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The Faculty


Full-Time Faculty

Andrea Kouklanakis
Associate Professor; PhD, Harvard University 
Specialties: Homeric Poetry, Latin Literature, Classical Receptions in Afro-Latin American Literature, Comparative Studies of Ancient and Modern Slavery 
1402 Hunter West; 
curriculum vitae

 M. Kowerski III
MA Advisor and Associate Professor; PhD, Rutgers University
Specialties: Greek History and Historiography, Early Greek poetry (elegy and lyric), Greek Papyrology
1425b Hunter West; (212) 772-5007
curriculum vitae

David Petrain

Department Chair and Associate Professor; PhD, Harvard University
Specialties: Latin Poetry, Hellenistic Greek Literature, Roman Visual Culture
1428 Hunter West; (212) 772-5181
curriculum vitae

Maria Silvia Sarais

Doctoral Lecturer; PhD, University of Missouri-Columbia 
Specialties: Latin Poetry, Greek and Roman Drama, Seneca, Ancient Literary Criticism, Poetic Theory, and Metapoetics, Classical Mythology and Contemporary Reception; Gender and Ethnicity in Classical Literature 
1435B Hunter West; 
curriculum vitae

Joanne Spurza

Classics Division Head, Associate Professor; PhD, Princeton University
Specialties: Ancient Roman Art, Archaeology, Architecture, and Urban Design
1427 Hunter West; (212) 772-4962
curriculum vitae

Bronwen L. Wickkiser
Solomon Bluhm Professor; PhD, University of Texas at Austin 
Specialties: Greek and Roman medicine, Greek religion, Augustan culture, Classical reception
curriculum vitae


Adjunct Faculty

Noah Davies-Mason

Adjunct Lecturer
PhD Student, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Specialties: ancient philosophy, Hellenistic poetry, pastoral poetry, didactic poetry, epicureanism, cynicism, neoplatonism
*Bluhm Scholars Program Advisor
HW 1431; (212) 772-4787

Kathleen Durkin

Adjunct Lecturer
MA. Hunter College
Specialties: Latin Pedagogy
HW1431; (212) 772-4787
Durkin CV

Timothy Hanford

Adjunct Assistant Professor
PhD, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Specialties: SenecanTragedy, Latin Pedagogy
HW 1431; (212) 772-4787

Patricia Hatcher

Adjunct Lecturer
PhD Student, The Graduate Center, CUNY
HW 1431; (212) 772-4787

Victoria Jansson

Adjunct Lecturer
PhD Student, The Graduate Center, CUNY
HW 1431; (212) 772-4787

Brian S. Kunkel

Adjunct Assistant Professor
PhD, Temple University
Specialties: Art and Archaeology of the Bronze Age Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean,
Socio-Political Evolution and State Formation in Minoan Crete
HW 1431; (212) 772-4787

Eleftheria Kallimani
Adjunct Lecturer
M.A., M.Ed., National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Specialties: Greek tragedy, Mythology, Pedagogy of Classics
HW 1431; (212) 772-4787

Shawna Leigh-Roberts
Adjunct Assistant Professor
PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Specialties: Classical Archaeology, Ancient Technology, Ancient City Planning
HW 1431; (212) 772-4787
Leigh CV

Sara Levi
Adjunct Associate Professor
PhD, Università Sapienza Roma
Specialties: Mediterranean prehistory, archaeometry, field archaeology
HW 1431; (212) 772-4787

Rama Madhu

Adjunct Lecturer
Latin MA, Hunter College
HW 1431; (212) 772-4787

Melissa Marturano

Adjunct Assistant Professor, PhD CUNY Graduate Center
Specialties: Ancient Greek and Roman gender and Sexuality Studies, Ovid, Reception
HW 1431; (212) 772-4787 
Marturano CV

Louise Michaud

Adjunct Lecturer
MA Hunter College
Specialties: Roman military, Latin pedagogy, educational technology
HW 1431; (212) 772-4787

Alessandra Migliara

Adjunct Lecturer
PhD Student, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Specialties: Greek Drama, Second Sophistic, Literary Theory, Ancient and Modern Fantastic Literature
HW 1431; (212) 772-4787

Thomas Moody

Adjunct Lecturer
PhD Student, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Specialties: Plato, Ancient Philosophy, and Urban Theory
HW 1431; (212) 772-4787

Katrina Moore

Adjunct Lecturer
PhD Student, The Graduate Center, CUNY
MA, Clemson University
Specialties: the Roman Republic and Early Empire, gender, and identity
HW 1432; (212) 772-4787

Aaron Poochigian

Adjunct Assistant Professor
PhD Classics, University of Minnesota, MFA Poetry, Columbia University
HW 1431; (212) 772-4787

Joseph S. Salemi

Adjunct Assistant Professor
PhD, New York University
Specialties: Renaissance English Literature, Neo-Latin Literature, Rhetoric
HW 1431; (718) 788-7938
curriculum vitae

Georgios Spiliotopoulos

Adjunct Assistant Professor
PhD, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Poetry (especially Homer), Attic tragedy, Papyrology 
HW 1431; (212) 772-4787

Elias J. Theodoracopoulos

Adjunct Lecturer
BA, MPhil, PhD cand., Columbia University
Greek and Latin languages and literatures (all genres and periods), esp. Greek Tragedy &
Comedy; The Western Classical Tradition; Historical Linguistics
HW 1431; (212) 772-4787

Marina Thomatos
Adjunct Assistant Professor
PhD, University of Edinburgh
Specialties: Archaeology of the Mediterranean, Aegean Prehistory, Greek Bronze and Iron Age
HW 1431; (212) 772-4787

John Young

Adjunct Lecturer
MA, Hunter College
PhD student, CUNY Graduate Center
Graduate Teaching Fellow
HW 1431; (212) 772-4787

Faculty in Related Areas

Hendrik Dey

Associate Professor, Department of Art and Art History; PhD Classical Art and Archaeology (IPCAA), U. of Michigan
Specialties: Roman, late antique and early medieval architecture and urbanism
1500E Hunter North; (212) 650-3318

Barbara Sproul

New Testament (Religion: Associate Professor; PhD, Columbia University)
1206 Hunter West; (212) 772-4986

John Wallach

Ancient Greek and Roman Political Theory (Political Science: Professor; PhD, Princeton University)
1721 Hunter West; (212) 772-5671


Emeriti (Retired) Faculty

Ronnie Ancona
Professor; PhD, Ohio State University 
Specialties: Latin Poetry, Latin Pedagogy, Women in Classical Antiquity 
1402 Hunter West; (212) 772-5065
curriculum vitae

Tamara M. Green

Professor; PhD, New York University
Specialties: Ancient History, Late Antiquity, Greek and Roman Religion  
curriculum vitae

Adele J. Haft

Professor; PhD, Princeton University 
Specialties: Epic, especially Homer; Greek Tragedy, Ancient Novel, Maps in Literature, Ancient Sports
1428 Hunter West; (212) 772-5063
curriculum vitae

Robert B. Koehl

Professor; PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Specialties: Aegean Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology
1425 Hunter West; (212) 772-5181
curriculum vitae

William J. Mayer 
Lecturer; MA, ABD, Columbia University
Specialties: Latin Pedagogy, Cicero, Vergil
curriculum vitae
in memoriam (1944-2017)

Sarah B. Pomeroy

Distinguished Professor of Classics and History, Emerita, Hunter College & The Graduate School, CUNY; PhD, Columbia University
Specialties: Women and the Family in Classical Antiquity, Social History, Papyrology 
The Sarah B. Pomeroy Papers at the Hunter College Library

Robert J. White

Professor; PhD, Yale University
Specialties: Greek Literature, Classical Mythology, Greek Tragedy, Classics in Translation, Caesar
curriculum vitae
January 2013 »