly, Assistant Director of Admissions, SUNY Buffalo School of Law, will discuss how to make a good impression on law school representatives at the LSAC forum, and how to effectively elicit the information that will be the most helpful to you. Ms. Kelly will also share information about opportunities and programming at Buffalo Law. This session is REQUIRED for student eligibility for this year's law school application grant.
  • November 5 & 6, Friday and Saturday (Timed entry) LSAC FORUM Networking will be most useful to those who are currently applying to law school, and those who are applying in the coming year. The forum can also be useful for toher upper classmen, particularly the workshops on the application process, LSAT, and paying for law school. The LSAC resource center at the forum has additional written materials on these topics, and also information on diversity opportunities.
  • November 9, Tuesday (6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.) JUNIORS & SENIORS Working Before Law School: Why it is valuable & How to plan. Hunter alumni with a variety of work experiences will discuss why they valued working before law school, and share tips on how they planned for the transition from their undergraduate years to working, and from working to law school. 
  • November 11, Thursday (9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.) Visit with Yale Law Associate Dean of Admissions Miriam Ingber. Dean Ingber will discuss the unique opportunities at Yale Law School, and the manner in which the admissions process unfolds internally. The Dean will also discuss characteristics of the applications for those students who are among successful applicants, and the way that students build extraordinary careers in the long term. She will take student questions as well. This event will be on Zoom, with the possibility of a very limited number of in-person seats.
  • November 17, Wednesday (1:15 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.) Freshmen: What you need to know now. You're settled in at Hunter...what are the things you should have on your checklist for the coming year? There is no required major for applying to law school but there are key strategies and goals for thinking about the semesters ahead. The questions you bring will also be discussed. 
  • November 17, Wednesday (6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.) Discussion about Clinical Work with Boston University School of Law. Chloe Mathews, Associate Director of Admissions at BU, will moderate a panel of current BU Law students regarding their law school experiences and clinics, highlighting the importance of hands-on experience as part of a legal education. The discussion will also include information about other opportunities at BU and the chance to follow up with the admissions team. 
  • November 19 & 20, Friday & Saturday,  Annual National Black Pre-Law Conference The vision of the National Black Pre-Law Conference is to provide a powerful forum to help increase the numbers of excellent, strategic and competitive African American law school applicants, students and graduates nationwide. The conference is free for students but you must register
  • November 20, Saturday (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.) CLEO Super Saturday Pre-Law Seminars, for Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and beyond at Fordham Law School. The event is free but registration is required. Note: CLEO attempts to reach students from minority groups underrepresented in the legal profession. If you are not a minority student, you may participate if you are economically or otherwise disadvantaged. NOTE: CLEO NOW CHARGES A $20 FEE; SIMILAR INFO IS AVAILABLE FROM OTHER VENUES, SUCH AS THE ANNUAL BLACK PRE-LAW CONFERENCE (ABOVE) & THE NYC BAR DIVERSITY PREP CONFERENCE IN JANUARY (BELOW).


  • December 1, Wednesday (1:15 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.) Discussion of ACLU Pauli Murray Fellowship. Representatives of the ACLU and the Pauli Murray Center will host an interactive discussion and Q&A about the new fellowship honoring the legacy of Reverend Dr. Pauli Murray, who graduated Hunter College in 1933. The work of the ACLU and internships will also be discussed. REQUIRED!!! 
  • Panelists include:
    • Eliana Piper, ACLU, Director of Strategy & Innovation
    • Sasha Frausto, ACLU, Program Manager, Early Career Talent Initiatives
    • Rosita Stevens-Holsey, Pauli Murray Family Ambassador & niece of Reverend Dr. Pauli Murray
    • Barbara Lau, Executive Director, Pauli Murray Center for History and Social Justice
  • December 1, Wednesday (6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.) Law School Application & Personal Statement Workshop - Last session for the cycle. You need only attend one session. This workshop targets students applying to law school this cycle for entry into law school for fall 2022. This workshop was also offered at the end of spring term and during the summer. Students who attended the spring/summer sessions need not attend, but are welcome if they would like a refresher or have questions. (Please attend a workshop before scheduling meetings for review of your application materials; reviews are handled in appointments.) 
  • December 8, Wednesday (1:15 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.) Discussion of NYLS Undergraduate Pipeline Summer Program. Ella Mae Estrada, Associate Dean for Enrollment Management, Financial Aid, and Diversity Initiatives will describe NYLS's program aimed at supporting first generation students over two consecutive summers. The program runs for four weeks the summer before students’ junior year and four weeks the summer before students’ senior year. As part of the program, NYLS checks in with participating students throughout their junior and senior years and provides them with law school-related resources. The curriculum, which includes four hours of class per day, four days a week, was developed and taught by NYLS’s faculty and includes: Introduction to Legal Method, Written Legal Communication, Project-Based Capstone, and more. 

January Intersession

  • January TBD - NOW APRIL! -NYC Bar Assn. LSAT/Law School Prep Conference - will be held this year in April!!!! Stay tuned! This annual event provides a one-stop shop for learining about LSAT options, selecting schools, financing your education, and networking with law schools. The event is free but registration is required on the website.
  • Winter Intersession: Moot Court Class. Moot Court is a challenging one credit Intersession course that simulates the appellate court setting. Students become knowledgeable about existing legal controversies, prepare legal arguments, and present a case before a mock judicial panel. By learning to read cases and make oral arguments, students gain insight into court-based decision making, as well as the role of lawyers and judges within the process. 

When: The class will meet for 6 evening sessions in January. Final arguments (for which you must be present) will be held thereafter on two different evenings.

Who: Registration for the course is by permission only from the Pre-Law Advising Office. Participation is capped at 12 students, and is competitive. Your chosen major is not important. What is important is that you are eager to study the art of argument.

Once you have been accepted into the course by the Pre-Law Office, the Political Science Department will give you permission to register. Recruitment for this course will open before Thanksgiving.

  • January 21, DEADLINE for Hunter LSAT Prep Diversity Initiative application - Part I. Hunter's extended, subsidized on-campus LSAT class kicks off at the beginning of the spring term; admission based on demonstrated law school interest and merit. Part I, Intro Spring Session, runs on 5 Sundays early in the term, and then includes two follow up checkins for self-study progress. There is a $75 student contribution; this is a partially subsidized program. Students pay separately for a one year subscription for access to online sample exams that are licensed exclusively by LSAC on LSAC Prep Plus
  • Students who successfully complete Part I will have priority for the Part II summer intensive that runs from June - September, for which there is also a student contribution, still to be determined. It is not possible to apply for the summer intensive program separately at this time. Seats will be made available on a space available basis. Information will be shared on the listserv in May.
  • January 27, Thursday (7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.) OR January 28, Friday (12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.), only come to one. Planning Discussion for All Fall 2022 Law School Applicants. We will discuss steps to take now in connection with being prepared to apply to law school in the fall, including cleaning up your transcripts; requesting letters of recommendation; anticipating the LSAT; associated application costs and making the most of the time remaining at Hunter. We will also discuss the value of working after college before attending law school. We will also address your questions to Q & A following the session.


  • February 2, Wednesday (1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.) Dreamleapers Professional Coaching Seminar - REQUIRED for Transfers and Freshmen for Good Standing in the Program, all levels of students welcome. Harriette Cole will help you polish your presence and help you learn how to make a positive first impression so that you can network effectively through events at Hunter and beyond. The discussion will focus on what goes into a good elevator pitch and how to draw people in through body language. This event will be via ZOOM.
  • February 9, Wednesday (7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.) on Zoom. Panel: Immigration Law. Panelists will describe their own paths to the law and the contexts—business, solo practice, and public interest—in which they practice.
    • Jenny Alcaide,Esq., Associate Attorney, Fragomen (B.A. Hunter '09, J.D. Cardozo Lal J.D. '16)
    • Mayha Ghouri, Esq., Staff Attorney, Neighbor’s Link (B.A. Hunter '14, J.D. CUNY Law '17)
    • Ingrid Perez, Esq., Principle Attorney, Terra Immigration Partners (B.A. Hunter '08, J.D. Fordham Law '13)
  • February 18, Friday (6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.) on Zoom. Panel: Fordham Law Black Law Students Association (BLSA): Understanding Law School Life - Classes, Clubs, Journals, Clinics and Jobs. Get an insider view of the world of a law student!
  • February 23, Wednesday (1:15 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.) How to Pay for Law School with AccessLex. Understand the nitty-gritty of funding your law school education. This session is an important planning tool for students at various levels in their undergraduate careers; you are encouraged to attend even if you are not applying to law school at this time. AccessLex is a non-profit group dedicated fostering access to law school, and to helping aspiring attorneys understand law school finance, to ensure their long term success.


  • March 9, Wednesday (1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.) IN PERSON Helen Gavaris, Esq. - Lunch with a Lawyer: President's Conference Room Series. Helen Gavaris is a partner with Loeb & Loeb. Ms. Gavaris focuses her diverse, national litigation practice on complex commercial real estate, creditors’ rights and title insurance cases, as well as trust and estate litigation in the New York Surrogate’s Court and other trial and appellate courts. In the real estate realm, Ms. Gavaris represents prominent financial services firms and title insurance companies. In the trust and estate area, Ms. Gavarisrepresents both individuals and corporate entities, including many leading corporate fiduciaries, such as Bank of America, Merrill Lynch Bank & Trust and U.S. Trust Company of New York. She has worked on several substantial estates, including those of Leona M. Helmsley, Harry Winston and Thomas Carvel. Ms. Gavaris is a magna cum laude graduate of Hunter College. She received her law degree, cum laude, from Brooklyn Law School. This event has been moved to the Faculty Dining Room 8th Floor Hunter West due to high demand. REQUIRED FOR GOOD STANDING, PRE-LAW PROGRAM
  • March 16, Wednesday (7:30 pm - 8:30 pm) Resume & Cover Letter Bootcamp. Your resume and cover letter are critical tools in your internship and/or job search. Both should be flawless and thoughtfully drafted; the legal industry has meticulous standards. Learn what (and what not) to include! This discussion will help those who are approaching basic resume crafting, as well as those polishing your already strong materials.
  • March 25, Friday (1:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.) Interview Preparation Workshop. This session will offer students savvy advice about making the best first impression, creating professional presence, and anticipating the hard questions for a smooth interview process, whether the interview takes place in person or virtually (as is increasingly common now). This event will be held in hybrid format; in person programming will be in Room 721 East.
  • March 28, Monday (6:00 pm - 7:30 pm) Exclusive invitation: Accountability for Crimes Against Humanity in Syria and Beyond. Discussion of the Koblenz court’s recent historic verdict - holding an Assad government official accountable for crimes against humanity - and consideration of paths forward for accountability elsewhere. The talk will be lead by human rights attorney Wolfgang Kaleck, Founder and General Secretary of the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR), and also include journalist Alia Malek, author of the Jan 25 NYT Magazine story "How a Syrian War Criminal Was Brought to Justice -- in Germany," and survivor Ruham Hawash. Group meet-up at 5:45 at Goethe Institut, 30 Irving Place, New York, NY.


  • April 7, Thursday (7:30 - 8:30) Panel on Labor & Employment Law. Alumni panelists will describe their own career arc, and the nature of the projects and issues that relate to their past and current roles: representing employers and employee clients in the administrative law context and the courts, spearheading impact litigation, and working "in house."
    • Daivy "Dave" Pierre Dambreville, Esq., Senior Counsel, Power Home Remodeling, Hunter BA '10, Penn State Law JD '13 
    • Marolhin D. Mendez, Esq., Associate for EEO/Affirmative Action & OFCCP Compliance, Jackson Lewis, Hunter BA '11, Rutgers Law '14
    • Zubin Soleimany, Esq., General Counsel, New York Taxi Workers Alliance, Bennington College BA, Hunter MA ' 10, Cardozo Law '14
  • April 12, Tuesday (6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.) Hon. Ruth Pickholz (Hunter BA '71, Chicago-Kent JD '75) Forum Host: Alternatives to Incarceration: A Chance for Change. Judge Pickholz hosts a diverse group to discuss the expansion by the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice's of Alternatives to Incarceration (ATI) programming through a new felony court in Manhattan, whose clinical work is overseen by the Center for Court Innovation. More defendants now have the opportunity to be diverted to mental health and drug dependency treatment (what is meant by ATI), as opposed to serving a jail sentence. These changes are being made in tandem with Manhattan D.A. Bragg's creation of a "Pathways" division to provide more diversion opportunities to defendants. REQUIRED FOR GOOD STANDING, PRE-LAW PROGRAM. RSVP HERE FOR ZOOM LINK.

The panel will be moderated by Judge Pickholz (Presiding, Manhattan Felony ATI Part) and includes:

    • New York County Assistant District Attorney, William Mason
    • New York County Public Defender, Nicole Guliano
    • Resource Coordinator, Lindsey Tanner
    • Resource Coordinator Support, Amanda Bard
    • Center for Court Innovation Case Management & Service Support:
      • Project Director, David Hafetz
      • Clinical Director, Michelle Pelan
  • April 26, Tuesday (5:45 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.) Law School Application & Personal Statement Workshop: For current law school applicants, 2022-2023 cycle. This workshop targets students applying to law school during the 2022-2023 cycle for entry into law school in fall 2023. Please attend an application workshop for a comprehensive overview before scheduling your individual appointments to meet with the Pre-Law Advising Office one-on-one to help you develop and review your materials (we can meet several times) in connection with your applications. This session will be offered again later in the spring, and during the summer on various dates and times. Again you only need to come to one App Workshop. RSVP here for Zoom link.
  • April 27, Wednesday (1:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.) Deep Dive on Application Techniques: For current law school applicants, 2022-2023 cycle. This session provides additional insight into the various written components of the application. We will discuss in more depth: the personal statement, resume, diversity statement, addendum, supplemental essays and more. This deep dive program will repeat periodically and is directed at students who want further tips on synthasizing application materials. RSVP here for Zoom link.
  • April 27, Wednesday (7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.) Panel on Entertainment & Intellectual Property Law. Hear about how attorneys touch various aspects of the entertainment industry, including motion pictures, television, stage, publishing and music, in connection with rights and permissions, in addition to other agreements used in the industry, and how conflicts are dealt with when they arise between parties. RSVP here for Zoom link.
  • April 30 Deadline for Pre-Law Resume Drop 2022 Internships: Like the law school model for recruitment, Hunter hosts a "resume drop." By participating in the resume drop, students may be considered for internship placement exclusive to Hunter.


  • May 4, Wednesday (1:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.) REQUIRED: Roles at a Law Firm. This panel discussion with staffers from Ropes & Gray - a prestigious AmLaw 100 firm - will discuss the various attorney and non-attorney roles that support the business of the firm. If you are considering working before law school or prefer a non-lawyer role, this panel will explain the jobs of paralegals, the business side of law firm functions, and the contributions from different staff, including attorneys. For those students who are heading straight into law school, this discussion will provide understanding of the rhythm of the firm and what to expect from law-firm "life."
    • Rachel Bacha – Senior Attorney
    • Joann Bardis – Legal Services Supervisor
    • Edward Chapman – Litigation Program Paralegal
    • Don Chiano – Senior Manager of Legal Services
    • James Hallam – Associate
    • Kaho Maeda – Corporate Program Paralegal
    • Rosa Mazzeo – Conflicts Attorney
    • Danette McKenzie-Moreau – Human Resources Manager
    • Jocelyn Meyer – Corporate Program Paralegal
    • Katherine Milanes – Legal Services Administrator
    • Archak Taghalian – Senior Client Operations Services & LPM Analyst
    • James Thompson – Litigation Program Paralegal
    • Angela Vastey – Client Development Manger


  • TBD Summer Law School Application & Personal Statement Workshops. Get your application planning underway during the summer to maximize your preparation time! This workshop targets students applying to law school during the 2022-2023 cycle for entry into law school in fall 2023, with an eye toward targeting early action fall deadlines in October. Please attend a workshop before scheduling your individual appointments to meet with the Pre-Law Advising Office one-on-one to help you develop and review your materials (we can meet several times) in connection with your applications. This workshop will be repeated each month in the summer and in the fall on various dates and times. Again, you only need to come to one workshop
Document Actions

Contact us:
Room 712, East Building | t: (212) 772-4889 | e:

Pre-Law Advising website feedback: email us
695 Park Ave
NY, NY 10065